How Customizable eLearning Courses Prepares Individuals with ASD for Work?

How Customizable eLearning Courses Prepares Individuals with ASD for Work?

Appropriate transition planning from high school to adulthood can play a pivotal role in the rehabilitation outcomes of youth with disabilities.

A US Education Department report shows that over 6.1 million students across the country ages 6 to 21 were served under the IDEA 2017. Also, more than 70% of students ages 14 to 21 exited school with regular education. In addition, more than 90% of them will not have a job, and relatively few will continue their education.

Adopting ever-changing educational requirements, rather than providing static knowledge, is the only goal of education that makes sense in the modern world.

Person-Centered eLearning and the Transition of ASD’s

Much of the early research on ASD has focused on the younger ages, with less attention to the transition issues and challenges they face.

A focus on the self-sufficiency and advocacy of youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) should be strived for during the transition process. To be person-centered is the foundation of effective eLearning.

It means that person-centered eLearning is based on the learner's intellect, social skills, and personality. When this is achieved, learning is most effective in terms of being directly tied to the experience of the particular person, as well as being more persistent than pure intellectual information.

The person-centered approach fosters ownership, self-efficacy, and authority by nurturing an atmosphere of openness and support in which participants can engage in the more challenging aspects of their work. It uses a sensitive yet sophisticated approach that allows people to take ownership of challenging next steps while providing them with the tools to accomplish those steps effectively and learning how to build sustainable relationships with influential people.

How Person-Centered eLearning Facilitates Favorable Transition Outcomes?

Planning for a transition, many cases have been linked to improvements in many facets of an individual's life, including improved self-determination, higher rates of employment, better educational performance, and more active participation in the community.

Despite advances in transition planning practices, the outcomes for adolescents on the autism spectrum are inferior to those for adolescents with other disabilities. 60% of adolescents with autism do not benefit from transition planning; when involved, they are not likely to be active participants.

Briefly, Person-Centered eLearning courses offer individuals with autism a wide assortment of opportunities to contribute and succeed, making them more active than traditional courses. Besides cognitive gains, Person-Centered eLearning emphasizes social and emotional learning that can't be achieved purely cognitively.

Benefits of Person-Centered eLearning for Individuals with ASD

Here are a few aspects of how Person-Centered eLearning benefits individuals with ASD and makes transition outcomes more favorable for them.

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1.Vocational Competence and Employment Opportunities

Because vocational capacity, employment, and the opportunity to advance in a career are foundational parts of success in American society, individuals with ASD who successfully attain vocational skills in school are more likely to have fulfilling jobs as adults.

This first transition-success practice is to design and exercise person-centered eLearning programs that result in post-graduation employment or higher education.

2. Technology-Based Learning that Increases Self-Confidence

In the digital era, using automation tools and technology can provide greater efficiency in the workplace. Individuals with ASD can be empowered in the workplace through pre-employment transition programs, digital skills training, computer technology training, and other personalized eLearning courses.

Furthermore, educators and school districts must expand the availability of programs based on scientific research for this age group. Person-centered approaches must be discovered and implemented to maximize the abilities of individuals with autism in American society.

3.Personalized eLearning is the Right way to Teach individuals with ASD

Whether you are an educator or the parent of an autistic child, understanding the individualized educational needs of an autistic student can improve the whole learning experience for ASDs.

Personalized eLearning experience can prepare individuals with ASD for a better job and life. This style of learning is all about individualizing the material and allowing the student to control how and when they learn the material based on what works best for them. It also emphasizes communication, social and emotional development, coping skills, building self-esteem, and independent living skills.

4.Expanding High Tech Career Options for Individuals with ASD

We are in the process of a paradigm shift towards universal digital magnification that is beyond the inclusion of most adults over 21. The skills gap phenomenon is threatening almost every industry.

The inclusion of properly skilled neurodiverse youth in modern workspaces could be a solution as these individuals are proved to be 30% more productive in tech-related jobs.

Effective and personalized digital skills training programs can level the playing field for ASD, not only expanding their career options but also equipping them with the proper tools and technologies to excel even further in the workspaces and provide enhanced outcomes.

5.Higher Education Opportunities

Person-centered eLearning courses add new skills to one's knowledge base, help individuals with autism discover new interests and avocations, and enable them to make new friends. High school life's aspects could be effectively mediated through post-secondary education and life-long learning experiences.

As a final important component in an exemplary transition program, participation in post-secondary education is an excellent option for some individuals with autism spectrum disorders. An associate's or bachelor's degree from college will be a great addition to their resume. Such experiences can lead to personal growth and development.

Key Takeaway

Person-Centered e-Learning (PCeL) employs effective learning experiences to promote the intellectual, social, and personal development of individuals with autism. Person-Centered or whole-person learning offers much value with enhanced problem-solving, increased self-confidence, and improved interpersonal skills. Still, its translation into practice is lagging.


Thank you for reading my post here on LinkedIn. I am the CEO of Onebridge Center where we provide corporate training and skills training to help individuals break barriers to work. Feel free to connect with me here or via Facebook and Twitter

About Anita Murphy

Anita Murphy is the Founder/CEO of the Onebridge Center a training company with a heavy focus on skills training. They provide this through their innovative program called, “Digiskills” to assist individuals to gain the computer technology and applications training needed to break barriers to employment in the modern workplace and through corporate training for organizations and government agencies looking to upskill their workforce. Anita has 16 years of experience in driving sales, business development, management, finance, operations, and managing teams. She is also a Veteran of the United States Army Reserves and a 10ksb Goldman Sachs Alumni.

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