From the course: PLC Simulation Software: Factory I/O with Connected Component Workbench

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Factory I/O software tour

Factory I/O software tour

- Now when you open Factory IO Software, there are many options you can select from, including a ready to use scenes. You can click here for the scenes. A scene is simply an application scenario. You can choose any of the pre-defined scenes or create your own from scratch. I'll go ahead and select this one, for example, this is a pre-built example. On the right hand side on the toolbar here this is a pallet window where you can select any item from the library provided. So I'll go ahead and select one item randomly. Let's say this one, for example and then I can place it in the scene. Now I can change the item orientation. I can click on the item, right click and then I can change the orientation by clicking on plus or minus here. Obviously, now the item is hanging on the air so I can even change where to place it in the scene. I can click on the item and then right click and select, for example, the horizontal, I can…
