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26 September 2023
Kristen Pol

Improving performance for a better user experience

Website performance is crucial for ensuring an exceptional user experience, retaining visitors and achieving higher conversion rates. In today's fast-paced digital landscape, users expect websites to load quickly, function smoothly and provide a seamless experience across devices. A slow or unresponsive website can lead to increased bounce rates and poor search engine rankings.

Drupal, a powerful open-source content management system (CMS), is widely used for creating and managing a variety of websites. With its extensive features, flexibility and scalability, Drupal has become a popular choice for web developers and site owners.

This comprehensive self-help guide is the second part of a 6-part series that aims to give you in-depth knowledge and actionable insights to enhance your Drupal website across the 6 metrics of:

  1. Security
  2. Performance
  3. Accessibility
  4. Patches
  5. SEO
  6. Carbon emissions

In this guide, we’ll explore the importance of website performance, its impact on user experience and conversions, and the benefits of optimal performance. Additionally, we’ll delve into the contributing factors that influence performance, as well as actionable steps to improve it on Drupal websites. By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to enhance the performance of your Drupal site and reap the rewards of a faster, more efficient online presence.

Go to our top 10 ways to improve Drupal performance

Part 1 — Understanding performance

What is website performance?

Website performanceExternal Link refers to the speed, efficiency and overall responsiveness of a site. It encompasses aspects such as page load timeExternal Link , server response timeExternal Link and resource optimisationExternal Link . A well-performing website not only improves user experience but also has a positive impact on search engine rankings, conversions and customer satisfaction.

Why is performance important?

Ensuring optimal performance for your Drupal website is crucial for:

  1. User experience: A website's performance has a direct impact on user experience. Slow loading pages and unresponsive elements can frustrate users, leading to higher bounce ratesExternal Link and lower engagement. On the other hand, a fast and efficient website keeps visitors engaged, increasing the likelihood of conversions and return visits.

  2. Search engine rankings: Search engines like Google consider performance an essential factor when ranking websites. A fast-loading website is more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs)External Link , often resulting in increased organic trafficExternal Link and visibility.

  3. Conversions and revenue: Better website performance can lead to increased conversions and revenue. Studies have shownExternal Link that faster loading times improve conversion ratesExternal Link , as users are more likely to make a purchase or sign up for a service on a website that functions seamlessly. According to unbounceExternal Link , “Nearly 70% of consumers admit that page speed influences their likeliness to buy.”

Global authorities and guidelines

There are several organisations and tools that provide guidelines and best practices for website performance optimisation, including:

Positive impact of performance optimisation

A well-performing website can result in numerous benefits, such as:

  • Improved user experience including better mobile UX
  • Higher search engine rankings and organic traffic
  • Increased conversions and revenue
  • Enhanced brand reputation and customer loyalty
  • Better scalability to allow for more users

Consequences of ignoring website performance

Ignoring website performance, on the other hand, can lead to negative consequences, including:

  • Frustrated users and higher bounce rates, especially on mobile devices
  • Lower search engine rankings and organic traffic
  • Decreased conversions and revenue
  • Damage to brand reputation and customer trust
  • Reduced ability to handle higher amounts of traffic

By understanding the importance of website performance and its impact on various aspects of a business, you can prioritise optimisation efforts and create a more successful online presence.

Part 2 — Drupal and performance

Drupal's capabilities and features for performance

Drupal, as a powerful open-source CMS, offers a variety of capabilities and features that can help you optimise your website's performance. These features include:

  • Caching: Drupal has built-in caching mechanismsExternal Link that help reduce server load and speed up page load times. The system can cache various types of content, such as pages, blocks and other entities, and can be further optimised with additional contributed modules.

  • CSS and JavaScript aggregation: Drupal can automatically aggregate and compress CSS and JavaScript filesExternal Link , reducing the number of HTTP requestsExternal Link and improving page load times. This functionality can be easily enabled through the admin interface and is enabled by default for more recent versions of Drupal.

  • Image optimisation: Drupal offers built-in image optimisation features, such as image stylesExternal Link and responsive image stylesExternal Link , which ensure that the appropriate image size is served based on different use cases, devices and screen sizes. Additionally, there are contributed modules that provide advanced image compression and optimisation.

  • Lazy loading: Lazy loadingExternal Link is a technique that delays the loading of non-critical elements on a page until they’re needed. There are several Drupal modules that support lazy loading for images, videos, iframes and third-party assets, improving overall page load times.

