From the course: Street Photography: Posed Portraiture

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Photographing people at work in construction

Photographing people at work in construction

From the course: Street Photography: Posed Portraiture

Photographing people at work in construction

- We were making our way to our destination, and as we walk, of course, as often happens on the streets of New York, or any city, I encountered what I thought was a great photo opportunity. These construction guys were kinda building the scaffolding, and there was several levels of them, and they were kind of in synchronicity. So as much as this is posed portraits, I still am gonna stop and take advantage of the photo opportunity. Which I did, and I took quite a few frames, and as I was getting ready to leave, I thought well, you know, maybe I'll ask the guy on the bottom closest to me if he'd agree to pose for a portrait. - Excuse me sir, I know you're working. Can I take his picture? - Picture, yeah, no problem. - Yeah, do you mind if I take your picture? - Okay, okay. - Will you come look at me? Yeah. Beautiful. And you know what? You don't ask, you don't get, and you know, maybe to my surprise, a little bit, because they were working, he agreed to take a little time. So I took…
