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Understanding Your Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS) Report


Understanding your Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS) Report is an essential aspect of managing your finances in Singapore. As a borrower, your credit score is a crucial determinant of your creditworthiness and financial health. The CBS report is a standardized report card that financial institutions use to evaluate your creditworthiness, and it includes all your factual credit-related information. Understanding how to read and interpret your CBS report is essential to know where you stand financially and how to improve your credit score.

Deciphering your credit score is the first step in understanding your CBS report. Your credit score is a three-digit number that ranges from 1000 to 2000, with a higher score indicating a better credit profile. The score is calculated based on your credit history, outstanding debts, credit utilization, and other factors. Your credit score determines your creditworthiness, and it affects your ability to obtain credit and the interest rates you will be charged. Therefore, it is essential to understand how your credit score is calculated and how to improve it.

Components of your CBS report include your personal details, credit accounts, credit inquiries, and public records. Interpreting account information is crucial in understanding your CBS report. Your credit accounts include information about your credit cards, loans, and other credit facilities. The report shows your credit limit, outstanding balance, and payment history. Understanding this information is essential in managing your credit profile and improving your credit score.

Deciphering Your Credit Score


If you have ever applied for a loan or credit card, then you know how important your credit score is. Your credit score is a three-digit number that represents your creditworthiness. It is a number that lenders use to determine whether or not to approve your loan application and at what interest rate. In Singapore, the credit score is issued by the Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS).

Understanding CBS Credit Score

The CBS Credit Score is a four-digit number that ranges from 1000 to 2000, with 2000 being the highest score you can get. The score is based on your past payment history on your loan accounts. The higher your score, the better your creditworthiness is considered to be. A good credit score will make it easier for you to be approved for credit cards and qualify for loans.

Algorithm and Risk Grades

The CBS Credit Score is calculated using a proprietary algorithm that takes into account your payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, and other factors. The algorithm then assigns you a risk grade, which ranges from AA to HH. The higher your risk grade, the more likely you are to default on a payment.

Impact on Loan Approvals

When you apply for a loan or credit card, the lender will check your credit score and risk grade to determine whether or not to approve your application. If your credit score is high and your risk grade is low, you are more likely to be approved for the loan or credit card. On the other hand, if your credit score is low and your risk grade is high, you may be denied the loan or credit card or offered a higher interest rate.

In conclusion, understanding your credit score is essential if you want to improve your creditworthiness and increase your chances of being approved for loans and credit cards. By maintaining a good credit score and risk grade, you can enjoy lower interest rates and better loan terms.

Components of Your CBS Report


When you obtain your Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS) report, you will find that it is divided into several sections. Each of these sections provides important information about your credit history and helps lenders determine your creditworthiness.

Personal Details

The first section of your CBS report will show your personal information, including your name, ID number, date of birth, gender, nationality, marital status and address. It is important to ensure that all the personal details provided are accurate and up-to-date. Any discrepancies or errors could potentially affect your credit score negatively.

Account Status History

The next section of your CBS report is the account status history. This section shows all the credit facilities that you currently own or have owned in the past. It includes information such as the name of the lender, the type of credit facility, the date the credit facility was opened, the credit limit, and the current outstanding balance. This section also shows whether your payments have been made on time or if there have been any late payments or defaults.

Credit Payment History

The credit payment history section of your CBS report shows your payment history on your loan accounts. It includes information on the amount of credit you have taken, the date you took the credit, the payment due date, and the payment amount. This section also shows any missed payments, late payments, or defaults.

Enquiry Activity

The enquiry activity section of your CBS report shows all the previous enquiries made by lenders on your credit history. It includes the name of the lender, the date of the enquiry, and the purpose of the enquiry. It is important to note that too many enquiries in a short period of time can negatively impact your credit score.

In summary, your CBS report comprises four main sections: personal details, account status history, credit payment history, and enquiry activity. It is important to review all the information in your CBS report regularly to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

Interpreting Account Information


When you receive your Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS) report, the first thing you will notice is the account information section. This section contains details about your credit accounts, including credit cards and loans. Understanding how to interpret this information is crucial to understanding your overall creditworthiness.