  • Additional modules: The Drupal ecosystem provides a large number of contributed modulesExternal Link to help with performance optimisation, monitoring and analysis.

Drupal and global authorities' guidelines

Drupal can be configured to align with best practices and guidelines provided by global authorities on web performance, such as Google PageSpeed InsightsExternal Link and W3CExternal Link . By using Drupal's built-in features and contributed modules, you can implement many of the recommended optimisations and improvements without custom code.

Examples of well-performing and poor-performing Drupal sites

Drupal versions and performance considerations

Different Drupal versions come with their own sets of features and improvements related to performance:

By understanding the performance capabilities and features of each Drupal version, you can make informed decisions when building and optimising your Drupal website.

Part 3 — Top 10 ways to improve Drupal performance

The top 10 ways to improve your Drupal website’s performance are:

  1. Caching
  2. CSS, JavaScript and markup optimisation
  3. Image optimisation
  4. Lazy loading
  5. Content Delivery Network (CDN) and static site integration
  6. Database optimisation
  7. Web server and PHP configuration
  8. Module management
  9. Theme optimisation
  10. Monitoring and ongoing optimisation

1. Caching

What it is: CachingExternal Link is the process of storing copies of data temporarily in easily accessible locations so that future requests for the same data can be served faster. In Drupal, various types of content can be cached, such as pages, blocks, and other entities.

How it impacts performance: Caching significantly reduces server load and improves page load times, as the server can quickly serve cached content instead of repeatedly processing the same content.

Steps to implement:

  1. Enable page caching in the Drupal admin interface under Configuration >Development > Performance. Configure the cache lifetime based on your content update frequency. Learn more about Drupal’s Internal Page CacheExternal Link and Dynamic Page CacheExternal Link .

  2. Configure Views and Panels to use caching based on usage patterns.

  3. Install and configure additional caching modulesExternal Link , such as RedisExternal Link , MemcacheExternal Link or File CacheExternal Link , for improved caching performance.

  4. Optimise your caching strategy with advanced modules like Cache Control OverrideExternal Link , HTTP Cache ControlExternal Link and Sessionless BigPipeExternal Link .

  5. Warm your cache for faster response times with the WarmerExternal Link module. Consider using longer cache expiry times along with cache purging and warming as needed.

  6. Use the Cache TagsExternal Link and Cache ContextsExternal Link features in custom code to provide granular control over your caching strategy.

  7. Install and run the Site audit moduleExternal Link for cache reports and suggestions.

Screenshot of Drupal’s Performance settings page

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s Performance settings page.

Screenshot of part of Drupal’s Site audit caching reports (1 of 3)

Above: Screenshot of part of Drupal’s Site audit caching reports (1 of 3).

Screenshot of part of Drupal’s Site audit caching reports (2 of 3)

Above: Screenshot of part of Drupal’s Site audit caching reports (2 of 3).

Screenshot of part of Drupal’s Site audit caching reports (2 of 3)

Above: Screenshot of part of Drupal’s Site audit caching reports (3 of 3).

2. CSS, JavaScript and markup optimisation

What it is: Optimising CSS, JavaScript and HTML markup is a simple performance task that includes minification and aggregation. CSS and JavaScript aggregationExternal Link is the process of combining multiple files into a minimal number of compressed files. This reduces the number of HTTP requests required to load a page, leading to faster load times. MinificationExternal Link removes unnecessary spaces and characters from an asset to reduce its size, which lets it load faster as well.

How it impacts performance: By simplifying, aggregating and compressing CSS and JavaScript files and HTML markup, you can reduce the number and size of HTTP requests, leading to improved page load times and a better user experience.

Steps to implement:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Development > Performance in the Drupal admin interface. Check the boxes for "Aggregate CSS files" and "Aggregate JavaScript files" and save the configuration.

  2. Validate your markup using the W3C validatorExternal Link or similar, as malformed HTML can be less performant. You can also validate your CSS with a CSS validatorExternal Link and your JavaScript with your code editor.

  3. Install and configure Minify Source HTMLExternal Link to reduce your markup.

  4. Consider installing and configuring the Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation moduleExternal Link or Minify JSExternal Link for more advanced settings. Note that you should carefully test your site after enabling these types of modules and when changing any settings. Make sure to run before and after performance checks with LighthouseExternal Link or similar tools as well as run visual regression testingExternal Link to ensure the pages look the same.

Screenshot of Drupal’s Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation module settings page

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation module settings page.

