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11 April 2024

Improve your customer support with Drupal help modules.

When managing Drupal websites, a reliable Drupal helpdesk is critical to ensuring that everything goes smoothly. This is especially important as Drupal 7 modules begin to phase out, making the need for a robust helpdesk even more crucial. While there isn’t a specific Drupal module for helpdesks, there are many Drupal modules you can use to run a helpdesk.

If you don’t want to run your own helpdesk, you can outsource this task to an experienced and reputable provider like Salsa Digital. Salsa Drupal Support is designed to address all tasks swiftly, even last-minute tasks, and will ensure your website operates smoothly. Keep reading for more information about Drupal helpdesks or contact Salsa’s Drupal Support.

Challenges in running a Drupal helpdesk

Despite its importance, building and running a Drupal helpdesk presents unique challenges. Effectively addressing these challenges is crucial for providing quality support.

Here are some common issues you might face when running a Drupal helpdesk:

  • Diverse technical issues: Drupal websites vary significantly in their complexity and customisation, which means a wide range of technical issues — from module conflicts to theme-related problems. Solving these issues requires a deep understanding of Drupal's architecture.

  • Constant software updates: Drupal is an evolving platform, and frequent updates are released to enhance security and functionality. Keeping up with these updates, testing for compatibility issues and ensuring a smooth client transition can be challenging.

  • Varied user skill levels: Users reaching out to a Drupal helpdesk can have different levels of technical expertise, which can make it harder to communicate solutions effectively. Therefore, you must be able to respond effectively to queries from any skill level to provide a positive support experience.

  • Module compatibility and integration: Drupal websites often rely on various modules for added functionalities, which can lead to compatibility or integration issues. Ensuring compatibility between different modules and addressing integration challenges quickly is crucial to prevent conflicts and maintain website stability.

  • Performance optimisation: Drupal websites may face performance issues, especially as content grows. Identifying and optimising database queries, server configurations and other performance-related factors requires a deep understanding of Drupal's intricacies.

  • Scalability and growth challenges: Supporting Drupal websites as they scale and grow can be challenging. Planning for increased traffic, optimising server resources and ensuring the website remains responsive are ongoing considerations for a Drupal helpdesk.

  • Security concerns: Drupal, like any other CMS, is susceptible to security vulnerabilities. A Drupal helpdesk must stay vigilant about emerging threats, apply security patches promptly and guide clients on best practices for securing their websites.

  • Custom code challenges: Many Drupal websites include custom code to meet specific business requirements. Debugging, maintaining and troubleshooting issues related to custom code can be time-consuming and require in-depth knowledge of the site's unique architecture.

  • Communication and documentation: Effective communication is key in running a Drupal helpdesk. Ensuring clear communication with clients, understanding their issues and providing comprehensive documentation for resolution are vital components of successful support.

  • Downtime mitigation: Minimising website downtime during updates, bug fixes or other routine maintenance tasks is crucial. Coordinating with clients to schedule these activities during low-traffic periods and having effective rollback plans are essential for reducing disruptions.

  • User training and education: Training and educating users on addressing simple recurring issues can be challenging. Thus, ongoing user training and education are important, especially when new features are introduced. Empowering users to handle common tasks independently can reduce the volume of support requests.

  • Workflow streamlining: The workflows in a helpdesk can become quite complex and make it more difficult to address issues swiftly. Streamlining internal workflows and optimising processes, from ticket assignment to escalation procedures, helps deliver timely and effective support.

Addressing these challenges requires a combination of technical expertise, effective communication, and a proactive approach to staying informed about the latest developments in the Drupal ecosystem.

Building your own Drupal helpdesk

Building your own Drupal helpdesk involves careful planning, resource allocation and the integration of various components. Below is a visual breakdown of what's required to build your own Drupal helpdesk.

