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Protecting your organization against attacks via the build system

Protecting your organization against attacks via the build system

Cédric Champeau

November 07, 2019

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  1. Cédric Champeau Gradle, Inc. Principal Software Engineer Dependency Management Team

    at Gradle Worked on performance, improving Java ecosystem support Former Groovy committer (wrote the static compiler) Illustration of the decorator pattern
  2. Supply chain attacks are no longer an hypothesis A supply-chain

    attack is an indirect attack which targets the tools, automatic software updates or supply chain in general, in order to introduce malicious code or dependencies into existing software, without the developer being aware. The consequence of those attacks may be catastrophic as they are easily unnoticed and usually scale out because of the end targets: mobile applications for example. There’s evidence of such attacks in the wild. Some are suspected to be issued from Nation State Actors.
  3. 18 malicious versions of 11 Ruby libraries code that launched

    hidden cryptocurrency mining operations https://www.zdnet.com/article/backdoor-code-found-in-11-ruby-libraries/
  4. “ the companies that distribute the code used by their

    targets https://www.wired.com/story/supply-chain-hackers-videogames-asus-ccleaner/#
  5. CCleaner/Asus/MS attack - CCleaner auto-update was hacked to install -

    Asus auto-update also hacked - Installed a backdoor (ShadowPad) on machines - Microsoft developer tools were maliciously modified likely by the same hackers - Game companies used the compromised dev tools to sign backdoored games https://www.wired.com/story/inside-the-unnerving-supply-chain-attack-that-corrupted-ccleaner/
  6. Build Tool: Potential attack vectors - Gradle/Maven distribution (and wrapper)

    - Plugins (via plugin portal or Maven Central) - Remote repositories - Dependencies - CI infrastructure - Local file system - Build cache / external services
  7. How to: compromise CI infrastructure ⬢ Create a pull request

    ⬢ Automatically build on CI (private or public farm) ⬢ Bitcoin all the things!
  8. Variant: Comproming OSS developer machines (example) 01 Submit a PR

    with compromised code (direct code, upgrade a plugin in the build, introduce a new one, upgrade the wrapper, edit a build script, …) 02 Developer checks out the code locally and runs test 03 Profit!
  9. Never “try out” PRs - First, look at code, all

    files - Don’t try directly on CI - Or even locally! - Be particularly picky on “obfuscated” upgrades (plugin versions, …)
  10. Pull request acceptance - Use CLAs (reduces the risks) -

    Perform light background verification of the author - Review first and when you think it’s ok - Check out the code - Test it - If on CI, use isolated, disposable build agents
  11. Signing your commits Git lets anyone use anyone’s identity Signing

    proves your identity Important for legal too (who contributed what)
  12. Improving CI security Disposable containers are a good idea for

    security, however: - They are bad for performance (extra downloads, no Gradle daemon, build bootstrapping, …) - A single vulnerability in a container may be enough to gain access to the host
  13. Mitigating performance issues The build cache makes it possible to

    reuse task outputs from different build agents. Needs secure connection between nodes. Doesn’t deal with dependency downloads (coming in future versions of Gradle 6)
  14. Our Commons: Maven Central / JCenter Contains millions of artifacts,

    mostly published as convenience binaries, together with: ⬢ MD5 checksums → unsafe ⬢ SHA1 checksums → no longer safe ⬢ ASC signatures → not always safe
  15. Checksums - A checksum guarantees the integrity of the artifact

    (if it’s safe…) - Gradle 6 publishes SHA256 and SHA512 - Repository checksums may be compromised too! - Use checksums from a different source (website) - Publish checksums separately on a different machine!
  16. Gradle wrapper checksum verification ⬢ Gradle wrapper will verify distribution

    checksums - On every invocation ⬢ But you need to manually check the wrapper checksum itself - To avoid a compromised wrapper! ⬢ Expected checksum is checked in - Using a compromised distribution requires access to the source repository distributionSha256Sum=371cb9fbebbe9880d147f59bab36d61eee122854ef8c9ee1ecf12b82368bcf10
  17. Signatures - A signature guarantees the origin of the artifact

