From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics: Painting with Vectors

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Creating scatter brushes

Creating scatter brushes

- [Voiceover] The next type of brush I want to show you how to create is a scatter brush. Now, these are pretty cool. I think you're gonna enjoy what you learn in this movie. I know when I figured this out I was like wow, I could use this on all kinds of stuff and I have been using it on all kinds of stuff and I'm gonna show you some of that in upcoming movies. It's really fun and it's a very, very useful brush. So this is the source art. I'm gonna zoom in just so you can kind of appreciate this. All it is is just kind of a speckled like little splotch and we're gonna turn this into a really powerful graphic asset for doing shading on the fly and even though it's somewhat memory intensive, scatter brushes just are because you're dealing with thousands of anchor points and replicating those over and over again to create the aesthetic and look we want, it's worth it and I encourage you to explore all of the various methods I show in this course to create a brush of your own because as…
