From the course: Handling Workplace Change as an Employee


- There are lots of books and training courses on how to manage change, how to make it happen in a company or in your life. But what about how to survive in a world of change? What about when changes are being pushed onto you against your will? Or maybe you're okay with change, but it's sometimes just too fast for you and you don't agree with the direction of it. Well, that's what this course is about. It's all my tips for handling, surviving, and in fact, prospering in this world of change. And change is never going to end. In fact, it seems to be speeding up. Only a few years ago, one of my friends said he wasn't going to get a smartphone, he didn't want it to take over his life, and his older one had much better battery life. And of course, now there he is using it for everything. Resistance is futile, change is happening whether we like it or not, and we might as well either embrace it or fight back first. So, how can we make the best of what's going on. Well, I've divided this course into a bit of understanding why we tend to dislike changes and some ways to be better at change generally. And then, I focused in on the five main types of change that you might be faced with, how to handle restructurings, layoffs, new initiatives, starting a new role in a team, and finally how to get the best start with a new boss. So, you can jump straight into the section that applies to you, although I would urge you to have a look at all of the course if you can, because some of the techniques can be used for all types of change. And there might be something that can help you in one of the other sections. Amongst all of this, I'm going into some really interesting and important areas like how to workout what's the best career for you and what qualities you need to maximize your chance of promotion. Quite a lot there, so let's get started.
