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PBN Backlinks: What You Need to Know

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Imagine you’re a runner in a race, and the finish line is in sight. You’re about to cross the finish line and claim the first-place trophy. Suddenly, a runner takes a shortcut. The runner cuts through the grass, bypassing the track, and arrives at the finish line before you.

This scenario is a good analogy for search engine optimization (SEO) and backlinks. Just like the runner who took a shortcut, websites that use PBN backlinks can quickly climb to the top of search engine results (SERPs) by bypassing the rules and regulations set by search engines.

But is it really worth it?

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of PBN backlinks and explore what they are, how they work, and what impact they have on search engine optimization.

What Are PBN Backlinks?

what are PBN backlinks
PBN Backlinks: What You Need to Know 4

PBN stands for Private Blog Network, and a PBN backlink is simply a link from one website to another.

When a website links to another website, it gives the second website a vote of confidence. Search engines see this “vote” as an indication that the website is reputable and, therefore, more likely to appear higher in SERPs.

However, PBN backlinks are unnatural links created and used to manipulate search engine rankings. These links are established through a network of websites owned and controlled by an individual or organization. The primary purpose of PBN backlinks is to improve the search engine ranking of a target website by increasing its backlink profile.

PBN backlinks work by exploiting the principle that search engines, such as Google, use backlinks as a factor in their algorithms to determine the relevance and authority of a website. By acquiring a large number of high-quality backlinks from a network of PBN websites, a target website can artificially increase its relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines, resulting in a higher search engine ranking.

It’s important to note that using PBN backlinks is a “black hat” SEO technique and goes against the guidelines set by search engines. The consequences of using PBN backlinks can be severe, including penalization or even complete removal from search engine results.

What Google Says About Backlinks

Google has stated that backlinks are a crucial factor in its ranking algorithm, but it also warns against using manipulative backlinks.

According to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, “Any links intended to manipulate PageRank in Google Search results may be considered part of a link scheme. This includes any behavior that alters links to your site or outgoing links from your site.”

Google also emphasizes the importance of earning backlinks through quality content and an overall positive user experience.

Therefore, Google suggests focusing on creating quality content and fostering natural, organic backlink growth rather than relying on manipulative techniques such as PBN backlinks. Using such techniques may result in a penalty or demotion in search engine rankings, which can be difficult to recover from.

Related post: The Truth About Backlinks

How Do PBN Backlinks Work?

Here’s how PBN backlinks work:

  1. A network of websites is set up and maintained by the same individual or organization. These individuals often purchase expired domains with high Domain Authority to get these websites.
  2. The websites in the network are then used to link back to the target website, usually by creating new content.
  3. The target website’s search engine rankings improve as a result of the backlinks from the PBN network.

A private blog network structure typically consists of a main website, which acts as the hub, and several satellite websites (often referred to as “PBN sites”) that link back to the main website.

For a PBN backlink scheme to work, the satellite websites in the network must meet certain criteria. They should contain high-quality content, have high domain authority, and have a natural backlink profile from reputable websites.

In addition, the websites should be kept separate to avoid detection by search engines.

Overall, PBN backlinks can be a powerful short-term tool for increasing search engine rankings. However, remember that they are seen as an unnatural manipulation of the ranking algorithms by search engines and could result in penalties or complete removal from the SERPs.

What if You Own Businesses With Multiple Websites That Link to Each Other

What is Backlinks?What is Backlinks?
PBN Backlinks: What You Need to Know 5

Take a scenario where you own multiple companies, each with its website. Once in a while, you might want to link to an article or a product page from one of your other websites. Will search engines penalize this kind of interlinking?

No. This kind of linking is perfectly natural and won’t result in any penalties from search engines if the links are relevant and provide value to the user.

Here are a few tips for creating legitimate links between your multiple websites:

  • Ensure that the links between the websites are relevant and useful to users. For example, a link from the product page to a related blog post on the other website will likely be seen as a legitimate, user-friendly link.
  • Use descriptive and contextual link text rather than generic text like “click here.”
  • Avoid excessive cross-linking between the websites, as this can appear manipulative and may trigger algorithmic or manual penalties.
  • Make sure that users and search engines easily discover the links between the websites.
  • Consider using rel=”sponsored” or rel=”ugc” (user-generated content) attributes on links between websites, as this can help signal to search engines that the links are legitimate and not manipulative.

For example, authoritative sites like LinkBuilder.io and Gizmodo link between their websites. LinkBuilder.io links to its PPC advertising service website. And G/O Media Inc., which runs Gizmodo, links it to a plethora of its sister sites, all with the help of relevant and contextual link text.

An example on how Gizmodo link multiple websiteAn example on how Gizmodo link multiple website
PBN Backlinks: What You Need to Know 6

Ultimately, if done correctly, interlinking between websites owned by the same business can be a legitimate and effective way to promote content and drive traffic.

How Do You Identify PBN Backlinks

It’s easy to recognize patterns. However, sometimes PBN backlinks need a more precise pattern.

So it can be challenging to identify which backlinks are part of a private blog network. Still, you need to know how to identify them to maintain a healthy and sustainable website.