3. Image optimisation

What it is: Image optimisationExternal Link delivers images in the most efficient format, size and compression level, without compromising on quality. Drupal provides built-in features such as image stylesExternal Link , responsive image stylesExternal Link (based on breakpointsExternal Link ) and the GD toolkitExternal Link to optimise images for different use cases, devices and screen sizes.

How it impacts performance: Optimising images reduces their file size and ensures that the appropriate size is served to different devices, resulting in faster page load times and improved user experience.

Steps to implement:

  1. Define image styles in Drupal by navigating to Configuration > Media > Image styles.

  2. Define responsive image styles in Drupal by navigating to Configuration > Media > Responsive image styles.

  3. Apply the image styles to your image fields for all your content entities.

  4. If your web server or hosting provider supports it, you can use the ImageMagickExternal Link module rather than the default GD/GD2 libraryExternal Link for some advantagesExternal Link .

  5. Adjust your JPEG quality to the minimal acceptable level by navigating to Configuration > Media > Image toolkit.

  6. Optionally, install and configure additional image optimisation modules, such as Image OptimizeExternal Link and Image Optimize BinariesExternal Link . Also, some CDNs provide image optimisation features as well.

  7. Warm your image styles for faster response times with the Image Style WarmerExternal Link module.

Screenshot of Drupal’s Image styles settings page

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s Image styles settings page.

Screenshot of Drupal’s Responsive image styles settings page

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s Responsive image styles settings page.

Screenshot of Drupal’s Image toolkit settings page with default settings

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s Image toolkit settings page with default settings.

Screenshot of Drupal’s Image toolkit settings page when ImageMagick is installed

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s Image toolkit settings page when ImageMagick is installed.

4. Lazy loading

What it is: Lazy loadingExternal Link is a technique that delays the loading of non-critical elements on a page until they’re needed, such as when the user scrolls to a different location on the page. This can help improve initial page load times. Lazy loading is typically used with images but can also be used with iframes, videos and any file asset that isn’t needed for the content currently in view.

How it impacts performance: Implementing lazy loading improves overall page load times by only loading the content that is immediately visible to the user, reducing the amount of data that needs to be loaded initially.

Note: If you’re using Drupal 9.1 or later, loading=”lazy” is added to image field markup by defaultExternal Link . In Drupal 9.4, a UI was added to allow you to enable or disable lazy loading for image fieldsExternal Link (via both content type and Views displays). In Drupal 10.1, the loading attribute was added to responsive imagesExternal Link . If there are any image fields that should not be lazy-loaded, you can disable it — but disable it with caution due to the potential performance impact.

Steps to implement:

  1. For additional lazy loading features or older versions of Drupal, install a Drupal module that supports lazy loading, such as BlazyExternal Link , Lazy LoadExternal Link or OEmbed LazyloadExternal Link .

  2. Configure the module settings to enable lazy loading for images, videos, iframes and other supported content and files.

  3. Update your theme's templates to use the lazy-loading attribute (i.e. loading=”lazy”) on any hardcoded image tags as appropriate.

Screenshot of Drupal’s image field loading settings via Manage Display UI

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s image field loading settings via Manage Display UI.

Screenshot of Drupal’s image field loading settings via Views UI

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s image field loading settings via Views UI.

5. Content Delivery Network (CDN) and static site integration

What it is: A Content Delivery Network (CDN)External Link is a system of distributed servers that store and serve copies of your website's static assets — such as images, CSS and JavaScript files — to users from servers that are geographically closer to them. This reduces latency and improves load times. A static rendition of your website takes things one step further so all (or most) of your web pages are served without the need for the Drupal backend. You can still use Drupal to edit your content while having a static “frontend” for the best of both worlds.

How it impacts performance: By integrating a CDN with your website, you can significantly decrease load times for users around the globe, as their requests are served by servers that are closer to their location. Decoupling your website to use a static version of your website for your public users can speed up your web pages as they no longer need to hit the Drupal CMS.

Note: Based on the type of CDNExternal Link , it can pull assets into its distributed servers or you push them to the assets out. For static solutions, look for options that allow you to push out incremental changes to your website rather than having to rebuild the static site assets every time.

Steps to integrate a CDN:

  1. Choose a CDN provider, such as QuantCDNExternal Link , AkamaiExternal Link , CloudflareExternal Link , Amazon CloudFrontExternal Link or FastlyExternal Link . Install the Drupal CDN moduleExternal Link (for “pull-based CDNs”), or use a contributed module that integrates with your chosen CDN provider such as QuantCDNExternal Link or CloudFlareExternal Link

  2. Update your site's configuration to serve assets from the CDN per the CDN provider’s documentation such as QuantCDNExternal Link or CloudFlareExternal Link .

