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Five Fixes For Your Employees' Top Workplace Frustrations

Forbes Technology Council

Prasad Ramakrishnan is SVP of IT and CIO at Freshworks.

Have you ever noticed sullen-looking statues in museums or parks, hunched over pressing their heads to their hands as if deep in thought or perhaps deep in despair? If you’re a business leader, think of them as a metaphor for your employees trying to navigate the nuances of using overly complex technology. New research shows that out of 9,000 employees surveyed in different industries across the globe, a whopping 9 in 10 are frustrated by their workplace technology—and almost half are considering changing jobs.

Post-pandemic employee patience is running thin, with expectations now higher than ever—especially when it comes to ease of use. After all, technology is easy to use in our personal lives, so why shouldn’t it be easy to use at work too?

The double disruption of a growing global talent shortage and increasing economic uncertainty makes this a critical leadership-level issue because it directly impacts the big three touchstones of human capital—productivity, happiness and retention. As IT leaders, it’s our responsibility to fix these issues so we can maintain a happy and productive workforce. Here are the top five frustrations employees face and how to fix them:

Slow Speeds

We’ve all been at the mercy of our software’s speed. When deadlines are looming, slower doesn’t mean better. For businesses where work is done at the office, making capacity planning and reviews part of your standard operating procedure is key to ensuring optimum speeds. Also, having service-level agreements and expectations set with your cloud and SaaS providers can help keep things moving quickly in a fast-paced environment.

Slow Response Times From IT

As an IT leader, this one causes me to drop my head into my hands in despair. Reaching out to IT doesn’t mean an auto fix for issues. It all comes down to measuring our effectiveness. By that I mean measuring key metrics such as the first response time, first call resolution outcome (did we get it right the first time?) and the number of "hops" for a ticket (how many bounces occur before we resolve a user’s issue?). A lot happens behind the scenes after an email or ticket reaches IT. Making sure your IT processes are working can help alleviate slow response times and get user issues resolved within a responsible time frame.

Lack Of Collaboration Between Departments

One of the most frustrating things for employees is entering the same information in multiple applications or processes. Doing this just highlights a lack of integration and collaboration and leads to a perception of inefficiency and bureaucracy. Fortunately, this can easily be fixed by simple integrations, where we use robotic process automation (RPA) or integration middleware platforms to move data from point A to point B more efficiently.

Missing Features And Important Capabilities

When it comes to software, less is more, as long as employees have what they need to do their jobs. Unfortunately, businesses often tend to buy or implement the "greatest and latest," with all of the bells and whistles without taking the time to review the true business problem they must solve. This can lead to bloated or inefficient SaaS that simply doesn’t work for the end user. Take the time to review your business processes often (quarterly) and see what features are being used in the tools you have deployed. Don’t be afraid to unload or do away with underused features or underused software altogether.

Lack Of Automation

Similar to a lack of collaboration, a lack of automation can leave employees frustrated by manually entering information again and again. The same advice applies here—look for simple integrations that can automate processes more easily. This will free up more time for employees to focus on the work they need to get done and less time being weighed down with mundane and repetitive tasks.

Employees have high expectations from the business software they work with—it should empower people, not frustrate them or, worse yet, cause them despair. While these five frustrations may only scratch the surface of employee workplace tech issues, it’s starting to try and fix things. Let’s listen to our employees and give them the software they need and deserve to do meaningful and productive work at a company they love to work for.

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