From the course: Social Media Marketing Trends

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Treating social media like TV by committing to entertainment

Treating social media like TV by committing to entertainment

From the course: Social Media Marketing Trends

Treating social media like TV by committing to entertainment

- [Instructor] What's better than getting your customers' attention on social media? Holding their attention for the long term. There's often an overemphasis when it comes to social media about the constant opportunity to expose audiences to new content, new ideas, new products, and new brands. The primary driver is that the algorithms across the leading social platforms usually optimize for novelty and timeliness over repeatedly servicing content from the same accounts. And that's fantastic in many ways as the ability to get discovered and recommended on social has allowed newcomers and upstarts to find an audience for the very first time. But the downside here is that it's often difficult to reach your audience on a consistent basis across platforms, and as a result, users are, at times, conditioned to focus on newness over the familiar. To foster a long-term relationship with audiences, treat your programming on social media more like television, where there's a higher level of…
