From the course: PLC Simulation Software: Factory I/O with Connected Component Workbench

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Project demo

Project demo

- [Instructor] Now in Factory IO, I need to go to file, click on drivers and then click on connect. The green check mark showing that the connection has been established between Factory IO software and the Simulator PLC. Then I'll go back to the scene. I'm going to grab back the Simulator PLC window and click on the run mode, click Okay. Then go back to the scene and select the run mode. Now, I'm going to test the program. So once I press on the start push button, the green LED and the start push button lights are on. Once I let go, they both turn off. The same thing with the stop push button. Once I press on the stop push button, the red LED as well as the stop push button light are on. Once I let go, they both turn off. Once we reach to this point, we know that we have successfully connected both softwares, and that the PLC program we wrote actually works. All right. Now I have the two softwares on the screen and I…
