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29 April 2024

Introduction to Drupal and its theming system

Drupal is a powerful content management system (CMS) renowned for its modular architecture and theming layer.

The module layer offers a vast array of modules that extend its functionality, while the theming layer in Drupal enables users to tailor the appearance of their website to suit their branding and design preferences.

Through themes, website owners can customise the layout, colours, fonts and other visual elements, ensuring their site reflects their unique identity and resonates with their target audience.

Together, Drupal's modular approach and flexible theming system empower website owners to create dynamic, feature-rich websites tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

The site's look and user experience

The Drupal theming layer is pivotal in shaping a website's look and user experience. By customising themes, website owners can control their site's layout, design elements and overall aesthetics, ensuring consistency with their brand identity and enhancing user engagement.

Through the theming layer, site administrators can create visually appealing interfaces, optimise for mobile responsiveness and implement intuitive navigation, all of which contribute to a positive user experience.

Additionally, the theming layer enables seamless integration of multimedia content, such as images and videos, which further enriches the user journey and fosters a memorable and engaging online presence.

The significance of Drupal themes for your business's online presence

Drupal themes are crucial for your business's online presence as they directly impact how visitors perceive your brand. A well-designed theme ensures consistency with your brand identity, helping to establish trust and credibility with your audience within your site.

Additionally, a visually appealing and user-friendly theme enhances the overall user experience, encouraging visitors to explore your website further and engage with your content.

Moreover, by customising Drupal themes to align with your business goals and target audience preferences, you can differentiate your brand from competitors and leave a lasting impression that drives conversions and fosters customer loyalty.

Ultimately, investing in Drupal themes is essential for maximising the effectiveness of your online presence and achieving your business objectives.

Keep reading for specific theming tips, or use the form below to contact us about your project needs. You may also like to find out more about our project services.

Benefits of a custom Drupal theme for small and medium-sized businesses and governments

Illustration of Drupal theme with a woman holding a paintbrush in front of a Drupal screen

Choosing between pre-built themes and custom Drupal themes is a crucial decision for website owners. While pre-built themes offer convenience, opting for a custom Drupal theme provides many advantages (which we will discuss below), resulting in a unique and optimised online presence.

Here are the key advantages of having a custom Drupal theme:

  1. Unique branding and competitive: A custom Drupal theme enables you to craft a design that aligns precisely with your brand's identity, ensuring consistency and helping you stand out from competitors. By creating a visually distinct and memorable online presence, you can capture your audience's attention and differentiate yourself in the marketplace, ultimately driving engagement and loyalty.

  2. Tailored functionality: With a custom theme, you can integrate specific features and functionalities tailored to your business needs, improving user experience and streamlining operations.

  3. Optimised performance: Custom themes are designed with your website's performance in mind, optimising code, layout and assets for faster loading times and better overall performance.

  4. Scalability: Custom themes can be built to scale with your business, accommodating future growth and expansion without sacrificing performance or user experience.

  5. Enhanced security: By developing a custom theme, you have greater control over security measures, ensuring your website is protected against potential vulnerabilities and threats.

  6. Search engine optimistation (SEO) benefits: Optimise custom themes for search engines by incorporating best practices for on-page SEO. Such as clean code, fast loading times and mobile responsiveness. All of these help improve your website's visibility and rankings.

Key steps in creating a custom Drupal theme

Creating a custom Drupal theme involves a series of essential steps to ensure a seamless and tailored user experience.

  1. Define your project's requirements and goals: Begin by clearly outlining the objectives and specifications of your project. Consider aspects such as branding, functionality, target audience, and any specific features required.

  2. Design a mockup for the ideal user experience: Using wireframes or mockups, develop a visual representation of your website's layout, navigation and overall design. This step helps visualise the user journey and ensures alignment with your project goals.

  3. Select the right Drupal base theme: Choose a suitable base theme as a foundation for your custom theme. This base theme provides a starting point and essential functionalities, saving time and effort during development.

  4. Create custom templates and styles: Implement custom templates and styles based on your design mockup. This involves coding HTML/CSS templates and integrating them with Drupal's theme system to achieve the desired visual appearance and user interface.

