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May 13, 2024


Deployment Time: 12:00 PM PST

Features & enhancements


Bug fixes



These issues that were previously released have been rolled back. The team is working on longer-term fixes for these issues.

Item Description
The URL hash in Desktop mode has been updated to represent the state of currently visible views in a new condensed format that supports preserving inline view state through shared links or page refresh (for example, sorting a table view within a dashboard by a particular column). Note that existing deep links and bookmarks of both mobile and prior desktop format will continue to work, but the URL bar will begin to reflect the new format.  Rolled back to fix an issue with copy row actions where the row includes an Address column.

Preview announcements

Preview feature releases enable you to try out new app features that are not yet fully supported. See Product launch stages.

  • No new preview features were released today.

The following tables summarize the preview features that are currently available.

Item Description
Feature AppSheet apps for desktop users (Preview)

The new desktop design, currently in preview, is optimized for desktop browsers, presenting a more complete view of information with a consistent organization and structure. The new desktop design lets users navigate their apps more easily and access information in context, and provides an efficient way to edit existing records without losing context. The legacy desktop design, enabled by default, provides an experience similar to the mobile and tablet device.

For more information, see:

In addition, the AppSheet preview program lets app creators try out new app features that are not yet fully supported. For more details and to opt-in, see AppSheet preview program.

3 17 458
Platinum 1
Platinum 1

Some recent update seems to have significantly shrunk this input box for an Action's name. Can you please put it back? It's not big enough to see anything but very short action names.




@Marc_Dillon - Thank you for reporting! The team is working to fix this. 

Gold 4
Gold 4


Newly release version of 16.01 completely broke one of my app ...... Once we run this app with iPhone, phone completely freezes.  I posted ticket, pleaes kindly follow up to help us out.

Ticket Number is here.



@Koichi_Tsuji Thank you for letting us know. Sorry for the inconvenience. Will raise this to the team!

Gold 4
Gold 4


Thank you. I ESCALATED, but not meaningful resonse so far as usual.


Gold 4
Gold 4


No quantitive analysis was made, but generaly speaking, AppSheet works better with Android, but not work with IOS, once again, generally speaking.




We are looking into this. To make sure we understand this, @Koichi_Tsuji this is not happening for all apps, but a particular app that you have, correct?

Gold 4
Gold 4

This happens only to the particular single app alone. See my ticket.

Gold 4
Gold 4


New errors. Possibly other may notice and submitted ticket and the case could be attened.

Once we took Google calendar as table for AppSheet, then update the existing event, AppSheet always REFRESH and UPDATES the MEETS URL all the time which causes massive disruptions to the app users.

Even we pass the fixed URL to the meets URL column (table generated from calendar) and once the sync is finished, the completely new Meet URL is generated. This is perfect hidden bug and must be addressed as soon as possible to avoid disruption to the app users.


Gold 4
Gold 4

To make it clear, for instance, we just changed and update the start time for the Calenar Event alone, AppSheet generates completely new Meets URL, while we are not asking to update this column (URL...)...

Gold 4
Gold 4

@mandard wrote:

We are looking into this. To make sure we understand this, @Koichi_Tsuji this is not happening for all apps, but a particular app that you have, correct?

Once again, I do confirm this happens only to a single app, while other apps are working fine.  I simply suspect the config (editor made for this app) may affect to your IOS codes. I m not sure what sort of the app setting disturb your IOs code though, but this happens, that facts tells something is wrong with your codes.



@Koichi_Tsuji am unable to repro using the app provided - the app seems to load ok. Will follow up separately with your support ticket. Anybody else seeing an issue with just v16.01 of the iOS app? (Note that a large app could run into memory limits and show unresponsiveness but that should not be an issue if the data to the app is reduced and should not happen across all apps and also not only on iOS 16.01). 

Gold 4
Gold 4


I do have ample avaiable space and storage for my app, as my I phone is latest. To run other appsheet app is fine, but this single app is failing to complete to run.   Based on the fact we see, AppSheet IOS apps should have hidden and un-identified bugs. Please keep digging into it.

Wiht Android app, this is not happening at all.

Gold 4
Gold 4

I did confirmed with other users who runs this same app. They face the same problems. 

As the detectors for the AppSheet, this feedback makes me confident, IOS app should have natural defects and glitches somewhere.


Gold 4
Gold 4

As you can see, this app is based on MySQL (relatively large amount of date) but we apply security filters to reduce the amont of data passed onto the devices. Once again, it it working fine with desktp and Andrdoid but only fails with IOS app all the time.



@Koichi_Tsuji we are happy to help assist debugging your issue. That said, we want to isolate the root cause to whether it is due to a recent release. We do have dependencies in the app updated due to new Apple requirements which could change the maximum available memory for your app. Could you check if things work after reducing the app size (via security filters)? 

We have not been able to repro the issue in your app so far. Would be great if we could get the app to repro the behavior on our side so we can help sooner.

Gold 4
Gold 4


With this app, it finishes sync in something around 6 - 7 seconds with browser so not really heavy app at all. However with new iOS, it keeps failing.  Just within a sec after hitting short cut to the app in the home screen, the app (iphone) itself keep freezing. 

I will DM to you with the screenshot of my phones.