Joomla! Showcase

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a person typing on a laptop with the words world password day
It's World Password Day!
Be smart, be safe and use a strong password to protect your website! Avoid pet or family names, important dates, and other identifying information. You can also use two-factor or multi-factor authentication for your important accounts.
the front cover of joomila 5 is extensable secure accessible fast, extendable and yours
Joomla 5 has arrived, and it's a game-changer! Joomla 5 is extendable.
Thanks to the power of Joomla’s extensive range of extensions and templates, your website can now effortlessly evolve to meet your growing needs. From simple blogs to complex e-commerce platforms, scaling up is easy. Enjoy ready-to-use multilingual capabilities, keep your content perfectly organised with custom fields, and attract new visitors with our robust SEO tools. See what Joomla 5 has to offer:
an image of guided tours and hand - on workshop with joominal event uggn
Guided Tours Current Status & Hands-on-Workshop!
Don't miss out on this online event happening tomorrow! March 13th 16:00 UTC. Join Olivier Buisard and SD Williams to discuss the current status of Guided Tours. Bring your questions and be prepared to create a guided tour live. What to expect: 🔹The latest updates of Guided Tours 🔹Tips for creating your own Guided Tour 🔹Building a Guided Tour Register today:
an image of a computer security badge with the words joomila 5 is secure
Joomla 5 has arrived, and it's a game-changer!
Combining robust security with blazing-fast performance. From cutting-edge code to expert-backed defences like multi-factor authentication, we're committed to ensuring your online experience is both smooth and secure. See what Joomla 5 has to offer:
the best free cms open source cms award winner for 2012 is shown here
🥇 Best Free CMS and 🥇 Best Open Source CMS.
We Did It! 🏆 A huge round of applause and a mountain of gratitude to everyone! Because of your unwavering support and votes, Joomla has triumphed in the 2023 CMS Critic People's Choice Awards, winning not just one but TWO prestigious titles: 🥇 Best Free CMS and 🥇 Best Open Source CMS. We are beyond grateful for your support and want to extend a massive thank you to everyone who voted for us. These awards shine a spotlight on what we can achieve together as a community. Let's continue to innovate, inspire, and lead the way in the open-source world! Here's to many more successes and a community that's second to none!
a computer keyboard with the words tips & tricks on it and an image of a light bulb
Mastering Joomla SEO Title Tags: Your Ultimate Guide!
Unlock the secrets to crafting the perfect title tags for optimal SEO. Learn the art of placement, keyword integration, and the ideal width. #JCM #Joomla #SEO #TitleTags
a computer keyboard with the words tips & tricks on it and an image of a light bulb
Mastering Joomla SEO Title Tags: Your Ultimate Guide!
Unlock the secrets to crafting the perfect title tags for optimal SEO. Learn the art of placement, keyword integration, and the ideal width. #JCM #Joomla #SEO #TitleTags
#JoomlaTurns18 #HappyBirthdayJoomla #CMS Designers, Popular, Birthday, 18th Birthday, 18th, Happy, Members, Event
Happy 18th Birthday
Happy 18th Birthday, Joomla! From its humble beginnings to now, Joomla has evolved into one of the world's most popular and trusted CMS platforms. For 18 years, it has empowered creators, businesses, and communities, making the digital space more accessible and vibrant. Here's to the dedicated developers, designers, and community members who've worked tirelessly to make Joomla what it is today.
an advertisement for a pizza and fun just squash it event with cartoon characters in the background
Pizza, Bugs & Fun 2023
It’s time to mark your calendars for one of the most exciting Joomla events of the year! Get ready for the return of the Pizza, Bugs & Fun (PBF) event, scheduled for 26th August 2023. An event for Joomla enthusiasts to merge passion, knowledge and a slice of your favourite pizza! #Joomla #PBF23 #PizzaBugsAndFun
a poster with the words joomila 4 2 and an image of a city
Joomla! 4.2.8 is now available.
This is a security release for the 4.x series of Joomla! which addresses a critical security vulnerability in the web services API. We strongly recommend that you update your sites immediately. #Joomla #Security #OpenSource
a blue and white business card with the words jomma 4 27 17 security & bug fix release
Joomla 4.2.7 is now available
This is a security and bugfix release for the 4.x series of Joomla. Having 103 fixes and improvements makes it even better. A big thank you to the Joomla community for all their hard work. #Joomla #OpenSource #NewFeatures
a group of people sitting around a laptop computer
Joomla London User Group January 2023
January 17 2023 at 19:00 UTC online. Topic: Nicholas Dionysopoulos - “Breaking Joomla” Check out all upcoming events and don't forget to add yours! #Joomla #CMS #OpenSource #JUG #Event
the happy holidays sign is lit up in front of fireworks
Happy Holidays Joomla!
The holidays are upon us, and we just wanted to take a second to wish you a happy, safe, and joyful holiday. Whatever your beliefs at this time of year or perhaps you hold none, it's still a great opportunity to reconnect, wish each other well and show how geographically far-flung our community is. #HappyHolidaysJoomla #Joomla
the logo for joomilla 4 2 1 security and bug fix release with an image of
Joomla 4.2.6 is now available.
This is a #bugfix release for the 4.x series of #Joomla. Joomla 4.2.6, has new and improved features for bloggers and authors, web designers, extension developers and web agencies. #OpenSource #NewFeatures
the logo for joomilla 4 2 1 security and bug fix release with an image of
Joomla 4.2.4 is now available.
This is a security release for the 4.x series of Joomla which addresses 2 security vulnerabilities. As the main issue focuses on the site having its debug mode set to Yes, the quickest way to help your site while backing up and preparing for the update is to simply switch “Debug System” to No if it is switched currently on. #Joomla #Release #OpenSource #Websites #Software Read the announcement at