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To create a Compute VM instance with disk partitions in gcp.

Usecase:- I'm trying to create a VM instance in gcp, with a disk size of 500gb. Here I want to vm instance with disk partition with given disk size through terraform module. I'm following this reference to create a simple VM -: instance https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/resources/compute_instance  

Any helpful references and suggestions to create a Compute VM Instance with disk partitions in gcp using terraform module? 

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Hello @Dg03cloud  ,Welcome on Google Cloud Community.

Compute disk module does not support partitioning by default. So here are your options:

1. Deploy VM with normal disk as provided example shows. Add metadata windows startup script, which will configure your VM AFTER deployment (best option). More info here:  https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/startup-scripts/windows?hl=en#console 
2. Deploy VM with additional disk as on example. Use null_resource and remote_exec to remotely execute PS script to configure your VM. 

LinkedIn medium.com Cloudskillsboost

@DamianS Thanks for your quick reply. In this usecase, i want to create a linux vm instance resource through terraform. As suggested, will create a vm instance first, then will run the script  ( given reference) for disk partition script. Here is my terraform configuration. Any additional changes are required on this configuration before creating a vm instance and then to run the disk partition disk script ? 

resource "google_service_account" "default" {
account_id = "my-custom-sa"
display_name = "Custom SA for VM Instance"

resource "google_compute_instance" "default" {
name = "my-instance"
machine_type = "n2-standard-2"
zone = "us-central1-a"

tags = ["foo", "bar"]

boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "debian-cloud/debian-11"
labels = {
my_label = "value"

// Local SSD disk
scratch_disk {
interface = "NVME"

network_interface {
network = "default"

access_config {
// Ephemeral public IP

metadata = {
foo = "bar"

metadata_startup_script = "echo hi > /test.txt"

service_account {
# Google recommends custom service accounts that have cloud-platform scope and permissions granted via IAM Roles.
email = google_service_account.default.email
scopes = ["cloud-platform"]

Following this reference to create a vm instance through terraform. https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/resources/compute_instance.

Does the given reference supports to run a disk partition script on a Linux vm instance? Or is there any other reference to run a disk partition on a Linux vm?


Basically following TF code should work, as TF will create Linux instance AND then your shell script will do rest of magic. So I would suggest to focus on good shell script rather than TF code, as TF code will be the easiest part here. 
LinkedIn medium.com Cloudskillsboost

Sure Damian.

Can we use this windows vm disk partition reference script to run on the linux VM instance for disk partition? [https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/startup-scripts/windows?hl=en#console]

Else, is there any other reference script to run on the linux VM machine for disk partition?

If yes, please share a reference script to run on the linux VM.


No, you can't use this Windows PS script for LInux. Unfortunately, I don't have it. Use any kind of AI tool to generate this, as it depends how you want to configure your filesystem structure. 

@DamianS Have a followup question. While creation a simple gcp vm instance through terraform, is there a way to attach/create a secondary disk apart from a primary vm instance disk via terraform module. Any helpful references on this usecase?


Sure thing that you are able to attach second disk. Grab this code :

# This code is compatible with Terraform 4.25.0 and versions that are backwards compatible to 4.25.0.
# For information about validating this Terraform code, see https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/gcp-get-started/google-cloud-platform-build#format-and-validate-the-configuration

resource "google_compute_instance" "amazing-vm" {
  attached_disk {
    device_name = "amazing-vm-disk-additional"
    mode        = "READ_WRITE"

  boot_disk {
    auto_delete = true
    device_name = "amazing-vm"

    initialize_params {
      image = "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-12-bookworm-v20240515"
      size  = 10
      type  = "pd-balanced"

    mode = "READ_WRITE"

  can_ip_forward      = false
  deletion_protection = false
  enable_display      = false

  labels = {

  machine_type = "e2-medium"