Credit Cards and Loans

The account status of your credit cards and loans will be listed here. This will tell you if your accounts are current, delinquent, or in collections. If you have any accounts that are delinquent or in collections, it is important to take action to bring them current as soon as possible.

Outstanding Balances

The outstanding balances on your credit cards and loans will also be listed in this section. This is the amount of money you owe on each account. It is important to keep your outstanding balances as low as possible to maintain a good credit score.

Monthly Instalments

The monthly instalments on your credit cards and loans will be listed here as well. This is the amount of money you are required to pay each month on each account. It is important to make your monthly payments on time to maintain a good credit score.

It is also important to note that different types of loans, such as mortgage loans, car loans, and home loans, may have additional information listed in this section. Be sure to review all of the information carefully to ensure that it is accurate.

In conclusion, understanding how to interpret the account information section of your CBS report is crucial to maintaining good credit. By keeping your accounts current, your outstanding balances low, and making your monthly payments on time, you can ensure that your credit score remains healthy.

Identifying and Understanding Defaults


If you have defaulted on a loan or credit card, it means that you have missed one or more payments. It is important to note that this information stays on your credit report for up to 3 years from the date of the last payment.

Default Records

When you default on a loan or credit card, it will be recorded in your credit report as a default record. This record will show the date of the default, the amount that you owe, and the name of the lender.

If you have a default record on your credit report, it can negatively impact your credit score and make it harder for you to get approved for credit in the future.

Bankruptcy Records

If you have filed for bankruptcy, it will be recorded in your credit report as a bankruptcy record. This record will show the date of the bankruptcy, the type of bankruptcy filed, and the amount of debt that was discharged.

Bankruptcy can have a serious impact on your credit score and make it difficult for you to get approved for credit in the future. It is important to note that bankruptcy stays on your credit report for up to 5 years from the date of discharge.

Negotiated Settlements

If you have negotiated a settlement with a lender, it will be recorded in your credit report as a negotiated settlement. This record will show the date of the settlement, the amount that you paid, and the name of the lender.

If you have negotiated a settlement, it is important to note that it may still have a negative impact on your credit score. However, it is generally better to negotiate a settlement than to have a default or bankruptcy on your credit report.

In some cases, you may be able to negotiate a full settlement where you pay the full amount owed, or a partial payment where you pay a portion of the amount owed. It is important to note that both full and partial settlements will be recorded in your credit report.

Understanding defaults, bankruptcy records, and negotiated settlements is an important part of understanding your credit report. By knowing what these records mean, you can take steps to improve your credit score and financial health.

Navigating Through Bankruptcy Proceedings


If you have gone through bankruptcy proceedings, it is important to understand how it will affect your credit report. The Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS) Report includes a section on bankruptcy proceedings, which provides information on your bankruptcy records and how it affects your credit score.

Bankruptcy Filings

The Bankruptcy Filings section of the CBS report lists all the bankruptcy orders that have been filed against you. It includes the date of the filing, the type of bankruptcy, and the name of the court that granted the order. This section also shows the date of discharge from bankruptcy, which is when you are released from your debts.

Debt Repayment Scheme

If you have entered into a Debt Repayment Scheme (DRS), this will be reflected in the CBS report. The DRS is a scheme that helps individuals repay their debts over a period of time. This section of the report will show the date you entered into the scheme, the amount of debt you owe, and the amount you have paid back so far.

Financial Health Post-Bankruptcy

After bankruptcy proceedings, it is important to take steps to improve your financial health. The CBS report provides information on your financial strain, which includes your credit accounts, credit limits, and debt management programme. This section of the report will also show any reported ID theft, which can have a negative impact on your credit score.

Overall, understanding the bankruptcy proceedings section of your CBS report is crucial to improving your financial health. By knowing what information is included, you can take steps to improve your credit score and ensure that you are on the path to financial stability.

Credit Report and Your Financial Behaviour


Your credit report is an important document that reflects your financial behaviour over the past 12 months. It is compiled by the Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS) and contains information such as your payment patterns, recent credit activities, and creditworthiness.

