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Year in Review

Published on December 25th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

bbPress.org bbPress.org went through a serious clean-up effort in 2012. The site now runs a minimal set of plugins, with an emphasis on supporting the project proper and showcasing it in a much more subtle and focused way. bbPress.org’s plugin repository was retired, and all new plugins are located in WordPress.org extend. This makes perfect […]

Introducing Jennifer M. Dodd

Published on December 11th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Back in 2010, when we decided to make bbPress a plugin for WordPress, we opened the door to an audience bbPress previously didn’t have, both in terms of users and developers. Since then, having a bigger pool of developer resources has helped breathe new life into bbPress, and helped maintain it’s momentum with frequent releases and […]

bbPress 2.2.3 Released

Published on December 11th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

bbPress 2.2.3 is a compatibility release, and fixes a few bugs with Theme and BuddyPress compatibility. It’s also ready for WordPress 3.5, for everyone that’s anxiously awaiting it’s arrival. Changes in 2.2.3: Milestone Tickets Closed

bbPress 2.2 now available!

Published on November 19th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Out now is bbPress 2.2! It comes with 69 individual fixes and enhancements since 2.1, and is a recommended update to any site running bbPress 2.0 or higher. bbPress 2.2 is the third major release since becoming a plugin for WordPress back in October, 2011. Also since then, we’ve continued to work on the things you […]

Presentation on bbPress: Plugin Development Done Right

Published on October 18th, 2012 by Pippin Williamson

WordCamp Louisville was held last weekend in Louisville, Kentucky, and I was given to opportunity to present a talk on bbPress. The topic was pretty open and I was able to choose what I really wanted to talk about. As a developer who has done a lot of work with bbPress, both in using it […]

bbPress 2.1.2 Released

Published on August 1st, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Released today is bbPress 2.1.2. It fixes a few more smallish issues in the 2.1 release, and is a safe update for anyone running bbPress 2.0-2.1. Fixed admin-side help verbiage Fixed reply height CSS in some themes Fixed password converter for phpBB and VBulletin Fixed child post trash and delete functions Props for this release […]

Retiring bbPress 1.x Plugins

Published on August 1st, 2012 by John James Jacoby

With bbPress now enjoying it’s second year as a plugin for WordPress, it’s time to retire the plugins pages for versions less than bbPress 2.0, and replace them with more accurate resources. As of today, we’re closing down the old plugins directory to help draw attention to the latest and greatest plugins that work with […]

bbPress 2.1.1 Released

Published on July 23rd, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Released today is bbPress 2.1.1. It fixes a few annoyances that popped up with the 2.1 release, and is a safe update for anyone running bbPress 2.0-2.1. Fixed Invision, phpBB, and vBulletin importers Fixed private/hidden forum bugs Fixed topic split meta values Fixed theme compatibility logic error Fixed role mask issues for shared user installs […]

bbPress.org Refresh

Published on July 19th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

It was July 13, 2010 that the rebirth of bbPress began, and on September 21, 2011 it was re-released entirely as a plugin for WordPress. By using custom post-types, taxonomies, and the rest of the existing WordPress codebase, bbPress immediately became the easiest forum software to integrate with your existing WordPress powered site. Since then, […]

bbPress 2.1 now available!

Published on July 8th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Out now is bbPress 2.1! It comes with over 150 individual fixes and enhancements since 2.0, and is considered a safe update to any site running bbPress 2.0 or higher. Here are some 2.1 carrots to entice you to update: WordPress 3.4 compatibility Deprecate $bbp global, use bbpress() singleton Private forums now visible to registered […]

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