  metadata = {
    enable-oslogin = "true"
    startup-script = " #! /bin/bash\n apt update\n apt -y install apache2\n cat <<EOF > /var/www/html/index.html\n <html><body><p>Linux startup script added directly.</p></body></html>\n EOF"

  name = "amazing-vm"

  network_interface {
    access_config {
      network_tier = "PREMIUM"

    queue_count = 0
    stack_type  = "IPV4_ONLY"
    subnetwork  = "projects/webaap-wordpress-load/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default"

  scheduling {
    automatic_restart   = true
    on_host_maintenance = "MIGRATE"
    preemptible         = false
    provisioning_model  = "STANDARD"

  service_account {
    email  = "6935681435-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com"
    scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring.write", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/trace.append"]

  shielded_instance_config {
    enable_integrity_monitoring = true
    enable_secure_boot          = false
    enable_vtpm                 = true

  zone = "us-central1-c"

PS: I will give you some hint. If you want to create terraform code for VM, you can simply go to GC Console -> Compute Engine -> Create VM -> Edit parameters -> EQUIVALENT CODE -> TERRAFORM. It will generate yaml code, which you can copy/paste and utilize as normal terraform file 🙂 

PS2: You are not able to configure attached_disk size from "google_compute_instance" resource. So you should either create disk first, then make an reference in "google_compute_instance" resource. 
So this code will handle all cases:

# This code is compatible with Terraform 4.25.0 and versions that are backwards compatible to 4.25.0.
# For information about validating this Terraform code, see https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/gcp-get-started/google-cloud-platform-build#format-and-validate-the-configuration

### Initialize provider
terraform {
  required_providers {
    google = {
      source = "hashicorp/google"
      version = "5.30.0"

## Create compute disk
resource "google_compute_disk" "seconddisk" {
    name  = "seconddisk"
    type  = "pd-standard"
    zone  = "us-central1-a" ## I'm using the same zone as for VM, as I'm not creating global disks. 
    size = "100" ## in GB

##Attach newly created disk to instance
resource "google_compute_attached_disk" "default" {
  disk     = google_compute_disk.seconddisk.self_link
  instance = google_compute_instance.amazing-vm.id

## Create instance. This instance will be used for second disk attachment
resource "google_compute_instance" "amazing-vm" {
  zone = "us-central1-a"

  boot_disk {
    auto_delete = true
    device_name = "amazing-vm"

    initialize_params {
      image = "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-12-bookworm-v20240515"
      size  = 10
      type  = "pd-balanced"

    mode = "READ_WRITE"

  can_ip_forward      = false
  deletion_protection = false
  enable_display      = false

  labels = {

  machine_type = "e2-medium"

  metadata = {
    enable-oslogin = "true"
    startup-script = " #! /bin/bash\n apt update\n apt -y install apache2\n cat <<EOF > /var/www/html/index.html\n <html><body><p>Linux startup script added directly.</p></body></html>\n EOF"

  name = "amazing-vm"

  network_interface {
    access_config {
      network_tier = "PREMIUM"

    queue_count = 0
    stack_type  = "IPV4_ONLY"
    subnetwork  = "projects/webaap-wordpress-load/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/prod-gc" ### Change your VPC

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [attached_disk]

  scheduling {
    automatic_restart   = true
    on_host_maintenance = "MIGRATE"
    preemptible         = false
    provisioning_model  = "STANDARD"

  shielded_instance_config {
    enable_integrity_monitoring = true
    enable_secure_boot          = false
    enable_vtpm                 = true


LinkedIn medium.com Cloudskillsboost

@DamianS Appreciate your reply. I will work with given reference config and update here. As suggested, I tried to run the  'EQUIVALENT CODE' on a new vm instance page, but I received this error. 



Might be possible that Google have some issue, hard to say. Try again tbh, as first piece of code which I've provided has been copy/paste from this EQUIVALENT CODE section 🙂
LinkedIn medium.com Cloudskillsboost