From the course: Narrative Portraiture: On Location in New York City

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Wrapping up the shoot

Wrapping up the shoot

Chris Orwig: At this point in the shoot I am content. I feel like we've captured a number of great images or at least I hope so. And a lot of times at that moment we say, you know what, that's a wrap, that's it. Well I like to push things a little bit further. I like to finish on perhaps an even better note. Sometimes in those moments I think it's fun to just play a little bit, so I brought in this apple. Now why an apple? Well here we were in New York City, the Big Apple. I know that's a cliche. But it is interesting to play with cliches. It's also dangerous, because cliches often become trite and empty photographs, but nonetheless why not at least try? I mean, we've covered all of our bases, why not have a little bit of fun? And even more than that I think it's great to kind of end on this high note. The last thing that has to happen is we have to retrace our steps across the bridge. Now in the morning we came across the bridge from the Brooklyn side and the construction area was…