Payment Patterns and Creditworthiness

Your payment patterns are a critical factor in determining your creditworthiness. Lenders use your credit report to assess the likelihood of you paying back a loan. If you have a history of making timely payments, then you are more likely to be approved for a loan. On the other hand, if you have a history of late payments or defaulting on loans, then you are less likely to be approved.

Recent Credit Activities

Your credit report also includes information on your recent credit activities. This includes any new loans or credit cards that you have applied for, as well as any recent credit inquiries. Financial institutions use this information to assess your creditworthiness and determine whether you are a high or low-risk borrower.

Financial Institutions’ Perspective

From a financial institution’s perspective, your credit report is a tool that helps them assess your financial behaviour and determine the likelihood of you paying back a loan. Financial institutions use your credit report to determine your creditworthiness, which is a measure of how likely you are to repay a loan. The higher your creditworthiness, the more likely you are to be approved for a loan with favourable terms.

In summary, your credit report is a reflection of your financial behaviour over the past 12 months. It includes information on your payment patterns, recent credit activities, and creditworthiness. Lenders and financial institutions use this information to assess your creditworthiness and determine whether you are a high or low-risk borrower. Therefore, it is important to maintain a good credit score and make timely payments to ensure that you are viewed as a low-risk borrower.

Accessing and Utilising Your Free CBS Report


If you are looking to improve your creditworthiness, understanding your credit report is an essential first step. The Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS) offers a free credit report that you can obtain by visiting select SingPost branches, the CBS office, or CrimsonLogic Service Bureaus. Alternatively, you can request a soft copy of your credit report online.

How to Obtain Your Report

To obtain a hard copy of your credit report, visit one of the designated SingPost branches, the CBS office, or a CrimsonLogic Service Bureau. You will need to provide your NRIC or FIN, and the report will be printed on the spot.

If you prefer a soft copy of your credit report, you can request it online through the CBS website. Simply fill in the online form and provide a scanned copy of your ID document. The report will be sent to your email within 7 working days.

Reading a Credit Report

Once you have obtained your credit report, it is important to understand the information presented. Your credit report will include your personal details, credit accounts, payment history, and credit score.

Your credit score is a three-digit number that ranges from 1000 to 2000. The higher your credit score, the better your creditworthiness. A score of 1911 and above is considered excellent, while a score of 1499 and below is considered poor.

Using the Report to Improve Creditworthiness

Your credit report provides valuable insights into your creditworthiness and can help you identify areas for improvement. Review your credit accounts and payment history to identify any missed payments or late payments. Addressing these issues can help improve your credit score over time.

If you find any errors on your credit report, such as incorrect personal information or inaccurate payment history, you can dispute these errors with the CBS. The CBS will investigate the dispute and make any necessary corrections.

In conclusion, obtaining and understanding your credit report is an important step towards improving your creditworthiness. By reviewing your credit accounts and payment history, you can identify areas for improvement and take steps to address any issues.

Managing Your Credit Profile


Managing your credit profile is an essential part of maintaining a healthy financial life. Here are some strategies that can help you manage your credit profile effectively.

Strategies for Repayment

Repaying your loans on time is the most crucial factor in maintaining a good credit profile. You should always make sure that you pay your credit card bills, loan instalments, and other debts on time. Late payments can affect your credit score and lead to payment defaults.

To avoid missing payments, you can set up automatic payments or reminders. This way, you can ensure that you never miss a payment and maintain a good credit profile.

Improving Your Credit Score

Your credit score is a reflection of your creditworthiness. If you have a low credit score, it can negatively affect your credit exposure and limit your access to credit. Improving your credit score is essential to maintain a healthy credit profile.

One way to improve your credit score is to reduce your credit utilization ratio. Your credit utilization ratio is the amount of credit you use compared to your credit limits. A high credit utilization ratio can negatively affect your credit score. You can reduce your credit utilization ratio by paying off your debts or increasing your credit limits.

