From the course: Maximizing Your Reach: Proven Mobile Marketing Techniques

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Measure mobile marketing performance

Measure mobile marketing performance

Get this. Mobile devices account for over 70% of Internet traffic in the United States. For all the small businesses out there, this is how you reach and engage with your target audience. How do you know if your mobile marketing campaigns are actually working and if they're optimize? The answer comes from effective analytics. In this lesson, I'll show you how to assess the analytics framework you've set up and find opportunities for improvement. This way you can measure the performance of your mobile marketing strategies and achieve better results in the future. The first step in measuring your mobile marketing success is to define your objectives. What do you want to achieve with your mobile marketing? Is it increasing website traffic generating leads, boosting sales or retaining customers? Then once you have your objectives, you can choose the right metrics to track. These metrics will help you measure the success of your mobile marketing strategies. Some important metrics to…
