Gallup's 2021 European Workplace report: Facts that shocked me...

Gallup's 2021 European Workplace report: Facts that shocked me...

Here’s something I read recently and want to share with you. If you're a manager, you could find it very useful (and eye-opening :) 

Gallup, the global analytics and advice firm, has released their report on the state of the European workplace in 2021. I won’t go into the details, which you can read in here, but I’d love to pinpoint a few interesting bits: 

The report starts with an evaluation of the impact the pandemic had on the European employees. Whether it is for the unions or more strictly regulated workplace, it's clear that we Europeans are somewhat more protected and have therefore suffered less in comparison with employees elsewhere. 

So far so good. Now, here's the shocking bit concerning employee engagement: 

“Across most Eastern and Western European countries, fewer than two in 10 employees are engaged by their day-to-day workplace experiences.”

Wow, isn’t that alarming?

Although the engagement in Europe has somewhat risen over the last couple of years, still with only 15% of employees worldwide and 35% in the U.S. falling in the "engaged" category, Houston, we have a problem! 

What results can we possibly expect from an unengaged workforce? 

Here’s another interesting fact: 

70% of the variance in employee engagement relates to the MANAGER. 

In other words, you are the single greatest influence on your people engagement. 

And now, listen to this, I find it quite amusing: 

When managers were asked if they consider themselves to be “good managers”, 97% said YES. When employees were asked whether in their working career they’ve had a bad manager, 69% said YES. 

True, this only applies to Germany but I dare to say, there won’t be much difference elsewhere…

So, we happen to have an unengaged workforce and managers who believe they are doing a great job!

That makes for an interesting cause and effect, don't you think? ;) 

Employee engagement is CRUCIAL.

What we know for a fact is that the more engaged the employees, the more thriving they feel in their life, the less negative emotions they experience in their day-to-day, the more productive they are. Engaged employees are also more likely to feel respected at work and have more confidence in the moral integrity of their business leaders. 

What can companies (and their leaders) do better to drive engagement?

  • First, as a manager/leader, you must be engaged yourself because all changes begin at the top (if you're not, perhaps time to do something about it?) 
  • Make your people feel enthusiastic about the future 
  • Make them feel valued and respected and know their opinion counts
  • Survey your employees and their wellbeing, listen more to what they have to say and actively seek their feedback (including the somewhat painful feedback on your performance as a manager).

If you’re a manager, managing other managers, here’s something for you specifically: as you well know, there is an extreme pressure on managers yet according to Gallup, only one in three managers experience development at work. 

So, what can you do to advance your own development and also help your managers grow?

I'll leave to think about it :)

Hope you enjoyed this and I'd love to know your thoughts!

And! If you'd like to talk to me about your own or your team's development, let me know. SHELeads, our program for female leaders runs throughout the summer!

Take care,


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