  5. Integrate functionality and features: Incorporate any required functionality or features into your custom theme. This may involve integrating third-party modules, custom scripts or Drupal-specific functionalities to enhance user interaction and site functionality.

  6. Test and iterate: Thoroughly test your custom theme across different devices, browsers and user scenarios to ensure compatibility and usability. Gather feedback from stakeholders and users and iterate on the design and functionality to optimise the user experience.

  7. Optimise for performance and SEO: Optimise your custom theme for performance and SEO. This includes optimising code, assets and loading times and implementing best practices for on-page SEO to improve search engine visibility and user experience.

By following these key steps, you can create a custom Drupal theme that meets your project's requirements and delivers an engaging and user-friendly experience for your audience.

Understanding Drupal's theme structure and templates

Illustration of different Drupal theme structures and templates on a computer screen

Understanding Drupal's theme structure and templates is essential for customising your website's appearance and functionality effectively.

  • Breaking down the theme directory: The Drupal theme directory is organised into distinct folders, each serving a specific purpose. Common directories include "CSS" for stylesheet files, "JS" for JavaScript files, and "templates" for theme templates.

  • The key role of .info file and templates: The .info file is a crucial component of a Drupal theme, containing metadata such as the theme name, description and dependencies. Additionally, Drupal TWIG templates, coded in PHP and HTML, define the layout and structure of various elements on your website, such as nodes, blocks and pages.

  • How to override templates for custom layouts: Drupal allows you to override default templates to create custom layouts tailored to your specific requirements. By copying template files from the base theme to your custom theme directory and modifying them as needed, you can achieve unique designs and functionality without altering the core codebase.

Selecting the right base theme for customisation

When creating a custom Drupal theme, choosing the appropriate base theme lays the foundation for the entire design and development process.

Understanding base themes

A base theme is the starting point for building a custom Drupal theme. It provides a set of predefined styles, templates and functionalities that can be extended and customised to suit the specific requirements of your project.

You can extend a base theme by creating a sub-themeExternal Link . A sub-theme will inherit all of the parent’s theme resources, such as its CSS, JavaScript and templates. You can then override these resources in your sub-theme to further customise them, thus giving you unlimited flexibility and potential.

The sub-theme is what your website will use and what users will see on the front end.

Importance of a base theme for your project

A base theme in Drupal is sometimes called a starter theme. Selecting the right base theme is crucial as it can significantly impact your website's development timeline, code maintainability and overall performance. A well-chosen base theme can streamline development efforts, provide best practices and ensure compatibility with future Drupal updates.

Advantages of using a base theme

Using a base theme offers several advantages for Drupal development:

  • Faster development: Base themes provide a starting point with pre-built templates, styles and functionalities, reducing development time and effort.

  • Consistent design: Base themes promote consistency in design elements and layout across different pages and sections of the website, ensuring a cohesive user experience.

  • Built-in best practices: Base themes often incorporate best practices for accessibility, responsiveness and SEO, helping developers adhere to industry standards and guidelines.

  • Community support: Popular base themes have active communities of developers who contribute modules, provide support and share resources, facilitating collaboration and problem-solving.

  • Scalability: Base themes are designed to be scalable, allowing developers to easily extend and customise functionality as project requirements evolve.

  • Familiarity: Serves as a single starting point for changing developers.

Top base themes for Drupal

  • CivicTheme: This theme is known for its inclusivity, open source and component-based design system. It was created so governments and corporations can rapidly assemble modern, consistent and compliant digital experiences. Salsa has built many websites using CivicTheme (see our CivicTheme case studies). You may also be interested in how to use CivicTheme to convert Figma to Drupal.

  • BootstrapExternal Link : Known for its responsive design and extensive customisation options, Bootstrap is a popular choice for building modern, mobile-friendly websites.

  • ZenExternal Link : A modern, powerful, HTML5 starting theme with component-based CSS and a responsive, mobile-first grid design.

  • OmegaExternal Link : Omega provides a powerful grid system and layout configuration options, allowing for easy adaptation to various screen sizes and device types.

