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The Goal Seek add-on for Google Sheetsᵀᴹ enables users to calculate the required value of a cell to achieve a desired formula value in another cell.
Дата оновлення:11 травня 2023 р.
3 млн+
If you know the result you need from a formula, you can use the Goal Seek add-on to find the missing value needed to achieve it.
You can use the add-on to conduct break-even analysis, or determine subcomponent targets when modeling future outcomes. You can also modify parameters, like max iterations, tolerance and max execution time that Goal Seek uses to determine a solution or load previous calculations.

There are three components to configure:
- the target value 
- the changing cell (where the formula is)
- the output value to achieve

Learn more about the add-on on support.google.com/docs/answer/9506732.
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