From the course: The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

Examine the cybersecurity threat landscape

From the course: The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

Examine the cybersecurity threat landscape

- [Marc] Modern cyber attacks are constantly evolving. Not long ago, internet of things devices and deep fakes didn't even exist. Now they're emerging threats that shouldn't be ignored. This unpredictable change requires organizations to frequently survey the threat landscape and reassess the strength of their cybersecurity. Based on the threats, your organization may need to invest in new technologies and implement new security controls. Hi, my name is Marc Menninger and welcome to my course, The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape. I've been leading enterprise security programs for more than 20 years. And I'm excited to share with you the latest intelligence about the shifting cybersecurity threat landscape. In this course, I'll cover many of the most common cybersecurity threats. Plus, some emerging threats you should know about. I'll also show you ways you can protect against these threats and share resources to get more information about them. Keep in mind that the cybersecurity threat landscape may be different for different organizations. If your organization handles a lot of sensitive data, you're likely to be the target of more cybersecurity threats than an organization that doesn't. But it's important to understand today's threat landscape in any case, because for every organization, it's not a matter of if they will be targeted by one of these threats but when. If you're ready to explore the cybersecurity threat landscape, then let's get started.