Another way to improve your credit score is to maintain a low aggregated outstanding balance. Your aggregated outstanding balance is the total amount of debt you owe to all your credit providers. Maintaining a low aggregated outstanding balance can positively affect your credit score.

Engaging with Credit Providers

Engaging with your credit providers can help you manage your credit profile effectively. You can contact your credit providers to discuss your credit limits, repayment options, and other credit-related issues. This way, you can ensure that you have a good understanding of your credit exposure and maintain a healthy credit profile.

In conclusion, managing your credit profile is essential to maintain a healthy financial life. By following these strategies for repayment, improving your credit score, and engaging with credit providers, you can ensure that you have a good credit profile and access to credit when you need it.

Understanding the Impact of Enquiries


When you apply for a loan or credit card, the lender will usually make an enquiry with the Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS) to obtain your credit report. This enquiry is recorded on your credit report and is known as an “enquiry activity“. It is important to understand how enquiry activity can impact your credit score.

Loan Applications and Enquiries

When you submit a loan application, the lender will typically make an enquiry with the CBS. This enquiry activity will be recorded on your credit report, and too many enquiries can negatively impact your credit score.

It is advisable to limit your loan applications as much as possible, as each enquiry activity can reduce your credit score by a few points. However, it is important to note that not all enquiry activities are the same. For example, if you are shopping around for the best loan offer and submit multiple loan applications within a short period, the CBS will treat these enquiries as a single enquiry activity. This is known as a “fee” and will have less of an impact on your credit score than multiple separate enquiries.

Employers and Credit Checks

Some employers may conduct credit checks on potential employees as part of the hiring process. This credit check is recorded on your credit report as an “enquiry activity”. However, unlike loan applications, employer credit checks do not have a negative impact on your credit score.

This is because the CBS recognises that employer credit checks are not related to your creditworthiness, but rather to your suitability for a particular job. Therefore, you do not need to worry about employer credit checks affecting your credit score.

In summary, it is important to be mindful of the impact of enquiry activity on your credit score. Limit your loan applications as much as possible, and be aware of the difference between separate enquiries and fees. However, you do not need to worry about employer credit checks affecting your credit score.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I obtain a complimentary copy of my Credit Bureau report in Singapore?

You can obtain a complimentary copy of your Credit Bureau report in Singapore by visiting the Credit Bureau Singapore’s office and submitting a request. You will need to provide a valid identification document, such as your NRIC or passport, and complete the necessary forms. Alternatively, you can make a request online through the Credit Bureau Singapore’s website.

What steps should I take to rectify inaccuracies in my CBS credit report?

If you find inaccuracies in your CBS credit report, you should contact the Credit Bureau Singapore immediately to initiate a dispute. You will need to provide supporting documents to substantiate your claim. The Credit Bureau Singapore will investigate the dispute and make any necessary corrections to your credit report.

Could you explain the significance of ‘CX’ on my CBS report and what it indicates?

‘CX’ on your CBS report refers to the credit score assigned to you by the Credit Bureau Singapore. This score ranges from 1 to 2,000, with a higher score indicating a better credit profile. The ‘CX’ score is based on your credit payment history, credit utilization, credit inquiries, and other factors.

What are the four main sections I should be aware of in my credit report?

The four main sections of your credit report are Personal Information, Credit Information, Public Information, and Enquiry Information. Personal Information includes your name, identification number, and contact details. Credit Information includes your credit accounts, payment history, and credit limit. Public Information includes any legal actions taken against you, such as bankruptcy or court judgments. Enquiry Information includes a list of parties that have requested your credit report.

How frequently does the Credit Bureau Singapore update individual credit records?

The Credit Bureau Singapore updates individual credit records on a monthly basis. This means that any changes to your credit profile, such as new credit accounts or missed payments, will be reflected in your credit report within the next month.

What’s the best way to interpret the various codes and data points on my CBS credit report?

The best way to interpret the various codes and data points on your CBS credit report is to refer to the Credit Bureau Singapore’s website for a comprehensive guide. The website provides detailed explanations of the codes and data points, as well as tips on how to improve your credit profile.

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