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Meeting The Needs And Expectations Of Gen Zs And Millennials On Workplace Mental Health


Each year, Deloitte Global’s Gen Z and Millennial Survey explores how these generations feel about work and the world around them. Since 2020, we have used the survey to gain specific insights into what influences the mental well-being of Gen Z and millennial workers—in particular, when it comes to their experiences in the workplace.

Why? Because there is increasing evidence that work impacts mental well-being and vice versa. The World Health Organization estimates that depression and anxiety cost the global economy approximately 12 billion days of lost work each year[1]. And while mental health challenges can stem from multiple factors outside and within the workplace, we know that good and fulfilling work can help protect well-being.

So this year we sought to go beyond the range of well-being questions that we have asked since 2020—to try to gain insight into respondents’ experiences when it comes to work-related causes of stress and anxiety. And, thus, to gain a better understanding of some of the factors within employers’ control.

This is what we have found when we analyze responses from nearly 23,000 respondents in 44 countries:

While not the dominant cause, work remains a key driver of stress and anxiety for both generations

Overall, fewer people in both generations this year’s report feeling stressed and anxious all or most of the time—although this still stands at 40% of Gen Zs and 35% of millennials (compared to 46% and 39% last year). As with previous years, stress levels are highest in underrepresented groups, with, for example, nearly half of LGBT+ Gen Zs and six in 10 Gen Zs and millennials with a disability saying that they feel stressed and anxious all or most of the time.

As we saw last year, financial concerns—both in terms of anticipated future financial insecurity and day-to-day finances—are at the top of the list of their stressors. Work is also a factor. A third or more of respondents (36% of Gen Zs and 33% of millennials) who regularly feel stressed or anxious, say their job contributes to their stress levels. Among them, half say they experience a lack of recognition, work long hours, or feel decisions are not always made in a fair or equitable way.

A range of work experiences impact well-being, including burnout, especially for Gen Zs

For the first time, respondents were asked about a range of factors related to experiences in the workplace that can affect their well-being. While the responses show that these factors are experienced by both generations, they are particularly prevalent when it comes to the experiences of Gen Z workers. For example, just over a third of Gen Zs say that all or most of the time they feel unable to raise work-related problems for fear that doing so may negatively impact them, feel frustrated about the way their organization operates, or feel micromanaged. Three in ten say they feel isolated all or most of the time, with the same number saying that their work lacks purpose.

When it comes to those respondents who say they feel stressed or anxious all or most of the time, we see reports of experiencing some of these factors roughly doubling. For example, of these respondents, more than six in ten say they feel frustrated by the way their organization operates (62% Gen Zs and 63% millennials), feel lonely and/or isolated (60% Gen Zs and 63% millennials) or feel unable to raise work-related problems in case they negatively impact thems (62% Gen Zs and 61% millennials).

The data on how people experience these factors also provides additional insight into factors that may contribute to burnout. A staggering 50% of Gen Zs and 45% of millennials say that they feel burned-out at work, with over half of burned-out Gen Zs also saying they feel disconnected from colleagues, micromanaged or that their work lacks purpose. Feeling unable to raise work related problems or issues tops the list of negative work experiences for burned out Gen Zs (58%) while millennials cite frustration at how their organization operates as their top negative experience (60%). Worryingly, only half of Gen Zs and millennials feel that their employers are taking steps to help prevent burnout.

Mental health resources, while now available at work for many, are under-utilized

Positively, this year the survey finds that the provision of mental health support at work is on the rise, with many types of support––ranging from resources to reduce stress to regular opportunities to discuss well-being with managers––now variously available to approximately two-thirds of respondents.

Of these types of support, opportunities to discuss how work is impacting mental well-being with their direct manager is the most available, to 68% of Gen Zs and 64% of millennials. At the opposite end of the scale, company sponsored counseling or therapy (available to 57% of Gen Zs and 52% of millennials) and access to mental health apps (available to 56% of Gen Zs and 49% of millennials) are elements of support least likely to be available to respondents in both generations.

However, this availability of support does not translate into widespread use, with many resources being accessed by less than half of those for whom access is available­­­­­­­­–including some of those who may benefit from support most. For example, among those for whom resources are available just 46% of Gen Zs and 48% of millennials who say they feel stressed or anxious all or most of the time have used an employee assistance program (EAP) or helpline and just 49% of Gen Zs and 51% of millennials in this group say they have used mental health apps. Of those who say they feel burned out at work, utilization is similar: for example, only 49% of Gen Zs and millennials who feel burned out have used paid for and/or subsidized counseling. This indicates that the rise in support offerings has not necessarily translated into utilization.

Leaders and managers can do more to empower people to speak up and seek help

Despite an increase in resources accessible at work, this year’s data shows there remains much to be done when it comes to tone from the top, manager support and comfort that people feel to disclose their mental health challenges.

For example, only 31% of Gen Zs and about 27% of millennials say they have senior leaders who talk about prioritizing mental health. Fewer than six in 10 of both generations are comfortable speaking openly with their manager about their mental health challenges, and only just over half of respondents feel that their manager would know how to help them if they shared their mental health challenges with them. Worse still, 27% of respondents fear they could be discriminated against if they raised concerns about their mental health with their manager.

Linked to this is a continuing theme of presenteeism and low disclosure rates for those who have taken time off: of the 73% of Gen Z and 65% of millennial workers who say they needed to take time off due to stress or anxiety, fewer than four in ten (39% of Gen Zs and 34% of millennials) actually did, and around half of those workers gave different reasons for their absence.

Closing the gap between expectations and experiences—a continued focus and the role of Good Work

While this year’s responses show some of the data slowly moving in the right direction, we still have a picture that includes prevalent stress and anxiety, burnout, and stigma for both generations.

Efforts made by employers to provide support are positive, but the uptake of that support remains limited—most notably for those who may most need it. And, among other things, respondents still aren’t hearing enough messaging from leaders, are concerned about disclosing to managers (and those managers’ ability to direct them to support), and—at worst—concerned about discrimination if they do disclose. Alongside this, respondents are experiencing factors at work that negatively impact their well-being—with this particularly prevalent for those who frequently experience stress and anxiety. These factors also prevail when it comes to the nearly half of respondents who say they feel burned out at work.

It is clear from the data that a continued focus on mental health and well-being in the workplace is needed. The availability of support is, of course, an important part—but this support will only be effective if it is accessed by those who need it. This means leaders talking about the importance of prioritizing mental health and leading by example, managers creating psychologically safe teams where people feel able to disclose without concern, and being equipped with enough knowledge to be able to refer support.

But this data also shows the importance of prevention—most notably the key role that focusing on Good Work could play when it comes to enabling employee well-being. This includes identifying negative workplace experiences that are contributing to employees’ stress and burnout levels. And it requires determining ways to reduce stressors through a focus on enabling work that supports mental health and well-being, and in turn enables productivity and innovation. This would be a win for everyone.