From the course: Multinational Communication in the Workplace

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Manage phone conversations

Manage phone conversations

- As non-native English speakers, we're often terrified of phone calls. There's no visual reference to help us understand, there may be background noises and other technical issues. How can we overcome this fear? First of all, knowing the context of the conversation can help you a lot. No matter if you work at a customer care service, at a reception, or in an office, you can always prepare in advance for any phone calls you may receive or make. Study the important vocabulary for your specific task and the general phrases to use on the phone, such as hold the line or I'll put you through. A student of mine needed help to prepare for a job interview as a receptionist for a metallurgical factory. Neither of us knew the specific vocabulary so we studied it together and we simulated possible phone calls. Her interview was a success and she got the job. Then, just as in regular conversations, listening for keywords is essential also on the phone. The keywords may be names of people you're…