  • AdaptiveThemeExternal Link : This theme is known for its flexibility and scalability, providing a solid foundation for creating responsive, cross-browser-compatible themes.

  • Material BaseExternal Link : A base theme for Drupal, which implements the Material DesignExternal Link concept by Google.

Criteria for choosing the optimal base theme

  • Flexibility: Look for a base theme that offers flexibility in terms of layout options, styling choices and customisation capabilities.

  • Community support: Consider base themes with an active community of developers who offer support, documentation and regular updates.

  • Performance: Prioritise base themes that are optimised for performance, with efficient code, minimal dependencies and fast loading times.

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the base theme is compatible with the latest version of Drupal core, and any essential modules or libraries required for your project.

  • Scalability: Choose a base theme that can scale with your project's growth, accommodating future design changes and feature enhancements.

By carefully evaluating these factors and selecting the optimal base theme for your business, you can set the stage for a successful Drupal project with a solid foundation for customisation and growth.

When not to use a base theme

While base themes offer numerous benefits, there are rare situations where using them may not be the best choice. It’s important to understand that not using a base theme is more the exception than the norm. Here are some things to consider:

  • Unique design requirements: If your project requires a highly customised design that diverges significantly from the structure and styles provided by base themes, building the theme from scratch may be more efficient to avoid unnecessary constraints.

  • Performance concerns: Some base themes come with many built-in features and dependencies, which can affect performance if not carefully managed. If performance is a critical consideration for your project, you might opt for a lighter and minimalist approach to theme development.

  • Complexity and overhead: Base themes often come with a level of complexity and overheads that may not be justified for smaller projects or projects with straightforward design and functionality requirements. In such cases, starting from a simpler base or building the theme from scratch may be more appropriate.

  • Learning curve: If you or your team are unfamiliar with the base theme structure or conventions, customising and maintaining the theme may involve a steep learning curve. In such cases, working with a simpler or more familiar starting point may be more efficient.

  • Restrictive licensing: Some base themes come with licensing restrictions that may not align with your project's requirements or policies. It's essential to review the licensing terms of any base theme you consider using to ensure compatibility with your project's needs.

Responsive design in Drupal themes for better user experience

Illustration of responsive design with the same drupal screen shown on desktop, tablet, and mobile screens

Responsive design is paramount in today's digital landscape, ensuring that your website delivers an optimal viewing experience across various devices and screen sizes.

Importance of responsive design for your site's user base

With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, a growing number of users access websites on mobile devices. Responsive design ensures that your site adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, improving usability and engagement for all visitors.

Techniques for ensuring your theme is mobile-friendly

  • Flexible grid layoutsExternal Link : Implement a fluid grid layout that adjusts dynamically based on the user's screen size, ensuring content remains readable and accessible across devices.

  • Media queriesExternal Link : Utilise CSS media queries to apply different styles based on the device's screen width, allowing for targeted adjustments to typography, layout and navigation.

  • Viewport Meta TagExternal Link : Include the viewport meta tag in your HTML to instruct browsers on how to scale and size the page content for optimal viewing on mobile devices.

  • Responsive imagesExternal Link : Use techniques such as CSS background images, HTML5 picture elements, or srcset attributes to serve appropriately sized images based on the user's device resolution and screen size.

  • Touch-friendly navigationExternal Link : Design navigation menus and interactive elements with touchscreens in mind, ensuring sufficient spacing and larger clickable areas for easy navigation on mobile devices.

  • Semantic HTML with a CSS FrameworkExternal Link : Write pure HTML and attach a classless CSS framework.

Performance and security

While implementing responsive design, it's essential to consider its impact on performance and security:

  • PerformanceExternal Link : Optimise your responsive design implementation to minimise page load times and improve site performance, prioritising critical content and resources for mobile devices.

  • SecurityExternal Link : Ensure that responsive design techniques do not compromise the security of your website, particularly concerning sensitive user data and authentication mechanisms. Implement best practices for securing web applications and APIs to safeguard against potential vulnerabilities.

