From the course: Planning and Implementing a Rapid Cloud Migration (RCM)

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Microsoft Azure migration tools

Microsoft Azure migration tools

- [Instructor] Okay, let's look at the migration services within Microsoft Azure. And again, very much like AWS, you can see the Azure services listed here, IOT Hub, things like that. These are services that we just recently accessed, by the way. And you also have another search service, very much like we saw with AWS and the other cloud providers basically look very similar, where we can find specific services by doing a search. And so this time, we'll look for migrate, and here's the current migration systems within Microsoft Azure. Azure Migrate, LiveData Migrators, Azure Database Migration Projects, Azure Data Migration Services. So as you can see, if you look at the AWS demo that was done in the other video in this one, they have very similar capabilities, and you can see so probably more when we go to Azure Migrate, and migrate your on-premise data center to Azure. We can discover systems, we can access…
