From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training

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Creating trails

Creating trails

- [Instructor] The trails object is one of my favorite ways to visualize particle flow in X-Particles, and I've got ahead to save a bit of time, and created a system with an emitter and some turbulence, and we're going to use the trails object to visualize the particle flow of this turbulent effect, so let's play through and see what we've got. And, I'm just going to change the display of the emitter just so it's a bit easier to see to squares, and you can now see those particles flowing around, but wouldn't it be better if we can sort of, see the trail of these particles? Well, a really quick way of doing this is to select your emitter, and then create a trails object, so we'll just do that, and the emitter is automatically assigned, and now we can see those trails being generated in the viewport. If you have multiple trail objects, they'll each need their own emitter, because the emitter can only carry one set of particle data, so just bear that in mind. Now, we will consider the…