By prioritising responsive design in your Drupal themes and employing best practices for performance and security, you can enhance the user experience across all devices while maintaining the integrity and reliability of your website.

Drupal theme best practices for performance and security

Illustration of security and performance

Ensuring that your Drupal theme adheres to coding standards, prioritises security measures and optimises performance is essential for maintaining a secure, efficient and reliable website.

What are the Drupal coding standards?

Drupal has established coding standardsExternal Link to ensure code consistency, readability and maintainability across projects. These standards cover aspects such as naming conventions, indentation, documentation, and best practices for security and performance.

Implementing Drupal coding standards

Developers can adhere to coding standards by using tools such as PHP Code SnifferExternal Link and adhering to guidelines outlined in Drupal's documentation. Additionally, leveraging IDE pluginsExternal Link and code review processes can help enforce coding standards and identify deviations early in the development process.

Developers should regularly review and update their knowledge of coding standards to stay current with best practices and community recommendations. Collaboration with other developers and participation in community forums to exchange insights and address challenges effectively are also encouraged.

Security precautions for protecting your business's online data

Conduct regular code audits and security reviews to identify and address vulnerabilities in your theme's codebase. Utilise automated tools such as Drupal Security Review moduleExternal Link to scan for common security issues and follow security advisories from the Drupal Security Team.

Third-party vulnerability scanning security tools

The following 3rd party vulnerability scanning tools can be used to perform in-depth vulnerability assessments, code scanning and penetration testing for Drupal:

How to write efficient and secure code

To write more efficient and secure code, follow secure coding practices, such as input validation, output escaping and parameterised queries, to mitigate common security risks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

Additionally, regularly update dependencies, apply security patches promptly, and limit access to sensitive resources to minimise the attack surface.

Performance tips to improve site load times and boost user experience

There are a plethora of optimisation strategies for improving site performance. Here, we have listed some of the most common:

  • Optimise asset delivery: Minimise HTTP requests, leverage browser caching, and use content delivery networks (CDNs) to deliver static assets efficiently and reduce page load times.

  • Compress and minify resources: Compress images, CSS and JavaScript files to reduce file sizes and improve load times. Implement minification techniques to remove unnecessary whitespace and comments from code.

  • Cache content and queries: Utilise Drupal's caching mechanisms, such as page caching and block caching, to store frequently accessed content and database queries, reducing server load and improving performance.

  • Monitor and analyse performance: Use tools like Drupal's built-in performance monitoring, Google PageSpeed Insights and New Relic to track site performance metrics, identify bottlenecks, and optimise resource usage effectively.

Furthermore, we recommend reading this pageExternal Link for an in-depth understanding of all the possible techniques that can help improve site load times and make the user experience better.

By following these best practices for Drupal theme development, you can enhance your website's security, performance and reliability, providing a seamless and engaging user experience while safeguarding your business's online data.

The role of sub-themes in Drupal

What is a sub-theme?

A sub-theme is essentially a derivative theme that extends the features and styles of its parent theme. It inherits templates, CSS files, JavaScript libraries, and other assets from the parent theme while allowing developers to override or extend them as needed.

When and why to use sub-themes in your Drupal project

  • Customisation: Sub-themes are ideal when you need to customise the design or functionality of a theme to meet specific project requirements. By creating a sub-theme, you can make targeted modifications without altering the core codebase of the parent theme.

  • Future updates: Using a sub-theme ensures that your customisations remain separate from the parent theme, making it easier to update the parent theme in the future without losing your changes. This approach facilitates maintenance and reduces the risk of conflicts during theme updates.

  • Consistency across projects: Sub-themes promote consistency across multiple Drupal projects by leveraging the same parent theme as a foundation. This allows developers to reuse common design elements, styles and functionalities across projects while tailoring them to suit individual requirements.

Benefits of leveraging parent theme features

  • Rapid development: Sub-themes leverage the features and functionalities of the parent theme, providing a head start in the development process. Developers can focus on implementing customisations and additional features without reinventing the wheel.

  • Consistent updates: Parent themes are typically maintained by a community or development team, ensuring regular updates, bug fixes and security patches. Using a sub-theme ensures you get these updates automatically, keeping your project up-to-date and secure.

