From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Advanced Simulation

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Analysis and comparison with the full model

Analysis and comparison with the full model - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Advanced Simulation

Analysis and comparison with the full model

- [Narrator] Having set up the half symmetry model it's now time to run the analysis and compare the results to the full model which was created and run in a previous course. So let's run the analysis, run this study. Now we have the results so let's right mouse click on stress one von mysis, And choose chart options. Set the maximum annotation flag. We can see where that value is, 34,360 PSI. In the definition let's change the deform shape from automation to a more sensible user defined scale. Let's choose 60. And under the settings tab let's change the fringe options from continuous to discrete. And we'll leave the boundary options as model at the moment. So check okay. Let's go to a standard solid works view of the front. Zoom in to the little end region. Go to plot tools and select animate. The default five frames will be buffered, and then it's running. Let's stop that animation, reset the number of frames to a more useful number, say 16, and then replay that. Again it buffers…
