Review: Create Faceless TikTok & YouTube Shorts Videos Review: Create Faceless TikTok & YouTube Shorts Videos

If you've ever ventured into the world of generating AI short videos for platforms like YouTube and TikTok, you know the struggle is real. 

Just think about all the tools you need to juggle: MidJourney for those sweet AI-generated images ($10/month for the basic plan), ChatGPT to craft your script (thankfully, it's free!), ElevenLabs for realistic voiceovers ($5 for the starter plan), and let's not forget video editing software like CapCut or Canva. 

In the real sense, you're looking at around $30-$50 just to create a single AI video. But the costs don't stop there, my friend. The real challenge lies in meticulously matching up the AI images, scripts, captions, and voiceovers into one cohesive masterpiece. 

Even if you're a professional video editor, you'll need to add fancy transitions, captions, and sound effects, and hunt down the perfect background music – a task that could leave you scouring the depths of the internet for hours on end.

 And let's not forget the looming threat of copyright strikes lurking around every corner, ready to rain on your creative parade.

But fear not, dear creators! What if I told you there's a solution that could save you from this unnecessary stress and streamline the entire AI video creation process? Introducing – the revolutionary platform that can render AI videos in a matter of minutes, not hours or days.

With, you can bid farewell to the headaches of manual video creation and let the AI do the heavy lifting for you.

 Imagine being able to generate high-quality, attention-grabbing videos with just a few clicks, without having to juggle a dozen different tools or spend countless hours agonizing over every detail.

So, what exactly is, and how does it work its magic?

Test out Autoshorts for Free here

What is

Autoshorts is a cutting-edge platform that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to create faceless videos for platforms like YouTube Shorts and TikTok.

It's your one-stop shop for automating the entire video creation process, from generating visuals and scripts to adding voiceovers and seamless editing.

AutoShorts Features

What makes truly stand out is its impressive array of features, designed to cater to the needs of content creators across various niches. Here are just a few highlights:

1. Faceless Channel Automation: No need to worry about sourcing visuals or hiring actors –'s AI takes care of everything, from generating captivating visuals to crafting engaging scripts.

2. Niche-Specific Content: Whether you're passionate about history, science, or even scary stories, has you covered. Their AI is trained to create content tailored to a wide range of niches, ensuring your videos hit the mark.

3. Customizable Narration: Don't settle for a one-size-fits-all voice. allows you to choose from a variety of narration styles, giving your videos a unique and engaging tone.

4. Seamless Integration: No need to juggle multiple tools – integrates seamlessly with your existing YouTube and TikTok accounts, making publishing and managing your content a breeze.

How Works?

Using is a breeze, even for the most tech-challenged among us. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Click "Create" and select the account where your videos will be posted (or add a new one).

  2. Choose your video series topic, from "Interesting History" to "Scary Stories" or go for a custom option.

  3. Pick a narration voice that matches your style.

  4. Hit "Create Series" and preview your video with the title and script.

  5. Tweak and customize to your heart's content.

  6. Schedule your video, set visibility, enable interactions, and confirm settings.

  7. Ta-da! You're live with engaging, AI-generated content.

Test out Autoshorts for Free here

Say Goodbye to Manual Video Creation

Remember the pain of juggling multiple tools like MidJourney for AI images, ChatGPT for scripts, ElevenLabs for voiceovers, and CapCut for video editing? With, you can wave farewell to all those headaches.

This revolutionary platform combines the power of all those tools into one seamless solution, saving you time, money, and a whole lot of stress. Pricing

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room – pricing. offers a range of plans to suit different needs and budgets:

1. Free Plan: Try before you buy with the free plan, which allows you to create one video series and publish one video at a time.

2. Starter Plan ($19/month): The perfect entry point, with the ability to create up to three video series and publish three videos per month.

3. Daily Plan ($39/month): For serious content creators, the Pro Plan offers unlimited video series and up to 20 videos per month.

4. Hardcore Plan ($69/month Pricing): Businesses and larger operations can opt for the Enterprise Plan with custom pricing and advanced features.

Test out Autoshorts for Free here

No matter which plan you choose, offers a 7-day money-back guarantee, so you can test the waters risk-free. Pros and Cons: 

No tool is perfect, and it's important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Let's take a look at some of the key advantages and potential drawbacks of using Pros:

1. Time-Saving Automation: As mentioned earlier, the ability to automate the entire video creation process is a huge time-saver, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of your content strategy.

2. Cost-Effective Solution: Compared to outsourcing or hiring dedicated video creators, is a much more cost-effective option, especially for those on a tight budget.

3. Diverse Content Options: With a wide range of niches and customizable narration styles, allows you to create content that caters to your specific audience.

4. User-Friendly Interface: Despite its advanced AI capabilities offers a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to even those with limited technical expertise. Cons:

1. Limited Customization Options: While provides a good degree of customization, there may be instances where you require more advanced editing capabilities or specialized features not currently offered by the platform.

2. AI-Generated Content Limitations: As powerful as's AI is, it's still an AI system with inherent limitations. There may be instances where the generated content doesn't fully align with your vision or expectations.

3. Potential Quality Concerns: While strives to deliver high-quality videos, the quality of AI-generated content can sometimes be inconsistent, especially when dealing with complex topics or niche-specific terminology.

4. Dependence on the Platform: By relying heavily on for your content creation needs, you become somewhat dependent on the platform's continued development and support.

It's important to weigh these pros and cons carefully and determine whether aligns with your specific content creation goals and requirements. Alternatives: Exploring Other Options

While is undoubtedly a powerful tool, it's always wise to explore other options in the market to ensure you're making the most informed decision. Here are a couple of alternatives worth considering:

1. Invideo AI: 

Invideo.AI is a popular video creation platform that offers AI-powered tools for generating videos, including text-to-video and image-to-video capabilities.

While not as specialized as for faceless channels, Invideo.AI provides a broader range of features and customization options.

2. is an AI-powered video creation platform that focuses on generating videos from text prompts. It offers a range of templates and customization options, making it a versatile choice for creators looking to experiment with AI-generated content.

Both Invideo AI and have their own unique strengths and pricing structures, so it's worth exploring them to see if they better align with your specific needs.

If you use this Coupon Code "komolafe60" to purchase this fantastic software, you will automatically get a 20% discount on any plan of your choice.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

As with any new tool or platform, there are bound to be questions and concerns. Here are some frequently asked questions about to help address any lingering doubts:

1. Does Offer a Free Trial?

Yes, offers a free plan that allows you to create one video series and publish one video at a time, allowing you to test the platform before committing to a paid plan.

2. Which Platforms Work Well with Videos? is specifically designed to create faceless videos for platforms like YouTube Shorts and TikTok, where short-form, engaging content thrives.

3. Will Save Me Time and Money?

Absolutely! By automating the entire video creation process, saves you countless hours that would otherwise be spent brainstorming, scripting, sourcing visuals, and editing. Additionally, it's a cost-effective solution compared to outsourcing or hiring dedicated video creators.

Is Worth It?

The answer to this question depends on your specific needs and goals as a content creator. If you're looking to streamline your video creation process, save time and money, and consistently produce engaging content for platforms like YouTube Shorts and TikTok, then is worth considering.

Remember, the tool is designed to be a time-saving solution, but it's up to you to leverage it effectively and align it with your overall content strategy.

So, what are you waiting for? Click this link, sign up for, and unleash a world of endless possibilities. Who knows, your next viral video sensation could be just a few clicks away!

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