  • Scalability: Sub-themes allow for scalability and extensibility, enabling developers to build complex and feature-rich websites by combining the capabilities of multiple themes. This modular approach facilitates the integration of new features and enhancements over time.

How to incorporate brand identity into your Drupal theme

Incorporating brand identity into your Drupal theme is essential for creating a cohesive and memorable online presence that reflects your organisation's values and personality.

Here's how to achieve this effectively:

  • Colour scheme and typography: Use your brand's primary colours and typography throughout the theme to maintain consistency with your offline branding materials. Choose fonts and colours that align with your brand identity and evoke the desired emotions in your audience.

  • Logo placement and integration: Prominently display your logo in your website's header or navigation bar. Ensure it is appropriately sized and positioned to enhance brand visibility and recognition across all pages.

  • Custom graphics and visual elements: Incorporate custom graphics, icons and visual elements that reflect your brand's aesthetic and style. These elements can include background patterns, illustrations, or iconography to reinforce your brand's messaging and values.

  • Customised styling and layout: Tailor the styling and layout of your Drupal theme to align with your brand's visual identity. This includes customising elements such as buttons, forms, menus, and widgets to reflect your brand's unique style and design preferences.

  • Branded content and messaging: Ensure that the content and messaging on your website are consistent with your brand voice and values. Use language, tone and imagery that resonate with your target audience and convey your brand's personality effectively.

  • Responsive design: Ensure your Drupal theme is optimised for mobile devices and responsive across various screen sizes. Consistent branding should be maintained across all devices to provide a seamless user experience.

  • Feedback and iteration: Solicit input from stakeholders and users to ensure that your Drupal theme effectively captures and communicates your brand identity. Based on feedback, iterate on design elements and features to continually refine and enhance the branding experience.

Managing and maintaining your custom Drupal theme over time

Managing and maintaining your custom Drupal theme over time is crucial for ensuring its longevity, security and relevance.

Keeping your theme up to date with Drupal core and module updates

  • Regularly check for updates: Stay informed about new releases and security updates for Drupal core and contributed modules. Subscribe to release notifications and security advisories to receive timely alerts.

  • Test updates in a staging environment: Before applying updates to your live site, thoroughly test them in a staging environment to identify any compatibility issues or conflicts with your custom theme or third-party integrations.

  • Backup your site: Always backup your site before performing updates to mitigate the risk of data loss or site downtime. This ensures you can revert to a previous state if any issues arise during the update process.

  • Update core, modules and themes: Regularly update Drupal core, contributed modules, and your custom and base themes to the latest stable versions. This ensures your site benefits from new features, bug fixes and security patches.

  • Monitor for deprecated code: Check for deprecated functions, hooks and APIs in Drupal core and contributed modules. Update your custom theme to replace deprecated code with recommended alternatives to maintain compatibility and future-proof your site.

Regular maintenance tasks to ensure longevity and relevancy

  • Monitor performance and security: Regularly audit your site for performance bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities and outdated dependencies. Implement best performance optimisation and security hardening practices to keep your site running smoothly and securely.

  • Review content and design: Periodically review and update your site's content, design elements, and user experience to ensure it remains relevant and engaging for your audience. Incorporate user feedback and analytics insights to inform iterative improvements.

  • Optimise SEO: Stay updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes to ensure that your site ranks well in search engine results. Optimise metadata, URLs and content structure to improve visibility and drive organic traffic to your site.

  • Backup and disaster recovery: Regularly backup your site's files and database and store them securely offsite. Establish a disaster recovery plan to quickly restore your site in case of data loss, hacking or other emergencies.

Managing third-party integrations

  • Evaluate compatibility: Before integrating third-party services or APIs into your site, thoroughly evaluate their compatibility with your Drupal theme and overall architecture. Ensure they meet your site's security, performance and scalability requirements.

  • Regularly review and update: Periodically review and update third-party integrations to the latest versions to benefit from new features, performance improvements, and security patches. Test for updates in a staging environment before applying them to your live site.