  3. Enable additional performance optimisation features provided by the CDN such as image optimisation.

  4. If you need your website’s files (i.e. typically in sites/default/files or similar) distributed globally as well, you can use QuantCDNExternal Link or the S3 File System moduleExternal Link for S3 storageExternal Link or check with your CDN provider’s configuration options.

Steps to implement a static website solution:

  1. Choose a static approach for your website such as using the QuantCDN moduleExternal Link for Quant static hostingExternal Link or the Tome moduleExternal Link with a hosting provider extension such as Microsoft AzureExternal Link or NetlifyExternal Link .

  2. For Drupal 7, use the QuantCDN moduleExternal Link for a static site or the Boost moduleExternal Link for static page caching.

  3. Install and configure the chosen modules per the provider’s documentation.

  4. Set up your domains on the static hosting provider’s platform. Ideally, you will have a backend domain for your Drupal site, e.g. edit.example.com, that will be locked down for only your site administrators and content editors.

  5. If you have pages that must be dynamically-generated, look at options to “proxy” those URLs/routes to Drupal while keeping the rest of the website static.

Screenshot of QuantCDN’s Drupal module main configuration settings

Above: Screenshot of QuantCDN’s Drupal module main configuration settings.

Screenshot of QuantCDN’s Drupal module seed configuration settings for pushing content and assets to the CDN.

Above: Screenshot of QuantCDN’s Drupal module seed configuration settings for pushing content and assets to the CDN.

Screenshot of the Drupal CDN UI module settings

Above: Screenshot of the Drupal CDN UI module settings.

6. Database optimisation

What it is: Database optimisationExternal Link involves the regular maintenance and fine-tuning of your Drupal site's database to ensure it’s running efficiently and not contributing to performance bottlenecks.

How it impacts performance: An optimised database can improve site performance by reducing the time it takes for the site to retrieve and process data from the database.

Steps to implement:

  1. Regularly check for and remove orphaned or unused tablesExternal Link and records.

  2. Optimise your database tables using a tool such as phpMyAdminExternal Link , the Drupal OptimizeDBExternal Link or DB MaintenanceExternal Link modules, or by manually running the "OPTIMIZE TABLE" SQL commandExternal Link as needed. See the comparison of these Drupal contributed modulesExternal Link .

  3. Install and run the WebProfiler moduleExternal Link for database query analysis per page.

  4. Install and run the Site audit moduleExternal Link for general database reports and suggestions.

  5. Review other Drupal MySQL optimisation tipsExternal Link and apply those applicable to your database.

Screenshot of the Drupal OptimizeDB module settings

Above: Screenshot of the Drupal OptimizeDB module settings.

Screenshot of the Drupal DB Maintenance module settings

Above: Screenshot of the Drupal DB Maintenance module settings.

Screenshot of running OPTIMIZE TABLE on the Drupal batch table

Above: Screenshot of running OPTIMIZE TABLE on the Drupal batch table.

Screenshot of part of Drupal’s Site audit database report

Above: Screenshot of part of Drupal’s Site audit database report.

Screenshot of Drupal’s WebProfiler info bar with database query summary

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s WebProfiler info bar with database query summary.

Screenshot of part of Drupal’s WebProfiler database report for a particular web page

Above: Screenshot of part of Drupal’s WebProfiler database report for a particular web page.

7. Web server and PHP configuration

What it is: Optimising your web server and PHP configurationExternal Link involves fine-tuning settings to improve the efficiency of your server and the performance of your Drupal site.

How it impacts performance: Proper web server and PHP configuration can lead to improved performance by making better use of available resources, reducing memory usage and optimising processing times.

Note: Using a managed Drupal hosting provider will help ensure your web server, PHP configuration and related infrastructure are optimised for performance. If you’re maintaining your own web server, you should optimise it on a regular basis.

Steps to implement:

  1. Configure your server to use the latest supported PHP version for your Drupal site.

  2. Update your PHP configuration to follow Drupal best practices such as tuning memory limitsExternal Link and using Opcode cachingExternal Link .

  3. Fine-tune your web server (e.g. ApacheExternal Link or nginxExternal Link ) settings, such as the number of worker processes and maximum connections, according to the Drupal server tuning documentationExternal Link .

