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When Chuck found out his wife had been unfaithful, he recoiled into himself, rather than hating his partner. He knew he had never been as passionate as his wife wished he was, and he saw the ultimate betrayal as being largely his own fault. The negative feelings he experienced stayed with him for years and he even spent time in psychiatric care because he believed he was no longer whole without his wife.

The reason I recount the two stories I have chosen is to demonstrate that whenever any kind of hatred exists in the mind, the person feeling it extends their suffering. They can’t forgive. They can’t forget and, consequently, are stuck because a mind that cannot forgive and let go can never find inner peace.

Holding onto unhealthy thoughts also does something else. It triggers a reaction in your subconscious mind. If you hate someone and cannot forgive that person, each time that his/her name is mentioned, your subconscious mind records your response. This is a very negative response. The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between emotions but it does set you off into a vicious circle of negativity because that’s how it sees you as reacting when this name is mentioned.

There’s a very good way around this vicious circle and it takes a little bit of conscious effort on your part. If you can fool the subconscious mind into seeing things differently by forgiving the sin committed, you can start showing less reaction when that name comes up and your subconscious will record that your reaction is no longer negative. Then, move onward and don’t look back because looking back with regret only prolongs your agony and unhappiness.

It may sound fundamentally simple, but the reason it isn’t so simple is because you haven’t yet learned to let go. There’s a trick that you can try which was used by a doctor on a YouTube video on Neuro Linguistic Programming. It helps you to move forward. You need to prepare to do this and will need clown music in the background, so find something suitable on YouTube that you can play during the episode.

Then close your eyes and imagine your relationship from the last time that you met right through to the first time you met. The image should come in the form of a movie playing backwards, accompanied by the music that I suggested at the beginning. Now, try to think of that name and you will find that your thought processes are very different. That’s because you have something very different to think about that will help to retrain the subconscious to help you get through this situation. It may sound a little strange, but it really does work.


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