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Заметки по крафту

Тема в разделе "Крафт", создана пользователем Bloodhammer, 10 апр 2012.

  1. Bloodhammer

    Bloodhammer Administrative

    Базовые рецепты крафта

    So, I took the time to break down all the weapons and chakras. Below are the combinations of them. I haven't actually made anything yet, so this is kind of for my memory as well.

    But first... A brief overview of what I've discovered so far.

    Crafting box is designed in a 12 block grid. 3 tall x 4 long

    [ ][x][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ]

    The example given above is how I'll lay out the grids below.
    x=crafting resource
    blank = nothing

    All weapons break down into metal, regardless of type.
    Attack chakras break down into fire.
    Healing break down into dust.
    And Health break down into water.

    Weapon = Metal
    Attack = Fire
    Healing = Dust
    Health = Water

    These use metal.


    [ ][x][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ]

    [x][x][ ][ ]
    [x][x][ ][ ]
    [x][x][ ][ ]

    [x][x][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ]
    [ ][x][x][ ]


    [ ][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][x][x][x]
    [x][x][x][ ]

    [x][x][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][x]
    [ ][ ][x][ ]

    [ ][ ][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ]


    [ ][x][x][ ]
    [x][x][ ][ ]
    [ ][x][x][ ]

    [ ][x][ ][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ]

    [ ][ ][ ][x]
    [ ][ ][ ][x]

    These use fire, dust, or water.

    [ ][x][ ][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ]

    [x][ ][x][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ]

    [ ][x][x][ ]
    [x][ ][ ][x]
    [ ][x][x][ ]

    [ ][x][x][ ]
    [ ][x][x][ ]

    [x][x][x][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ]

    [x][x][x][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ]

    [x][x][x][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ]

    These use runes.

    Glyphs are used to give the weapon, or Chakra stats beyond which it's just crafted with.

    According to the GDC video there are three types of glyphs. Prefix, Core, and Suffix.

    An item can only have one of each of these, and if it already has one, you cannot give it another.

    Brief overview on runes.

    First off when making enhancements you need to use an equal number of types, at least from what I've found, and they have to be of a similar nature. For example you can use 2xWedjat(Defense) and 2xYggdrasil(Evade). However neither of those can be combined with 2x Lu(Crit). You can use 4x of the same rune though. Edit Upon further testing, this isn't always the case... You can use 3xWheel(hit) and 1xDenkyem(Crit damage) and it still goes green.


    Wheel = Hit
    Lu = Crit
    Denkyem = Crit damage
    Trinity = Penetration

    Pentagram = Magic Protection
    Koru = Physical Protection
    Wedjat = Defense
    Earth = Block
    Yggdrasil = Evade

    Can't mix these two group, but can combine within the two.

    Going off of the GDC video we can figure out that the combination for prefix is...

    [ ][x][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ]

    So that one is confirmed... Ones that I know are green-lit, but don't know what they do are...

    [ ][ ][x][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][x]
    [ ][ ][x][ ]

    As well as adding a fifth rune anywhere on the board still gives a green light.
    [x][x][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ]
    For example. Again, not sure what it does.

    Апгрейд оружия

    1) create a wpn.
    2) remove it from the tool.
    3) take 4 runes and create a glyph.
    4) place both wpn and glyph in the large field and combine them.

    Руководство по крафту

  2. Koppekmop

    Koppekmop Administrative

    Ещё с бета форума информация.
    Here is my summary I have gleaned from this thread, let me know if it needs updating/fixing. Hope this helps.

    Starting - Base>Imperfect>Normal>Sacred>Pure - Ending

    Offensive Runes
    Denkyem - Critical Power Rating
    Wheel - Hit Rating
    Lu - Critical Rating
    Trinity - Penetration Rating

    Defensive Runes
    Wedjat - Defense Rating
    Pentagram - Magical Protection Rating
    Earth - Block Rating
    Yggdrasil - Evade Rating
    Koru - Physical Protection Rating

    Fire - Used for making Offensive Chakras
    Dust - Used for making Healing Chakras ?
    Water - Used for Making Tanking Chakras ?
    Metal - Used for making ALL weapons
    Runes - Used for making Glyphs


    Assault Rifle:
    [x][ ][x][ ][ ]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

    [x][x][x][x][ ]
    [x][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

    [ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

    [x][ ][x][ ][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ][ ]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

    [ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ][ ]

    [ ][ ][ ][ ][x]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][x]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

    [ ][x][x][ ][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ][ ]
    [x][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

    [ ][x][x][x][ ]
    [x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][x][x][x][ ]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


    [ ][x][x][ ][ ]
    [x][x][x][x][ ]
    [x][x][x][x][ ]
    [ ][x][x][ ][ ]

    [ ][ ][x][ ][ ]
    [ ][x][x][x][ ]
    [ ][ ][x][ ][ ]

    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

    [ ][ ][x][x][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][x][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ][ ]
    [x][x][ ][ ][ ]

    [ ][x][x][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][ ][x][ ]
    [x][ ][ ][x][ ]
    [ ][x][x][ ][ ]