  4. Install and configure a cron module such as Ultimate CronExternal Link to distribute and optimise your cron runs.

  5. Install and run the Site audit moduleExternal Link for web server and PHP reports and suggestions.

  6. Install and run the WebProfiler moduleExternal Link for PHP configuration information.

  7. Use benchmarking toolsExternal Link to test your performance before and after changes.

Screenshot of Drupal.org’s documentation on Opcode caching

Above: Screenshot of Drupal.org’s documentation on Opcode caching.

Screenshot of Drupal.org’s documentation on server tuning

Above: Screenshot of Drupal.org’s documentation on server tuning.

Screenshot of Drupal WebProfiler module PHP configuration report

Above: Screenshot of Drupal WebProfiler module PHP configuration report.

8. Module management and optimisation

What it is: Module management involves reviewing and optimising the Drupal modules installed on your site to ensure that they’re not negatively impacting site performance as well as adding modules that enhance performance.

How it impacts performance: By carefully managing your modules, you can reduce server load, eliminate performance bottlenecks and streamline the functionality of your Drupal site.

Steps to implement:

  1. Review the list of installed modules and disable or uninstall any that aren’t in use or are no longer needed. Make sure to always fully uninstall a module on production before removing the module’s files to avoid orphaned configuration.

  2. Ensure that all installed modules are up-to-date (via Configuration > Reports > Available updates) and optimised for performance.

  3. Use Configuration SplitExternal Link or a similar method to separate development configuration from production configuration and adjust it to disable the Update ManagerExternal Link module, development modules, and sitebuilding (UI) modules on production.

  4. Avoid use of the Statistics moduleExternal Link when possible and replace with more performant options (see the last section for possible analysis tools).

  5. If using Drupal 7, disable the PHP Filter moduleExternal Link for better security and performance. PHP Filter was removed from DrupalExternal Link in version 8.

  6. Install and run the Site audit moduleExternal Link for extensions and status reports and suggestions.

  7. Review the available performance-related Drupal modulesExternal Link for your Drupal version and determine if they’d be beneficial for your site. Look for modules that are regularly maintained and have a significant number of instals, and check their issue queues for any critical bugs that may be problematic.

  8. Run CoderExternal Link on your custom modules to look for issues. You can also do performance profiling on your modules with XHProfExternal Link .

  9. Run the WebProfiler moduleExternal Link on key pages of your site to look for slow views, blocks, forms, etc.

  10. Monitor the performance of new modules, and address any performance issues they may introduce.

Screenshot of Drupal’s Available updates report

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s Available updates report.

Screenshot of Drupal WebProfiler Views report

Above: Screenshot of Drupal WebProfiler Views report.

9. Theme optimisation

What it is: Theme optimisation involves reviewing and optimising your Drupal site's theme to ensure it’s efficiently rendering content and not contributing to performance bottlenecks.

How it impacts performance: An optimised theme can improve site performance by reducing server load, streamlining asset delivery and eliminating render-blocking resources.

Steps to implement:

  1. Choose a lightweight, performance-oriented theme for your Drupal site with minimal markup, such as CivicThemeExternal Link .

  2. Run LighthouseExternal Link on key pages of your website for before and after performance numbers.

  3. Review and implement Lighthouse’s analysis for CSS and JavaScript improvements.

  4. Inline critical CSS/JS where possible for faster load times. Consider using the Critical CSS moduleExternal Link .

  5. Optimise your theme's templates by removing unnecessary or unused code and spaces, minimising inline CSS and JavaScript, and simplifying markup where possible.

  6. Ensure your theme uses Drupal's render pipeline and caching systemExternal Link effectively.

  7. Disable theme debugging features on production such as rebuilding the theme registryExternal Link upon page load. Debug configuration can be added to development environments with the Configuration Split moduleExternal Link or similar configuration management methods.

  8. Use client-side JavaScript form validation when possible rather than server-side form validation for better UX and less server requests. Consider using the Clientside ValidationExternal Link module.

  9. Analyse your JavaScript for performance issuesExternal Link .

  10. Run CoderExternal Link on your custom themes to look for issues.

Screenshot of Lighthouse performance report with possible CSS and JavaScript improvements

Above: Screenshot of Lighthouse performance report with possible CSS and JavaScript improvements.

10. Monitoring and ongoing optimisation

What it is: Monitoring and ongoing optimisation involve regularly checking your Drupal site's logs and performance metrics and making improvements as needed to maintain optimal performance levels.