  • Monitor performance impact: Monitor the performance impact of third-party integrations on your site's loading times and user experience. Optimise or replace integrations that negatively impact performance, or introduce security risks.

Integrating third-party services and APIs with your Drupal theme

Illustration of API integration

Integrating third-party services and APIs with your Drupal theme can significantly enhance your site's functionality and provide additional value to your business.

Enhancing your site's functionality with third-party services

  • Use Drupal modules: Drupal's extensive library of modules provides pre-built integrations with popular third-party services and APIs. Explore the Drupal module repository to find modules that meet your specific requirements and seamlessly integrate them into your theme.

  • Custom integration: For services and APIs without dedicated Drupal modules, you can implement custom integrations using Drupal's API and development capabilities. This approach allows for greater flexibility and customisation to tailor the integration to your business needs.

  • Accessibility considerations: When integrating third-party services and APIs, ensure they comply with accessibility standards to provide an inclusive user experience for all visitors. Evaluate the accessibility features and documentation of third-party services to confirm compatibility with accessibility guidelines.

Examples of APIs that can provide additional value to your business

  • Payment gateways: Integrate payment gateway APIs such as PayPal, Stripe or Authorize.Net to facilitate secure online transactions and streamline e-commerce operations on your Drupal site.

  • Social media APIs: Incorporate social media APIs from platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to enable social sharing, user authentication, and content syndication, enhancing engagement and visibility for your brand.

  • Mapping and geolocation APIs: Utilise mapping and geolocation APIs such as Google Maps or Mapbox to integrate interactive maps, location-based services, and geospatial data visualisation into your Drupal site.

  • Email marketing APIs: Integrate email marketing APIs such as MailChimp, Constant Contact or SendGrid to automate email campaigns, manage subscriber lists, and track campaign performance, enhancing customer engagement and retention.

  • Analytics and reporting APIs: Incorporate analytics and reporting APIs such as Google Analytics or Matomo to track website traffic, user behaviour, and performance metrics, enabling data-driven decision-making and optimisation.

Accessibility considerations for your Drupal theme

Illustration of Accessibility with an accessibility logo on a screen

Understanding web accessibility

Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent people with disabilities from interacting with or accessing websites. When sites are correctly designed, developed, and edited, all users have equal access to information and functionality. This includes ensuring that website content is accessible to individuals with a wide range of disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and neurological disabilities.

The importance of web accessibility for your business

Embracing web accessibility not only expands your website's reach to a wider audience, including the estimated one billion people worldwide with disabilities, but it also demonstrates social responsibility. Moreover, it can enhance your brand's reputation, improve customer satisfaction, and even lead to financial benefits by tapping into a broader market. Additionally, in many jurisdictions, web accessibility compliance is a legal requirement, helping to avoid potential legal liabilities.

Furthermore, accessible websites often provide a better user experience for all visitors, not just those with disabilities. For example, accessible websites tend to be easier to navigate and use, which can help keep users on your site longer, reduce bounce rates and improve the effectiveness of your online presence.

Implementing accessibility best practices in your Drupal theme

To ensure your Drupal theme is accessible, consider the following best practices:

  • Semantic HTML: Use HTML elements according to their intended purpose. Correct use of headings, lists, links, and other elements can significantly improve accessibility.

  • ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) landmarks: Utilise ARIA landmarks to identify regions of the page (such as navigation, main content and footer), making it easier for screen reader users to navigate your site.

  • Keyboard navigation: Ensure that all interactive elements are navigable and usable with a keyboard. This is crucial for users who cannot use a mouse.

  • Colour contrast: Guarantee sufficient contrast between your text and its background. This makes your site more readable for everyone, including users with visual impairments.

  • Alt text for images: Provide alternative text for images that describe the purpose or content of the image. This is crucial for users who rely on screen readers.

  • Responsive design: Adopt a responsive design that works on various devices and screen sizes, including mobile phones and tablets, to accommodate users with various limitations.

  • Testing and validation: Regularly test your website with accessibility evaluation tools and involve users with disabilities in testing. This will ensure that your site is accessible to as wide an audience as possible.

