From the course: Artificial Intelligence for Marketing

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Programmatic advertising and attribution

Programmatic advertising and attribution

From the course: Artificial Intelligence for Marketing

Programmatic advertising and attribution

- If you're doing any online advertising, you might already be using machine learning and just not know it. Programmatic advertising is the norm today because the enormous volume of ads on Google and Facebook and Twitter and all the rest. Once you understand how machine learning alters the process, you can make better use of programmatic advertising and get better results for your ads. In the good old days, you'd check off the traits of the audience you were targeting, age, gender, location, education, and the publishers computer would show your ad to the person with those traits. Programmatic means that the system does the matching, which is huge because the average person sees something like 5,000 ads everyday. Multiply that by half the population on the planet, and it's a lot of ads to serve. It's more efficient for you, the advertiser, to go to an intermediary, an ad exchange, and let them figure out where to place your ad based on your desired audience traits. You get to choose…
