From the course: Business Etiquette for Gen Z

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Position yourself for success

- Congrats, you're done with the course. That means you're expected to communicate perfectly at work from now on, right? Wrong, no one is perfect. We're all a work in progress, myself included. But by applying what you learned on handling interpersonal challenges, building trust with colleagues, and being considerate while making your voice heard, you'll be able to use sound judgment in all workplace interactions. This will help you maximize your success, create strong professional relationships, and foster positive work environments. As you continue this journey, I recommend checking out the insightful and entertaining blog "Ask a Manager" by Alison Green. It's focused on career advice, but contains many posts that relate to business etiquette as well. I'd love to connect with you. You can follow me on LinkedIn. Visit my website to learn more about a customized business etiquette course for your organization. If your company is interested in additional topics such…