  • Training and awareness: Educate your content creators and developers about accessibility guidelines and best practices. Awareness is key to maintaining an accessible website.

  • Drupal's accessibility features: Drupal core has several built-in accessibility features, such as tabbing manager, form error identification and ARIA roles. Familiarise yourself with these features and ensure they are properly implemented in your theme.

Cost-benefit analysis of developing a custom theme vs. using a premade theme

When considering the design and functionality of a Drupal website, one of the critical decisions you'll face is whether to develop a custom theme or utilise a premade theme. Both approaches have their pros and cons, and the choice largely depends on your specific business needs, budget and project timeline. Below is a detailed cost-benefit analysis to help you make an informed decision.

Using a premade theme


  • Cost-effectiveness: Premade themes are typically less expensive than custom development. Many are available for free or at a low cost, making them an attractive option for businesses with limited budgets.

  • Quick deployment: With a premade theme, you can launch your website quickly since the design and basic functionality are already in place.

  • Community support: Popular premade themes often come with a strong support community, documentation and regular updates, which can help resolve issues and improve security.


  • Limited customisation: While premade themes offer some level of customisation, they may not meet all your specific requirements, leading to compromises on design or functionality.

  • Commonality: Using a popular theme can make your website look similar to others on the internet, potentially reducing your brand's uniqueness.

  • Potential overhead: Some themes might come with bloated code or unnecessary features that can slow down your website, negatively affecting user experience and SEO.

Developing a custom theme


  • Tailored design and functionality: A custom theme is built to meet your specifications, ensuring that your brand identity and unique value propositions are effectively highlighted.

  • Optimised performance: Custom themes can be optimised for speed and efficiency, improving site performance and user experience. This optimisation can also benefit SEO.

  • Flexibility and scalability: Custom themes offer greater flexibility and can be developed to accommodate future growth or changes in business requirements without significant rework.


  • Higher costs: Custom theme development requires a larger initial investment than a premade theme. The complexity of your requirements can significantly affect the final cost.

  • Longer development time: Building a theme from scratch takes longer and can delay your website's launch. Planning, development, testing, and revisions add to the timeline.

  • Maintenance and updates: You're responsible for maintaining and updating a custom theme, which can require ongoing investment in developer resources.

The decision between using a premade theme and developing a custom one should be based on careful consideration of your business's priorities, budget and long-term goals. If brand uniqueness and specific functionality are crucial and budget allows, a custom theme might be the best choice. However, for businesses looking for a cost-effective and quick solution, a premade theme can provide a viable path to launching their online presence.

The best answer — Create a sub-theme on top of a premade component-based theme

Opting for creating a sub-theme based on a premade component-based theme offers a strategic balance between the adaptability of custom development and the efficiency of using a pre-existing design. This approach harnesses the foundational strengths of a base theme while mitigating many of its drawbacks.

Take, for example, the CivicThemeExternal Link as your foundational theme. CivicTheme is an open-source, inclusive and component-based design system.

By building your sub-theme on top of CivicThemeExternal Link , you immediately inherit a suite of design components that have been thoroughly vetted for accessibility. These components are ready to use and can be easily extended to suit your unique requirements. This methodology not only conserves a significant amount of time but also reduces development costs.

One of the standout benefits of this strategy is its maintenance efficiency. When CivicTheme releases an updateExternal Link - be it for bug fixes or the introduction of new features - you can update the base theme without altering your sub-theme. This ensures that your website remains up-to-date with the latest improvements and security measures without requiring additional work on your customisations.

Employing a sub-theme approach delivers the advantages of a premade theme, such as rapid deployment and reduced initial costs, without locking you into the constraints typically associated with these themes. You gain the flexibility to tailor your site's appearance and functionality closely to your vision, ensuring both the uniqueness of your brand and the scalability to evolve with your business needs.

Creating a sub-theme on top of a premade component-based theme like CivicTheme allows for an optimal blend of flexibility, longevity and cost efficiency, making it an excellent choice for businesses seeking to establish a robust and adaptable online presence.

