Mumbai 2024

10 August 2024 at Lower Parel, Mumbai

The 2nd edition of do_action Mumbai is back!

This year our focus will be towards ‘new beginnings‘. 

STAGE-1 Applications From NGOs [APPLY HERE]

If you are part of, or know of any non-profit looking for a new website, or a non-profit modernizing or training their volunteers to run a website, please do share the non-profit onboarding form [CLICK HERE].
Open till:  Sat, 15-Jun-2024 or 10 Non-Profits (whichever is earlier).



The Build Team:

The primary goal of the event is to have a working & functional LIVE website for the non-profit before the end of the event. To achieve this, there are various build exercises and tasks, for which we will require volunteer help. After selecting the potential non-profits, volunteers will be able to give their non-profit and task/ role preference via this portal (when opened).
Open from: Sun, 16-Jun-2024
Open till: Mon, 15-Jul-2024 or Fill-up of all roles (whichever is earlier).

We will update the various roles on Sat, 01-Jun-2024.


We will open the call on Sat, 01-Jun-2024. For do_action there are primarily two types of sponsorships:

Financial sponsorship

This covers the food, beverages, stationary, swag (if any) & overhead for the event.

Web service sponsorship

Running a website requires web services, viz. hosting, domain, themes, plugins, etc. We appreciate sponsors who can cover lifetime plans or long-term plans, as applicable for the services, as their sponsorship.

Sponsorship package

A detailed list of what can and cannot be offered is listed on Kindly refer to the same [here].


Stay up to date via our SLACK Team via #do_action channel WordPress Mumbai Community