Here are a few key things to look for when trying to identify PBN backlinks:

  1. Same IP addresses – PBNs often use the same IP address for multiple websites, so you can use tools like WHOIS to see if a large number of websites are hosted on the same IP address.
  1. Similar website design – PBN websites often have similar or identical designs, which can be red flags. Look for things like the same theme, layout, and style elements.
  1. Low-quality content – These websites often need more high-quality, thin, or duplicate content. Seeing many websites with similar or duplicate content could signify that they are part of a PBN. This is because it’s hard to create unique content for all those sites. So the owners of these sites resort to low-quality content.
  1. Irrelevant backlinks – PBN websites often have irrelevant backlinks, such as links to websites unrelated to the site’s content. If a website has a large number of irrelevant backlinks, it’s a sign that the site may be part of a PBN.
  1. Overoptimized anchor text – If you see many links with exact match keywords, this is a sign that the links may have been artificially created to manipulate search engine rankings.

Be vigilant and identify PBN backlinks, which can harm your website’s reputation and rankings. If you suspect your website has PBN backlinks, removing them as soon as possible is best.

First, use a tool such as Ahrefs or Majestic to analyze your backlink profile and identify any links from PBNs or other low-quality or spammy websites.

Additionally, consider contacting the webmasters of the linking sites to ask for the links to be removed. Alternatively, use the Google Disavow Tool to indicate to Google that you do not want the links to be considered when evaluating your website.

Expert Tip: It’s important to be careful when using the Google Disavow Tool. The Disavow Tool should only be used as a last resort after you have tried to remove the links manually. 

If a link is causing harm to your website, reaching out to the webmaster to request that they remove the link is the preferred solution. This is because disavowing pages affects rankings.

What’s the Worst That Can Happen When You Use PBN BackLinks?

Using PBN backlinks can negatively affect your website and online presence.

Here are some of the worst things that can happen when using PBN backlinks:

  • Penalty from Google – Google strongly stands against unnatural or manipulative link-building tactics. If Google detects that your website is using PBN backlinks, it may penalize your website, causing it to drop in search engine rankings and reduce your visibility to potential customers.
  • Loss of Trust – Using PBN backlinks may cause other websites, and search engines to view your website as untrustworthy and spammy, which can have long-term consequences for your online reputation.
  • Decreased User Experience – PBN backlinks often lead to low-quality or irrelevant websites, which can negatively impact the user experience for those who click on them. This results in higher bounce rates, lower engagement, and reduced conversions.
  • Wasted Time and Money – Creating and maintaining a network of PBN websites is time-consuming and expensive, and there’s no guarantee that it will lead to long-term success or sustainable search engine rankings.

Advantages and Disadvantages of PBN Backlinks

Although using PBN backlinks can be risky, there are some advantages and disadvantages that you should consider before deciding whether or not to use them.

Advantages of PBN links

  1. Quick results – PBN links can provide quick results in terms of improved search engine rankings, especially for keywords that are not highly competitive.
  1. Control – With PBN links, you have complete control over the anchor text and the placement of the links, which can help you to target specific keywords.
  1. Cost-effective – PBN links are often cheaper than other link-building methods, such as guest posting or influencer outreach.

Disadvantages of PBN links

  1. Risk of penalization – One of the biggest disadvantages of PBN links is the risk of Google penalizing your website for participating in a network of sites designed to manipulate search engine rankings.
  1. Short-term success – While PBN links can provide quick results, they are only sustainable in the short term. When Google identifies your PBN links as manipulative, your website is demoted, or it could even be banned from the search results.
  1. Quality control – Maintaining the quality of an extensive network of PBN sites can be challenging, and there is a risk that low-quality or spammy links could be added to the network, which could harm your website’s reputation.

Should You Use PNB Backlinks?

While PBN backlinks may boost your website’s search engine ranking short term, their risks and consequences far outweigh the potential benefits.

A more sustainable and ethical approach to improving your website’s search engine ranking is creating high-quality, organic backlinks from reputable websites within the same industry or niche.


Whether you’re an experienced marketer or just starting, this article will equip you with valuable insights into the world of PBN backlinks and help you make an informed decision on the best approach for your website. Continue to read the FAQ section below for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do search engines detect PBN backlinks?

Search engines use algorithms to detect and evaluate the quality and relevance of websites and their backlinks. They can identify the quality of content on the PBN websites, and the algorithm is also very good at identifying link patterns.

2. How long does it take to see the results when using PBN backlinks?

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to give a specific time frame for seeing the results of using PBN backlinks as it varies depending on various factors, such as the competitiveness of your niche, the quality of the PBN backlinks you have acquired, and the overall strength of your website.

However, it generally takes several weeks to months to see noticeable improvements in your website’s search engine rankings.

3. Can I use PBN backlinks with other SEO strategies for better results?

No, it’s not recommended. Instead, focus on building a natural and sustainable backlink profile through creating high-quality content, earning natural links, and participating in link-building initiatives such as guest blogging or broken link building.

4. How can I build a sustainable and natural backlink profile?

Building a sustainable and natural backlink profile requires creating high-quality, relevant, and valuable content that other websites want to link to. Also, reach out to other websites in your niche and form partnerships. This helps you earn natural backlinks through guest posts, resource links, and collaborations.

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