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Licensed Money Lender New Rules: A Dose of Fresh Brew in Singapore’s Monetary Vista

Is there a new brew stewing within Singapore’s teapot of financial scenery? If you are asking what’s steaming, then the revised licensed money lender new rules are simmering to perfection quite well. 

But why must you stir, as any person might ask? Think briefly and imagine yourself standing in  Singapore’s hawker centre, with the expansive menu of financial products set before you. Each of the loan options you can find has specific designs to fit one’s diverse preferences and necessities.

Each licensed money lender is Singapore’s food stall and serves their specialities with great care. However, if NEA suddenly introduces a new set of rules, there’s no doubt the entire hawker scenery will be abuzz! 

It’s similar to Singapore’s monetary vista. Come on and grab your most tasteful Teh Tarik and analyse this further below!

Enhanced Modifications: Licensed Money Lender New Rules

Have you noticed how the renovation of an old HDB flat happens? 

The priority is to ensure a solid foundation and add a new coat of paint. Maybe there’s a need to knock down a wall or two and include some new fixtures. All of these modifications aim to enhance, and sometimes it will appear like it’s practically a brand-new apartment. 

The concept isn’t too dissimilar from the Ministry of Law’s actions in 2018, particularly with the licensed money lenders’ guidelines. The Ministry of Law took the existing structure, adding essential innovative elements, knocking down a few outdated rules, and presenting every borrower with the latest Moneylenders Rules.

Would you like to dissect the refurbished further? 

Here are the crucial details you shouldn’t miss:

Cap on Loan Costs:

You may envision it as similar to the supermarket’s price ceiling. No matter how high the demands are, the price for the most sought-after goods won’t surpass a particular point. For personal loans and other financial products, the Ministry of Law’s Moneylenders Rules cap limits the overall borrowing cost of the original loan amount.

Similar to limiting the sambal amount in your laksa – it’s just the right spice, but not too much.

Repayment Pursuits:

Have you ever tried paying off a debt in massive chunks?

It may feel like you’re attempting to gulp down a large Durian piece. The new rules will slice your loans into manageable bits with repayment pursuits that work with your payment abilities. 

That big Durian piece you can’t quickly devour is now cut into delectable bite-size.

Advertising Rules:

Did you ever have a hard time getting away from annoying advertisements that you see everywhere?

It can become a troublesome experience. But, with the licensed money lender rules, you can put on some reigns on that horse. Now, licensed money lenders can only advertise within their premises. Another option also is through websites approved by the Registrar.

So, the billboards you see on the way to work will only advertise the best Laksa in town, not the loans.

Professional Conduct:

Finally, like the unspoken rule of standing on the left on escalators, the licensed money lender’s new rules lay down codes of conduct. It includes not using abusive language, not contacting you at unreasonable hours, and not revealing your borrowing history.

It commits to respecting personal space – Singaporean style!

Comparing the Old with the New: From a Blueprint to a Masterpiece

It’s time for you to hop into the time machine momentarily. Picture the good ol’ days when the rules for money lending resembled a familiar blueprint, and it’s simple and direct.

But today, it’s more like a masterpiece painting, with nuances and subtleties adding depth. Is the masterpiece more complicated? Yes.

Is it better? Well, it can, especially if it fits your requirements.

The Impact: Tsunami or a Ripple in a Pond?

Now, the stone is cast into the lake of finance, and the ripples are spreading. But the real question remains, are these licensed money lenders’ new rules a tsunami that will disrupt the existing order?

Or maybe it’s only a ripple that will leave the landscape mostly undisturbed? It’s much like the debate about the Supreme Court’s impact on Singapore’s legal system.

However, do you remember when the Penal Code amendments came into effect?

The legal community had to adapt like a surfer on a tricky wave. The impact of the licensed money lender’s new rules can legally calibrate and protect the borrowers in Singapore.

But the ultimate surfer trophy goes to the one who rides the waves and primarily utilises them are Singapore’s legal lenders, like Accredit Licensed Money Lender.

Legal Lenders Sailing Smoothly Through the New Rules

It’s now the time to meet the particular sailor navigating the choppy waters of the licensed money lender’s new rules – legal lenders and Accredit. It’s similar to how the Parliament ensures the laws are fair, and licensed lenders ensure they will abide by the fresh Moneylenders Rules diligently.

What stands out about Accredit?

First and foremost, they commit to integrity and transparency, quite like the Singapore River’s clear waters. They have adapted in the depths of the new rules like a fish to water, implementing the caps regarding the loan costs. They also follow the repayment structures set out by the Ministry of Law.

In addition, they’ve also embraced the new advertising rules. You can expect them to showcase their services only on approved platforms. Like the Supreme Court, Accredit sets a benchmark for others to follow in the industry.

Licensed Money Lender New Rules: Steering Towards Harmonious Financial Scenery

Whether you are a Singapore Citizen, a permanent resident, or a foreigner with a work permit, life in the Lion City has its perks and challenges. It has an intricate dance between serving the old and embracing the new.

The same applies to anyone’s financial scenery, which you can relate to. With the licensed money lender’s new rules, you will steer towards a more inclusive and safer monetary ecosystem. The new monetary choreography leads to a harmonious dance, especially when you partner with Accredit

So, it’s time for you to move towards the best financial plans and make them a reality. Sit back and watch your monetary panorama unfold, teacup in hand.

After all, with every financial storm, it’s also your opportunity to brew a new cup of tea.

Accredit Pte Limited has 4 locations island-wide, to bring our transparent services closer to you.


Tampines Branch
(+65 6226 2662)
Yishun Branch
(+65 6219 2662)
Hougang Branch
(+65 6245 2662)
Clementi Branch
(+65 6261 2662)

Accredit @ Yishun

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Mon to Fri  : 10am – 8pm
Sat and Sun: 10am – 5pm

Accredit @ Tampines

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Operating Hours:
Mon to Fri  : 10am – 8pm
Sat and Sun: 10am – 5pm

Accredit @ Hougang

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Operating Hours:
Mon to Fri  : 10am – 8pm
Sat and Sun: 10am – 5pm

Accredit @ Clementi

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Operating Hours:
Mon to Fri  : 10am – 8pm
Sat and Sun: 10am – 5pm