8 Explainer Video Services in Singapore

8 Explainer Video Services in Singapore

Curious how businesses effortlessly catch your eye and explain things in a snap? Well, that's the power of videos in marketing, especially those helpful explainer videos. They act like guides, breaking down complex stuff and making it interesting. 

Now, you might be thinking, where can you find the right team to create these attention-grabbers? Don't worry; I've got your back! I've gathered the best 8 explainer video services right here in Singapore. But before we dive into that, let's get the scoop on what exactly explainer videos are.

What is an Explainer Video?

An explainer video is like a quick guide in video form, usually lasting 1 to 2 minutes. Its job is to break down information about a product, service, company, or idea in a simple, easy-to-understand way. The key is to make it friendly for the viewer, and you'll often find these videos on landing pages, homepages of business websites, or shared on social media platforms—basically, anywhere you want to explain everything in a nutshell. This is a flexible and popular choice for businesses to get their message across.

Why Should You Use Explainer Videos in Your Marketing?

  1. Easy to Understand

Explainer videos are crafted to simplify complex information, making it easy for your audience to grasp key concepts quickly. By utilizing visuals, concise messaging, and engaging storytelling, these videos break down otherwise intricate ideas into easily digestible content.

For instance, a startup introducing a revolutionary app that enhances productivity. An explainer video could showcase the app's user interface, highlight key features, and demonstrate how it streamlines tasks. By presenting this information visually and narratively, viewers can effortlessly understand the app's value proposition without wading through technical jargon.

  1. Saves Time and Resources

In a fast-paced digital landscape, where attention spans are limited, explainer videos efficiently convey essential information within a short timeframe. This not only respects your audience's time but also saves your resources by delivering your message effectively without the need for lengthy textual explanations or multiple interactions.

Imagine a small business launching a new product. Instead of organizing extensive product training sessions or creating extensive documentation, an explainer video could succinctly showcase the product's features, benefits, and how to use it. This approach not only saves the company time but also ensures that potential customers quickly understand the product's value.

  1. Good Return on Investment

Explainer videos offer a substantial return on investment (ROI) by serving as versatile marketing assets. They can be shared across various online platforms, reaching a broader audience and contributing to increased brand awareness, customer engagement, and ultimately, conversion rates.

For example, a local service provider, such as a plumbing company, invests in an explainer video to showcase its range of services, emergency response times, and customer satisfaction stories. This video, once created, can be shared on the company's website, social media channels, and in email campaigns. The initial investment in video production yields ongoing returns as it continues to attract new customers and reinforce the company's credibility over time.

8 Explainer Video Services in Singapore

1. fewStones

First stop: fewStones. Let me introduce who we are.

I'm proud to say that at fewStones, we've been the go-to source for top-notch videos in Singapore for over 11 years. Our specialty lies in creating impactful explainer videos, but for us, it's more than just making videos; it's about understanding you and your goals on a deep level.

Our skill set goes beyond explainer videos. We're your one-stop shop for a variety of video needs, producing everything from live-action videos and product videos to e-learning videos, whiteboard videos, event coverage videos, and more. From video marketing to conceptualisation, scripting, storyboarding, voiceovers, translation, and your other video needs, we've got it all covered.

Over the years, we've had the privilege of collaborating with some prominent names like Zendesk, Sleek, Food Panda, Baxter Healthcare (Asia), AIA, and many more. fewStones continues to be a reliable partner for businesses seeking excellent video solutions.

Featured in Best in Singapore as one of the Best Creative Agencies in Singapore and recognised in Smart Singapore as one of the Best Creative Agencies in Singapore, fewStones isn't just a video production company; we're a creative powerhouse ready to bring your ideas to life with a comprehensive range of services and a track record of successful collaborations.

2. Kasra Design

Kasra Design is a team of skilled animators, seasoned scriptwriters, and creative artists, producing animated explainer videos since 2011.

Kasra Design has collaborated with numerous startups and well-established companies, including VISA, Shell, and more. Their contributions have significantly elevated advertising campaigns through the strategic use of compelling explainer videos.

The recognition received by Kasra Design speaks volumes about their commitment to quality. Notable awards include the prestigious Video Of The Day at the Motion Design Awards in 2022, as well as the Gold Award at the Indigo Design Awards in 2020, showcasing their consistent dedication to excellence.

Beyond its expertise in explainer videos, Kasra Design extends its capabilities to other services, such as business videos, motion graphics, and more. 

3. The Visual Team

The Visual Team is a graphic design company in Singapore that provides exceptional animated explainer video services. With a seasoned team of animation veterans, they bring a wealth of expertise to the table.

Their portfolio includes notable collaborations, such as creating explainer videos for MoneyOwl titles like "What Is MoneyOwl Wise Income and Is It Right For You?" and "Why Do I Need To Pay A Fee For Financial Planning?" This showcases their ability to tackle complex financial topics with clarity and creativity.

Moreover, The Visual Team extends its expertise to various visual storytelling realms. From app videos and software walkthroughs to social media ads and more, they offer a comprehensive suite of services to meet diverse marketing needs.

