Celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) at LinkedIn with new features and important conversations
Image Description: image of workers with disabilities who work in a variety of different professions

Celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) at LinkedIn with new features and important conversations

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), a time to celebrate the contributions of workers with disabilities and to raise awareness around disability employment issues. This year’s theme is “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion.” At LinkedIn, we’re amplifying this theme on a global scale to recognize the incredible contributions and impact that people with disabilities have made in the workplace and economy. 

At the same time, we are acknowledging that the pandemic has exacerbated challenges people with disabilities face in the workplace, including job loss and slower recovery to employment. To help them overcome these hardships and connect to opportunity, we’re providing all of our members the tools to learn skills for in-demand jobs, search and apply for those jobs, and prepare for interviews. Our goal is to make LinkedIn the most inclusive platform possible, and that includes the over one billion people, around the planet, with disabilities or impairments.

Steps to make LinkedIn a more inclusive platform

NDEAM provides us with an opportunity to share some big changes we’re making to our platform to get us one step closer to the vision of creating economic opportunity for everyone:

Launch of dark mode

I'm excited that LinkedIn has rolled out dark mode to give all of our members the best possible visual experience.

Dark mode meets accessibility standards, with color and contrast elements that help reduce eye strain, account for light sensitivities and provide better text legibility. We also added dark mode versions of illustrations that capture a wide variety of industries and fields beyond tech, and represent professionals of all abilities and backgrounds, bringing to life our vibrant and diverse LinkedIn community.

Addition of reflow and orientation support

This year, we’ve also focused on adding reflow and orientation support. Reflow is the process of fitting content to the width of a screen so that all content remains within set boundaries when users zoom in to enlarge content or use smaller screens, like a phone or tablet. The layout and distance between objects on a page might change with enlargement, but all content on the page remains fully usable. Meanwhile, the addition of orientation support means that you can now use LinkedIn in a vertical or horizontal orientation on your device. Both improvements will allow you to consume and engage with content in the way you prefer. 

Our ongoing commitment

These updates all build on recent enhancements, many of which can be found in Melissa Selcher’s April 2021 post, Our journey to make LinkedIn more inclusive and accessible. In addition to Melissa’s updates, over the last couple of months, we’ve also:

How you can get involved in our NDEAM celebration

In addition to exploring these product improvements, we invite you to celebrate NDEAM with us by updating your LinkedIn banner with one of our accessibility themes.

Be sure to listen to the special NDEAM edition of our Hello Monday podcast which will feature Hugo award winner, Elsa Sjunneson, a deafblind writer and professor who’s fighting to end ableism. And if you want some ideas on the job application process and accommodations, join our November 3 Disability Talent Panel, hosted by Blake Lawit, LinkedIn's General Counsel. The Disability Talent Panel will bring together managers from Microsoft, Walmart, and John’s Crazy Socks, to discuss the hiring process for job seekers with disabilities. Job seekers will come away with tons of great information from discovering more about these companies’ disability inclusion efforts to navigating job interviews, including disclosure and accommodation request concerns.

Sign up to attend the November 3 panel, Disability talent: Tips for job seekers with disabilities, here

Whether you’re an ally or a person with a disability, we hope you’ll join us to celebrate NDEAM and this year’s “Powered by Inclusion” theme. Together we can build workplaces that better reflect our vibrant communities!

Lewis Grimes

Creator and Designer @ PROGONG PREGONG | Learning & Movement Theorist


I hope you are all still attuned to this thread. A former literary agent, I'm interested in publishing a trade edition survey of disability status 2024 vis a vis ADA and others. I awakened to the need for this and hope others want to work on with me. This is a labor of of love. I don't think it will be a best seller. I have a writer in mind with some book credits. Does it interest anyone?

Dr. Haider Ali 🩺

Physiotherapist Clinical Researcher & Development Management| Healthcare & Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Member Australian Physiotherapy Association| Ergonomic| Chiropracter| Social Services| Motivational Speaker.


National Disability Awareness Month is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of people with disabilities in the workforce and society. It is also a time to raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities that people with disabilities face in employment and beyond. Here are some positive things that you can do to honor this month:Watch a documentary or a movie that features people with disabilities and their stories. You can find some suggestions by using the search_web tool with the query “disability documentaries” or “disability movies”.Learn more about the history and significance of National Disability Awareness Month and the theme for 2023, which is “Advancing Access and Equity”. You can find some informative web pages by using the search_web tool with the query “national disability awareness month positive things

Jeremy J. Miller (Veteran)

Business Development | Energy Services | Strategic Engineering Partnerships | Investor-Owned Utilities | Renewables | Oil and Gas Pipelines


LinkedIn's pricing can be a challenge for some individuals. Have you considered implementing cost-saving options for people with disabilities or special savings plans for military veterans?

Ms. Whitley Colton

Facts Finder/Researcher at "I AM..."


I LOVE LINKEDIN SO MUCH! I used to own my own business for 19 years, imprinting tiles from a HUGE format printer directly onto the tiles. (The artists sent us digital files of their artwork.) Then, we'd number the back of the tiles and send them with a GRID to the clients and they only had to put tile adhesive on the back and stick wherever they wanted to create a mural! ( facebook.com/407CREATIONS ) I'll get to my point. I had a bad accident in 2015 and I haven't been able to work since then. I only get a little over $700/month from Social Security. But now I'm ready to go back to work I can't do any of what I used to do because it's too labor-intensive. So now, I'm going to be a RESEARCHER for Pleasure Books. Magazine Articles. TV and Film. Please email or call me so that I may discuss the rest with you privately. Warmest regards, Ms. Whitley G. Colton wgcolton444@gmail.com 941-961-8669 1PM-3AM EST .


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