From the course: Street Photography: Candid Portraiture

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Getting permission to photograph someone

Getting permission to photograph someone

From the course: Street Photography: Candid Portraiture

Getting permission to photograph someone

- Alright, well we're in Washington Square Park. This is, it's got history, it's got history for street photography because some of the great photographers spent a lot of time here. Diane Arbus, Gary Winogrand, why? Because there's all kinds of interesting characters that come to the park to relax, just typical New Yorkers, and I think we really lucked out because we've got the bird man. And I don't know if you notice, but when I saw the bird man from afar, I started shooting, because you know, I wasn't sure I would get permission. "Hey, great to see you with all these birds. "Do you mind if I took a few shots?" - "Sure you can." - "Alright, thank you." Now, this is another one of those situations where you know, the gentleman there with the birds, I mean, he knows that people are looking at him, people are taking pictures, he, as I asked him, really doesn't mind that you take his picture, so from that perspective, to get the go ahead from him meant freedom for me to run around with…
