From the course: C# and .NET Development with VS Code

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Testing C# apps in VS Code

Testing C# apps in VS Code

(upbeat music) (graphic whooshing) - Hey, everyone, welcome back to the penultimate episode of C# and .NET Development in VS Code for Beginners, (giggles) and also the second to last time where I have to remember that really long title that I gave for some reason. So, in the last episode, we talked all about debugging, and all of the new debugging improvements that exist when you install C# Dev Kit with VS Code. And yeah, ultimately just how much easier it is to debug using those new updates. And this time around, we're going to do the same thing, but for testing. So, I've still got my Codele project here, if you want to follow along, you can check out the repo, go ahead and clone it if you want, and swap over to the testing branch so that you can see the same thing that I'm doing, if you want to walk alongside me. And this time around, you might notice that there is a new project that I went ahead and added behind the scenes in the solution, and that is CodeleTests. This is my test…