How to leverage Drupal’s community-contributed themes

Drupal's robust ecosystem is significantly powered by its vibrant community, which contributes a vast array of themes that can extend and enhance your website. Leveraging these resources can dramatically improve your site's functionality, aesthetic appeal and overall performance.

Discovering Drupal community resources

Case studies of successful custom Drupal themes

The versatility and robustness of Drupal as a content management system have been leveraged by businesses and government agencies alike to create highly functional, accessible and user-friendly websites. The following case studies highlight how small and medium-sized government enterprises have successfully utilised custom Drupal themes to meet their unique digital needs, showcasing the significant benefits of choosing Drupal for web development projects.

Access Hub

In collaboration with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, along with design partners TodayExternal Link , Salsa Digital delivered the Access Hub websiteExternal Link on the GovCMS platform. The project used CivicThemeExternal Link , a comprehensive design system and Drupal theme, with tailored customisations to address the specific requirements of Access Hub. This collaborative effort resulted in a user-centred website that stands as a testament to the flexibility and adaptability of Drupal in meeting governmental digital service standards.

Key takeaways:

  • User-centred design: Focusing on the end-user's needs ensures that the website is accessible, easy to navigate and provides a positive user experience.

  • Customisation on a solid foundation: Leveraging CivicTheme provided a reliable and tested foundation, allowing for cost-effective customisations without compromising quality or performance.

Learn more about the Access Hub project and how we can help your organisation

Federal agency

Salsa Digital embarked on a project with a federal agency to launch a new website using the CivicThemeExternal Link and GovCMS frameworkExternal Link . The decision to use CivicTheme facilitated a highly efficient and economical site build, culminating in a website that is not only visually striking but has also undergone extensive user testing to ensure its effectiveness and accessibility.

Key takeaways:

  • Cost-effectiveness: CivicTheme significantly reduces development time and costs, making it ideal for SMEs and government agencies looking to maximise their budget.

  • User-tested design: Emphasising user testing as part of the development process guarantees that the final product will meet the actual needs of its intended audience.

Discover more about how we transformed this agency’s online presence

Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)

The project with CASA mirrored the successful deployment strategy used with the federal agency, employing CivicThemeExternal Link and GovCMSExternal Link to achieve a cost-effective, efficient and user-friendly website build. This approach underscores the scalability of Drupal and CivicTheme to cater to organisations of varying sizes and sectors, ensuring that each website not only meets but exceeds the digital communication goals of the entity.

Key takeaways:

  • Efficiency and scalability: Drupal’s flexibility allows organisations like CASA to scale their digital presence efficiently, catering to complex regulatory information dissemination needs.

  • Visual appeal and accessibility: Adhering to high standards of visual design and accessibility ensures that the website effectively serves a broad audience.

See how we helped CASA elevate its digital strategy


The investment in a custom Drupal theme represents not just a commitment to the aesthetic and functional quality of a business's online presence but a strategic decision that can significantly impact its market positioning and user engagement. For government and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), where resources must be judiciously allocated, the flexibility and scalability offered by Drupal's ecosystem — especially its community-contributed themes — can be a game-changer.

Custom themes allow businesses to tailor their websites to their unique branding and functional requirements, ensuring a seamless user experience that aligns with their specific goals and audience needs.

The case studies highlighted show the transformative potential of custom Drupal themes across various sectors, demonstrating how they can meet a wide range of digital communication objectives. From enhancing accessibility and user-centred design to achieving cost-effectiveness without sacrificing quality, the benefits are clear. These successes illustrate the powerful combination of Drupal's robust platform with the creativity and specificity that custom themes provide, enabling businesses to craft compelling, efficient and scalable digital presences.

As businesses continue to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, the need for a distinctive, high-performing website has never been more critical. A custom Drupal theme offers an opportunity to stand out, resonate with your audience and achieve your digital objectives more effectively.

We encourage businesses to critically consider their web strategy and the untapped potential that Drupal custom themes present. Whether you're looking to revamp your existing site or embark on a new digital project, exploring the possibilities with Drupal can provide a solid foundation for success. Let this be the moment to harness the power of custom Drupal themes and propel your business forward in the digital realm.

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