Diagram illustrating all the steps needed to build your own Drupal help desk

Breakdown of what you need to build your own Drupal helpdesk

1. Technical infrastructure

  • Drupal modules: Identify and install Drupal modules that support helpdesk functionalities. Some modules may include ticketing systems, user management tools and communication modules.

  • Integration with existing modules: Ensure seamless integration with existing modules used in your Drupal website for a cohesive user experience.

2. Staffing needs

  • Project manager: Hire a project manager to oversee the helpdesk operations, prioritise tasks and coordinate efforts.

  • Drupal developers: Employ Drupal developers with expertise in resolving technical issues, debugging and implementing custom solutions.

  • Quality assurance personnel: Have quality assurance professionals thoroughly test solutions before deploying them to ensure they meet quality standards.

  • Drupal technical lead: Appoint a Drupal technical lead to guide the technical aspects of the helpdesk and provide expertise in complex problem-solving.

3. Cost considerations

  • Budgeting: Allocate funds for hiring staff, training, infrastructure and ongoing maintenance.

  • Total cost of ownership (TCO): Consider the long-term costs associated with maintaining an in-house helpdesk, including salaries, benefits and ongoing training.

4. Modules and tools

  • Ticketing system: Implement a robust ticketing system to efficiently manage and track support requests.

  • User management tools: Use tools that help user management, allowing easy tracking of user interactions and providing personalised support.

  • Communication modules: Integrate modules that enable effective communication with users, such as chat systems or forums.

5. Training and onboarding

  • Training programs: Develop training programs for your staff to ensure they’re well-versed in Drupal, the helpdesk system, and effective customer communication.

  • Onboarding processes: Establish onboarding processes for new staff to quickly integrate them into the helpdesk team.

6. Documentation

  • Internal documentation: Create comprehensive documentation for internal use, outlining workflows, processes and best practices.

  • User guides: Develop user guides for clients, providing information on how to submit tickets, troubleshoot common issues and maximise the use of the helpdesk.

7. User communication

  • Channels of communication: Set up communication channels such as email, chat or a dedicated portal for users to submit support requests.

  • Automated responses: Implement automated responses to acknowledge ticket submissions and set expectations for response times.

8. Monitoring and reporting

Illustration of a help desk manager sitting at a desk, looking up at multiple dashboards in front of him
  • Performance monitoring: Establish tools and processes for monitoring the performance of the helpdesk, including response times, ticket resolution rates and user satisfaction.

  • Reporting systems: Develop reporting systems to generate insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of the helpdesk operations.

9. Scalability planning

  • Scalability considerations: Plan for future growth by considering how the helpdesk can scale to handle increased support requests and expanded functionalities.

10. Security measures

  • Data security: Implement security measures to protect user data and sensitive information within the helpdesk system.

  • User authentication: Ensure secure user authentication processes to prevent unauthorised access.

11. Continuous improvement

  • Feedback mechanism: Establish a feedback mechanism for users to provide insights into their experiences with the helpdesk.

  • Iterative improvements: Continuously iterate on your helpdesk processes and systems based on user feedback and evolving business needs.

  • Privacy and compliance: Ensure that your helpdesk operations comply with privacy regulations and industry standards.

Building your own Drupal helpdesk requires a comprehensive understanding of your business needs, technical requirements and a commitment to ongoing improvement. It's essential to weigh the benefits against the costs and consider outsourcing options for more specialised and cost-effective solutions.

Drupal helpdesk modules

If you’re considering building your own in-house Drupal helpdesk, we’ve identified some Drupal modules that will help you. It’s important to remember that no one Drupal module or Drupal distribution will fulfil all of the requirements and features of a typical helpdesk. You’ll need to build an entire Drupal website and pick from the available contributed modules.

Below we have listed some Drupal modules to get you started.

Note: Some of the modules are for Drupal 7 only. We’ve included the available versions in brackets next to the module title.