    [x][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [x][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][ ][x][x][ ]
    [ ][ ][x][x][ ]

    [ ][ ][x][ ][ ]
    [ ][x][x][x][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ][ ]

    [ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ][ ]
    [x][x][x][ ][ ]

    Water = Energy Drink HOT
    Fire = Energy Drink Leech
    Dust = Energy Drink Healing
    Metal = Energy Drink Barrier
    Ygdasil Rune = Anima Evade Rating
    Wheel Rune = Anima Hit Rating
    Trinity Rune = Anima Pen Rating
    Denkyem Rune = Anima Crit Dmg Rating
    Pentagram Rune = Anima Magical Protection
    Wedjat Rune = Anima Def. Rating
    Prefix (Glyphs):
    [ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [x][ ][x][ ][ ]
    [ ][x][ ][ ][ ]
    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

    Rune Words
    Different combinations of runes to give glyph names.

    4x Crit Power(Denkyem) = Ferocious
    3x Crit(Lu) = Brutal
    4x Pentration(Trinity) = Piercing
    4x Hit(Wheel) = Accurate
    2x Crit(Lu) + 2x Crit Power(Denkyem) = Focused
    2x Crit(Lu) + 2x Pentration(Trinity) = Fierce
    2x Crit(Lu) + 2x Hit(Wheel)= Ruthless
    2x Crit Power(Denkyem) + 2x Crit(Lu) = Focused
    2x Crit Power(Denkyem) + 2x Pentration(Trinity) = Savage
    2x Crit Power(Denkyem) + 2x Hit(Wheel) = Devastating
    2x Pentration(Trinity) + 2x Crit(Lu) = Fierce
    2x Pentration(Trinity) + 2x Crit Power(Denkyem) = Savage
    2x Pentration(Trinity) + 2x Hit(Wheel) = Ravaging
    2x Hit(Wheel) + 2x Crit Power(Denkyem) = Devastating
    2x Hit(Wheel) + 2x Crit(Lu) = Ruthless
    2x Hit(Wheel) + 2x Pentration(Trinity) = Ravaging

    4x Magical Protection(Pentagram) = Warding
    4x Physical Protection(Koru) = Steadfast
    4x Defense(Wedjat) = Stalwart
    4x Block(Earth) = Solid
    4x Evade(Yggdrasil) = Fleeting
    2x Block(Earth) + Evade(Yggdrasil) = Ardent
    2x Block(Earth) + Defense(Wedjat) = Valorous
    2x Block(Earth) + Magical Protection(Pentagram) = Pure
    2x Block(Earth) + Physical Protection(Koru) = Vigorous
    2x Physical Protection(Koru) + Defense(Wedjat) = Rugged
    2x Physical Protection(Koru) + Magical Protection(Pentagram) = Attuned
    2x Physical Protection(Koru) + Evade(Yggdrasil) = Fearless
    2x Physical Protection(Koru) + Block(Earth) = Vigorous
    2x Magical Protection(Pentagram) + Physical Protection(Koru) = Attuned
    2x Magical Protection(Pentagram) + Defense(Wedjat) = Enchanted
    2x Magical Protection(Pentagram) + Evade(Yggdrasil) = Elusive
    2x Magical Protection(Pentagram) + Block(Earth) = Pure
    2x Defense(Wedjat) + Physical Protection(Koru) = Rugged
    2x Defense(Wedjat) + Block(Earth) = Valorous
    2x Defense(Wedjat) + Magical Protection(Pentagram) = Enchanted
    2x Defense(Wedjat) + Evade(Yggdrasil) = Resilient
    2x Evade(Yggdrasil) + Magical Protection(Pentagram) = Elusive
    2x Evade(Yggdrasil) + Defense(Wedjat) = Resilient
    2x Evade(Yggdrasil) + Physical Protection(Koru) = Fearless
    2x Evade(Yggdrasil) + Block(Earth) = Ardent
  3. HooT

    HooT Registered

  4. Aec

    Aec Registered

  5. Шрам

    Шрам Дальняя разведка

    Пасиб,отличный гайд)
  6. HooT

    HooT Registered

    HidingSphynx нравится это.
  7. Воланд

    Воланд Firewind

    Люди, как понимаю крафт, одна из важнейших аспектов игры а я все еще не понимаю механику сиего действа, может кто на пальцах обьяснить или дать ссылочку на русский гайд?
    Просто интересует вопросы:

    1. Для чего вообще нужны toolkit?
    2. Как вообще создавать вещи? как я понял из одного квеста надо что то разобрать и из этих зап частей собрать другое?
    3. Собранные вещи лучше/хуже тех, которые выбивают с боссов?
    4. Чертежи все стандартные или есть что то уникальное?
  8. Greeen

    Greeen Firewind

    1. Тулкиты нужны для создания вещей в игре.
    2. Был кв в первой локе(Кингсмус) Там все нарисовано.
    3. Все зависит от боссов ;). Лучше всего вещи покупать у НПС, а Глифы за ПВП(тоже у НПС).
    4. Походу уникальности нет =).