How it impacts performance: By continuously monitoring and optimising your site, you can identify and address performance issues before they become critical, ensuring a consistently fast and responsive user experience.

Steps to implement:

  1. Determine your performance budgetExternal Link for your site and for key high-traffic pages.

  2. Set up and use a combination of performance monitoring and reporting tools, such as Google AnalyticsExternal Link , WebPageTestExternal Link , New RelicExternal Link , LighthouseExternal Link , and Drupal’s Site auditExternal Link , WebProfilerExternal Link and Website Speed MonitoringExternal Link modules.

  3. Regularly review website logs for errors/warnings and overly-verbose logging, and address them as quickly as possible. Make sure debug logging settings are not used on production. Logs should be reviewed at least weekly but daily is ideal.

  4. Address 404 errors as soon as possible and use the Fast 404 moduleExternal Link for faster response times or the Search 404 moduleExternal Link for more user-friendly results. Installing and configuring the Link Checker moduleExternal Link can reduce the number of bad links added to content. Installing the Redirect moduleExternal Link can ensure redirects are added when content paths change.

  5. Regularly review performance metrics, compare against your performance budget and identify areas that need improvement. Ideally, these should be reviewed at least monthly and issues added to your backlog based on priority.

  6. Continuously implement performance optimisation techniques as part of your regular maintenance work, and track the impact of your changes on site performance.

  7. Run performance load testing on a regular basis for key pages of your website using load testing toolsExternal Link such as Apache JMeterExternal Link or SiegeExternal Link .

Screenshot of Drupal’s database log

Above: Screenshot of Drupal’s database log.

Screenshot of the Site Audit Summary and Best practices report

Above: Screenshot of the Site Audit Summary and Best practices report.

Screenshot of the Site Audit Watchdog database logs report

Above: Screenshot of the Site Audit Watchdog database logs report.

Part 4 — The importance of website performance

Website performance is a crucial aspect that significantly impacts user experience, engagement, conversion rates and search engine rankings. Optimising your Drupal site's performance is essential to provide a seamless and efficient browsing experience for your users.

Using the 10 ways to improve performance from this article, you can tackle performance issues systematically and efficiently.

Remember that optimising your site's performance is not a one-time activity; it requires ongoing monitoring and adjustments to maintain the best possible user experience. Regularly review performance metrics, address areas that need improvement and continuously refine your optimisation efforts.

Part 5 — Our contribution to helping drive better performance

In this section, we share our own experiences and case studies on how we've contributed to improving performance for our clients and the Drupal community. We've divided this section into 3 subsections to provide an easy-to-follow structure and to highlight our expertise in each area:

  1. Case studies that focus on improving performance
  2. Drupal community contribution
  3. New audit tool: Drupal360

1. Case studies that focus on improving website performance

We’ve worked with two whole-of-government programs to help them improve their platforms’ performances. This has driven improved performance on 400+ websites on the two platforms. You can view the relevant case studies below:

2. Drupal community contribution: purge modules

Our team has developed two performance-related modules:

  1. GovCMS Akamai Purge moduleExternal Link : Helps integrate Drupal websites with the GovCMS-provided Akamai service.

  2. Section purger moduleExternal Link : Allows SectionExternal Link ’s global, distributed caching layer to quickly respond to invalidation events from a Drupal instance in exactly the same way that Drupal’s internal cache or a local varnish cache running on the host machine does, ensuring that the content in Section’s global caching layer is always up to date.

3. New audit tool: Drupal360.io

As part of our commitment to Drupal, we're currently developing an audit tool, Drupal360.io, for site owners to assess their website's performance and other crucial metrics. Drupal360.io provides actionable insights and helps make informed decisions on performance-related improvements. This valuable resource is our contribution to the Drupal community and helps promote optimal website performance.

By sharing our experience, knowledge, and tools, we strive to contribute to the ongoing improvement of performance across Drupal sites and support the growth and success of the Drupal community.

Part 6 — How we can help you with Drupal performance

As a dedicated Drupal agency, we offer a range of Drupal performance services to help clients improve their website's performance. We've broken down our services into 3 main categories, each tailored to address specific performance concerns and help you maintain a highly performing Drupal website:

  1. Salsa support
  2. Drupal performance audits
  3. Salsa Hosting

1. Salsa support

Use Salsa's Drupal support for regular performance scans, fixes and optimisations.

2. Drupal performance audits

Evaluating your Drupal website's performance and identifying issues and opportunities.

3. Salsa Hosting

Performance optimisation features as standard, making your site 20x faster.