From the course: Street Photography: Candid Portraiture

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Reviewing the images of interesting people and places

Reviewing the images of interesting people and places

From the course: Street Photography: Candid Portraiture

Reviewing the images of interesting people and places

- All right, well, let's take a look at some of the stuff that we shot on day two. Now, we started off day two at Washington Square Park, mainly because I've been to Washington Square Park numerous times. It's got a history in street photography. A lot of the great street photographers have gone to Washington Square Park 'cause there's always interesting things going on. It's close to the university, there's sort of young people, there's musicians, buskers, and there's this bird guy and I had seen him before and I was hoping that maybe he was gonna be there and he was. So, when we got there, he was there in his usual spot. I knew kinda where to look for him. I was happy he was there. So, I started to shoot him. I started kinda wide and there were things in the background like a garbage can, etc. that I didn't really want to include and often in my street photography I'm not trying to perfect the composition in camera because often I could crop it but I maintain the same aspect ratio…