We highly recommend building your new Drupal helpdesk site from Drupal 10. If you currently have a Drupal 7 or 9 website, it might be worthwhile to upgrade to Drupal 10 first. Find out more about our project services for migrating to Drupal 10, or view our unique End-of-Life options.

  1. Support moduleExternal Link (D7): Provides basic ticketing and issue-tracking capabilities, allowing users to create, manage and respond to support tickets.

  2. Webform moduleExternal Link (D7-D10): Enables the creation of customised forms for users to submit support requests. It’s a versatile module suitable for various form-building needs.

  3. Ticket moduleExternal Link (D7): Offers a simple ticketing system, allowing users to submit tickets and administrators to manage and respond to them. It provides a lightweight solution for handling support requests.

  4. FAQ moduleExternal Link (D7-D10): Enables the creation of a frequently asked questions (FAQs) section on your website. Users can find answers to common queries without having to submit support tickets.

  5. Flag moduleExternal Link (D7-D10): A versatile module allows users to flag content, including support requests or FAQs. It can be configured for custom flags to serve different purposes within a helpdesk system.

  6. Rules moduleExternal Link (D7-D10): A powerful module for automating actions on a Drupal site based on events or conditions. It can set up automated responses or ticket assignments for specific triggers.

  7. Message notify moduleExternal Link (D9-D10): Extends Drupal's notification system, allowing users to receive email notifications for various events, including updates to support tickets. It helps keep users informed about the status of their requests.

  8. Entityqueue moduleExternal Link (D7-D10): Allows the creation of queues of entities (e.g. support tickets) and managing their order. It can be used to prioritise or organise tickets within a helpdesk system.

  9. Masquerade moduleExternal Link (D7-D10): Enables administrators to temporarily assume the identity of another user. This can be useful for support teams to view the site from the perspective of users who are experiencing issues.

  10. Pathauto moduleExternal Link (D7-D10): Useful for creating user-friendly URLs. Clear and descriptive URLs can make it easier for users to navigate to support resources.

  11. Token moduleExternal Link (D7-D10): Provides a system for inserting dynamic data into text fields. Often used in conjunction with other modules to create dynamic and personalised responses in support tickets.

Expert advice and tips for selecting effective Drupal helpdesk modules

When selecting any Drupal-contributed module, it’s important to assess a few things:

  1. Compatibility — Ensure that the module is compatible with the version of Drupal you’re using.

  2. Documentation — Look for modules with comprehensive and well-maintained documentation. Good documentation makes it easier to understand how to install, configure and use the module effectively.

  3. Active development — Choose modules that are actively developed and maintained. Check the module's update and release history to ensure it receives regular updates to address bugs and security vulnerabilities.

  4. Security — Does Drupal’s security advisory policyExternal Link cover the module?

  5. Community engagement — Evaluate the level of community support and engagement for the module. Check the module's issue queue on Drupal.orgExternal Link to see how responsive maintainers are to user questions and bug reports.

  6. Usage statistics — Review the module's usage statistics on Drupal.orgExternal Link . Higher usage numbers can indicate that the module is widely adopted and trusted by the community.

  7. Dependencies — Check if the module has any dependencies on other modules or libraries. Ensure that you’re prepared to install and configure any required dependencies.

  8. Performance — Evaluate the performance impact of the module. Some modules may have a higher resource usage, impacting the performance of your website.

  9. User feedback — Look for user ratings and reviews on Drupal.orgExternal Link . Feedback from other users can provide insights into the module's strengths, weaknesses and potential issues.

  10. Similar modules — Explore similar modules that provide similar functionalities.

  11. Testing — Sometimes, testing the module in your current environment can reveal great insights that you may not be aware of, such as errors caused by clashing with other installed modules or configurations.

  12. Long-term viability — Choose modules that are likely to be supported and updated in the future, minimising the risk of compatibility issues as Drupal evolves.

We have taken the Webform moduleExternal Link as an example and highlighted where you can find some of this information.

