Website deletion.

  • Hi, I’m currently trying to delete my website and account as I have moved on. I tried deleting my website last week after removing all subcriptions and payment details but I keep getting this message. ‘We are still in the process of removing your previous plan. Please check back in a few minutes and you’ll be able to delete your site.’ Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • To do this, we’ll need to downgrade the first. To downgrade the site, we must confirm that you understand:

    1. Any content (pages, posts, media, comments, etc.) added after adding outside themes and plugins will be lost.
    2. Any custom content created by plugins and themes will not be carried over.
    3. Plugins and third-party themes can no longer be used.
    4. The site will revert to using the old theme.

    Once we revert the site, you’ll be able to delete the site by following the steps here (this is not something we can do for you):

    We can proceed once you’ve confirmed. Thanks!

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