
Source: Rediance


Chinese sales agent Rediance has boarded Ben Rivers’ upcoming documentary Bogancloch, a sequel to 2011’s award-winning Two Years At Sea.

Nestled in a vast highland forest in Scotland, Bogancloch is where modern day hermit Jake Williams lives his solitary life. It mark the second film in which UK filmmaker Rivers follows Williams, charting a subtly changing life in a radically changing world. It is told in an elliptical, non-expositional way, creating space for the viewer to read the film openly.

China-based Rediance has secured worldwide rights, excluding the UK and Germany.

Rivers has made around 40 short and feature length films including 2013’s A Spell To Ward Off The Darkness and 2019’s Krabi, 2562. The filmmaker often treads a fine line between documentary and fiction, focussing on people who have separated themselves from mainstream society. Last year, he was the subject of a full retrospective at Paris art institution Jeu de Plume.

Rediance is also in Cannes handling the worldwide rights of feature documentary The Falling Sky by Eryk Rocha and Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha in Directors’ Fortnight as well as representing Miguel Gomes’ Grand Tour in Competition for mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.