From the course: Leading through Chaos

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What is sensemaking?

What is sensemaking?

- "Simply pushing harder within the old boundaries will not do." This quote by Karl Weick, the originator of sensemaking is an acknowledgement that apply outdated ways of thinking to novel situations won't help you find solutions. Instead, sensemaking gives you a way to overhaul your thinking so you can address chaotic leadership dilemmas. In this lesson, you'll become familiar with how to apply sensemaking in these situations. Sensemaking is a process for structuring the unknown based on the meaning that a society makes of its collective experiences. In other words, it's that process of coming to a judgment that most people agree makes sense in that moment. It isn't static. It changes as societies evolve or impactful events, such as catastrophes force societies to make new sense of the known. A leader can't know what to do next without first understanding the context in which they're operating. When the context…