4. MotionSauce

MotionSauce is a video production powerhouse offering animated explainer video services that cater to diverse sectors, including insurance, manufacturing, and beyond. No matter your goals or industry, MotionSauce is ready to serve.

MotionSauce specializes in working with startups, SaaS-based companies, and crowdfunding campaigns. They understand the importance of making a compelling first impression and excel at showcasing how products address real challenges on a large scale. Their approach is about clarity and impact, ensuring that viewers easily understand and connect with your message.

MotionSauce collaborated with global brands like Grab, Prudential, Cisco, and more. This experience speaks volumes about their ability to handle diverse projects and deliver exceptional results.

Beyond explainer videos, MotionSauce extends its expertise to live production, motion graphic animation, and other result-focused video services. 

5. Studio Five Corp

Studio Five Corp is a corporate production house in Singapore. One of their focus is to create engaging explainer videos that go beyond just conveying information. They aim to captivate viewers, making the message not only clear but also memorable. Whether it's about introducing a product, service, or idea, their animated moving visuals are designed to tell a compelling story that resonates with the target audience.

In addition to its expertise in animated explainer videos, Studio Five Corp extends its services to commercial printing, graphic design, and web development. 

6. Intuitive Films

Since its establishment in 2007, Intuitive Films has been a seasoned player in the industry, accumulating an impressive 16 years of experience. Specializing in the creation of explainer videos, both animated and live-action, they have solidified their reputation as masters in the art of visual storytelling.

Intuitive Films collaborated with notable entities such as Enterprise Singapore, Zilliqa, Omron, Toyota, The Pokémon Company International, and more. This diverse range of clients attests to their ability to adapt their expertise to various industries and client needs.

Aside from explainer videos, Intuitive Films showcases versatility by creating a wide array of professional video content. From engaging TV commercials and informative corporate videos to captivating brand video production, dynamic 2D animation, compelling TV documentaries, and impactful social media video campaigns, their expertise spans the spectrum of visual communication.

7. Explain Ninja

Explainer Ninja is an animated explainer video company in Singapore that takes pride in its excellent project management, ensuring a seamless and efficient process from concept to completion. Their belief in transparency means clients are kept informed every step of the way, promoting a collaborative and communicative partnership.

Specializing in explainer video services, Explain Ninja caters to a diverse clientele, including agencies, startups, small businesses, and enterprise clients. Their tailored approach ensures that each client receives a customized video that suits their unique needs and goals.

The trust placed in Explain Ninja extends globally, with renowned brands like Google, Pipedrive, Atlassian, and others relying on their expertise. This global recognition is a testament to their ability to consistently deliver impactful and compelling animated explainer videos that resonate with audiences worldwide.

8. Impact

Impact is a video marketing agency in Singapore and one of the leading explainer video production service providers. They specialize create explainer videos that not only captivate but also drive real results. Their approach goes beyond visual appeal; they aim to engage, educate, and inspire audiences through impactful storytelling.

Behind the scenes, Impact consists of a professional team of content strategists, scriptwriters, designers, illustrators, and animators. Catering to a broad spectrum of industries, including technology and cloud services, SaaS, retail, and more, their versatility allows them to tailor their expertise to the unique needs of each sector, creating videos that resonate with specific audiences.

Having collaborated with brands like Microsoft, Citrix, Certis Cisco, and others, Impact has a proven track record of delivering high-quality explainer videos. This recognition from industry giants attests to their ability to meet the standards and expectations of diverse clients.

Choosing the Right Explainer Video Service in Singapore: What to Look For

1. Creativity and Style

Look for a service that understands your style. Check out their past videos to see if they match the vibe you want. Whether it's fun and lively or more serious, finding a match in creativity ensures your video connects well with your audience.

2. Clear Pricing

Nobody likes surprises, especially when it comes to costs. Opt for a service that gives you a straightforward idea of their pricing. This transparency helps you stay within budget and avoid any unexpected expenses.

3. Past Work and Reviews

Take a peek at their previous projects. This gives you a good sense of their skills. Also, look for reviews or feedback from others who have used their services. Real experiences can tell you a lot about what to expect.

4. Customisation Options

Every business is unique, and your video should reflect that. A good service will offer customisation options, tailoring the video to fit your brand and message perfectly.

5. Turnaround Time

Time matters, especially in the fast-paced world of marketing. Check how quickly the service can create your video without compromising quality. A balance between speed and quality is key.

6. Communication and Collaboration

A smooth collaboration process is crucial. Ensure that the service communicates well, understands your ideas, and is open to your feedback. This makes the entire experience more enjoyable and the end result more satisfactory.

7. Scalability

Consider if the service can grow with you. If your business expands, you want a video that can still fit. Choosing a service with scalability ensures your video remains relevant as your business evolves.

Final Thoughts

Explainer videos are a must-have for your business now. Don't wait; choose the best one for your needs. Each service on the list of explainer video services in Singapore has a lot to offer. It's up to you to decide who to partner with.

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