Screenshots of the Drupal Webform module with annotations showing the important information to note

Screenshots of the Drupal Webform module

Screenshots of the Drupal Webform module with annotations showing the important information to note

Screenshots of the Drupal Webform module.

Benefits of implementing Drupal helpdesk modules

Building an in-house Drupal helpdesk comes with its own set of advantages, especially when tailored to the specific needs and workflows of your organisation.

Diagram illustrating the process of building a help desk ith different modules

Below are some benefits of building your own in-house Drupal helpdesk:

  1. Customisation and tailoring: An in-house helpdesk can be customised to align closely with your organisation's specific requirements, workflows and business processes.

  2. Direct control and ownership: Having an in-house helpdesk means you have direct control and ownership of the support processes, allowing for immediate adjustments based on changing needs.

  3. Integration with internal systems: Integration with other internal systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) or project management tools, is simpler when the helpdesk is built in-house.

  4. Focused expertise: Your in-house team gains specialised knowledge about your specific Drupal setup, business context and user base, leading to more effective and personalised support.

  5. Immediate response and priority handling: The in-house team can prioritise support requests based on the organisation's immediate needs, ensuring critical issues receive prompt attention.

  6. Adaptability to organisational changes: The helpdesk can be easily scaled or adapted to accommodate changes in the organisation's size, structure or support requirements.

  7. Increased communication efficiency: In-house teams can establish direct communication channels with other departments, facilitating faster issue resolution and a better understanding of overall business goals.

  8. Focused training programs: In-house teams can receive targeted training programs aligned with the organisation's specific Drupal environment, ensuring proficiency in handling unique challenges.

  9. Immediate access to Drupal developers: If your organisation has Drupal developers in-house, the helpdesk can have direct access to these experts, speeding up issue resolution and development-related tasks.

  10. Confidentiality and security: In-house helpdesks can offer a higher level of control over data security, ensuring that sensitive information is handled in accordance with the organisation's security policies.

Benefits of acquiring a Drupal helpdesk service provider

Acquiring a Drupal helpdesk service provider offers a range of benefits that can significantly enhance the efficiency, reliability and overall performance of your Drupal website. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Timely ticket response: A dedicated Drupal helpdesk ensures prompt responses to support tickets. This timely assistance minimises downtime, addresses issues quickly and enhances the overall user experience.

  2. 24/7 Critical Drupal support when needed: Drupal helpdesk service providers are equipped to handle critical issues anytime, including outside regular business hours. This ensures that your Drupal website receives immediate attention during emergencies, reducing the impact of potential disruptions.

  3. Focus on your business: Outsourcing Drupal support allows your internal team to concentrate on core business activities. Instead of dealing with technical issues, your staff can focus on strategic initiatives, innovation and driving business growth.

  4. Expertise and specialised knowledge: Drupal helpdesk service providers, like Salsa Digital Drupal Support, bring a wealth of expertise and specialised knowledge in managing Drupal websites. The teams are typically well-versed in the intricacies of Drupal, ensuring effective problem-solving and optimisation.

  5. Cost-effectiveness: Acquiring a helpdesk service provider can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team. It eliminates the need for hiring, training and retaining specialised staff, reducing overall labour costs.

  6. Scalability and flexibility: helpdesk service providers can scale their services according to your needs. Whether your website experiences sudden growth or requires temporary additional support, a service provider can adapt quickly to changing requirements.

  7. Comprehensive support services: Drupal helpdesk service providers often offer a range of comprehensive services, including support onboarding, phone support, monthly statements of support tickets and deliverables such as quotes and management of support via service desk workflows.

  8. Integration of knowledge base: Service providers can integrate a Drupal knowledge base into the support system. This helps users access relevant information, self-solve common issues and reduce the number of support tickets.

  9. Efficient ticket assignment and escalation: helpdesk service providers have established workflows for efficient ticket assignment and escalation. This ensures that each support request is directed to the appropriate personnel, maximising the chances of quick resolution.