    (if private key didn’t leak) - Commonly uses PGP - Harder for casual developers to check But: - Keys sometimes lost - Malicious authors can sign too - ASC files use checksums too!
  18. Verifying signatures with Gradle ⬢ Requires an external plugin -

    Gradle 6.x will provide built-in support for this ⬢ Can check plugin checksums/signatures too - in addition to regular dependencies ⬢ Doesn’t support checking metadata - pom.xml, .module, ... buildscript { dependencies { classpath("com.github.vlsi.gradle:checksum-dependency-plugin:1.35.0") { exclude("org.jetbrains.kotlin", "kotlin-stdlib") } } repositories { gradlePluginPortal() } }
  19. Verifying signatures with Maven ⬢ Requires an external plugin ⬢

    Doesn’t support checking metadata - pom.xml, .module, ... - See https://github.com/esamson/checksum-enforcer-rule
  20. A word about 3rd-party distributions - Gradle “official” Docker image

    is not endorsed by Gradle - Debian and other distributions are not official Gradle releases - They use different dependencies - They build their own! - But they pretend to be Gradle (same version number) - Please always prefer official releases (and Gradle wrapper if possible!)
  21. Inconsistent repositories Different repositories may contain different artifacts or metadata

    for a single release! e.g: org.eclipse.core.runtime:3.12.0 has different dependency versions between Central and JCenter!
  22. Malicious repositories Bintray had a vulnerability which allowed any user

    to publish dependencies on any GAV coordinates, shadowing any real dependency! Was used to abuse Android apps. See https://blog.autsoft.hu/a-confusing-dependency/
  23. Man In The Middle Attack 25% of Maven Central downloads

    are still using HTTP Gradle deprecates HTTP downloads and decommissions HTTP-based services (denied on January 15th, 2020) Also look at https://github.com/spring-io/nohttp
  24. GitHub package registry GitHub is offers custom packages publications, effectively

    allowing anyone to publish any module on a GitHub Maven repository. Trusting the source becomes extremely important! (Anonymous access may not be provided, though)
  25. Malicious repositories (Maven) Maven uses the declared repositories of all

    dependencies during resolution. Any repository can use the id of an existing one (try: central) As a consequence it’s easy to introduce malicious dependencies in any build!
  26. Repository filtering with Gradle ⬢ Know where your dependencies come

    from - Precisely tell Gradle what repository contains what dependency ⬢ Avoid leaking details about your organization - Avoids pinging external repositories for your internal coordinates! ⬢ Avoids ordering issues - Repositories can be listed in any order if they are mutually exclusive ⬢ Improves performance - No unnecessary lookups repositories { jcenter { content { includeGroup("junit") includeGroup("com.google.guava") } } maven { name = "myCompanyRepo" content { includeGroupByRegex("com\\.mycompany\\..*") } } }
  27. Dealing with vulnerable dependencies Dependency lifecycle doesn’t end at publication:

    - Bugs are discovered - Vulnerabilities are discovered - Bad metadata is published
  28. Using rich versions in Gradle ⬢ Rich versions - Allows

    more accurate model of why a dependency is needed ⬢ Graph wide - Opinions of transitive dependencies matter ⬢ Allows enriching the graph with new constraints - Consumers can tell something about transitives ⬢ Component metadata rules - For amending existing metadata dependencies { implementation("org.apache.commons:commons-compress") { version { strictly("[1.0, 2.0[") prefer("1.19") reject("1.15", "1.16", "1.17", "1.18") } because("Versions 1.15-1.18 have a CVE") } } Can be added dynamically
  29. Abusing external services Using Gradle build cache as an example:

    - Requires write access to the cache (so compromised machine or malicious employee) - Write custom client to write malicious output to the cache for a known key (SHA1) - Clients will download compromised entries
  30. Reproducible builds Any release should be reproducible byte to byte

    In practice many things can go wrong: - Dynamic dependencies (ranges, 1.+, latest, …) - Undeclared inputs - Timestamps/debug symbols/absolute paths/... - Dependencies removed from remote repositories - Compiler bugs - etc
  31. Different approaches to reproducibility The Apache Software Foundation™ way: -

    Only sources matter - Binaries (zip, jar, …) on Central or dist.apache.org are convenience - