From the course: Making a Difference: How to Advocate for the Change You Want

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Building connections

Building connections

The power of community is tremendous. Disability rights advocate Helen Keller said it best, “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” By building and deepening your connections, you'll be able to create a community surrounding your cause. In this lesson, I'll share the best ways to deepen your existing connections and build new connections so that you can expand your network and drive change forward. First, you need to make yourself and your cause more visible. When you raise your personal and professional visibility within your local community, you'll inevitably connect with others who care about your cause. If you're not an overly outgoing or extroverted person, making yourself visible could be a bit uncomfortable. But there's still plenty you can do. I recommend writing opinion pieces and submitting them to newspapers and magazines. Writing a blog that you can share with friends and family. And posting on social media. Next, think of all the people who you are…