  10. Community contribution: Reputable service providers often contribute back to the Drupal community by actively participating in solving public Drupal issue queues, providing patches and supporting the open source nature of Drupal.

  11. Continuous improvement: Service providers are committed to continuous improvement in their support services. They leverage their experience and client feedback to enhance processes, implement best practices and stay ahead of evolving Drupal technologies.

  12. Risk mitigation: helpdesk service providers can help mitigate risks associated with security vulnerabilities and data breaches. They stay informed about the latest security threats and apply patches promptly to protect your Drupal website.

  13. Proactive problem resolution: Service providers often take a proactive approach to problem resolution. By actively monitoring your Drupal site, they can identify and address potential issues before they escalate, minimising the impact on your website's performance.

Integrating external systems

Integrated external systems can enhance the functionalities of a helpdesk, providing additional tools and features to streamline support processes. Below are some commonly used integrated external systems for a helpdesk, including those that can complement Drupal helpdesk services.

  1. FreshdeskExternal Link : Freshdesk is a popular cloud-based helpdesk software that offers ticketing, knowledge base and multi-channel support. It provides a user-friendly interface and integrates seamlessly with various platforms.
    Screenshot of Freshdesk support page
    Salsa’s Drupal Support and the Salsa-run GovCMS Service Desk both use Freshdesk.
  2. Atlassian Jira Service ManagementExternal Link : Jira Service Management is a powerful service desk solution that integrates with Jira, Atlassian's project management and issue-tracking tool. It enables efficient incident, problem and change management.

    Screenshot of Atlassian Jira Service Management page
  3. ZendeskExternal Link : Zendesk is a versatile customer support platform that includes ticketing, knowledge base, live chat and community forums. It’s designed to streamline customer interactions and support workflows.

    Screenshot of Zendesk homepage
  4. HubSpot Service Hub:External Link HubSpot Service Hub is a comprehensive customer service platform that provides ticketing, a knowledge base, live chat and automation. It integrates seamlessly with other HubSpot tools for a holistic customer relationship management (CRM) experience.

    Screenshot of Hubspot Service Hub
  5. ServiceNowExternal Link : ServiceNow is an enterprise-level service management platform that offers IT service management (ITSM) and beyond. It includes incident management, problem management, change management, and more.

    Screenshot of Servicenow homepage
  6. Salesforce Service CloudExternal Link : Salesforce Service Cloud is a customer service and support application that provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing customer interactions, cases and knowledge.

    Screenshot of Salesforce Service Cloud page
  7. IntercomExternal Link : Intercom is a messaging platform that supports live chat, email and in-app messaging. It’s designed for customer engagement and communication.

    Screenshot of Intercom homepage
  8. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer ServiceExternal Link : Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service is part of the Dynamics 365 suite, offering tools for case management, knowledge base and automation.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service landing page

Why choose Salsa Digital for Drupal helpdesk services

Salsa’s Drupal Support gives you a dedicated team of global experts. We offer 24/7 support, diverse expertise, fast response and resolution times, a range of support options, and security patching to give you peace of mind.

Our approach to Drupal helpdesk

We provide a user-friendly and efficient support ticketing system, combined with fast response times, skilled experts and proactive communication, ensuring that your support needs are addressed promptly and effectively. Our services encompass support onboarding, phone support, monthly support ticket statements, and deliverables like quotes and management via service desk workflows.

At Salsa Digital, we also believe in giving back to the community. We actively contribute to solving public Drupal issue queues, providing patches that benefit the Drupal ecosystem as a whole.

Setting up a Drupal helpdesk

Find out more about setting up and running our Drupal Service Desk

Salsa Digital’s take

A dependable Drupal helpdesk is a game-changer for website owners. Salsa Digital offers a comprehensive solution, addressing challenges and providing unmatched support. We can help you elevate your digital experience.

Contact Salsa Digital today for expert Drupal helpdesk services.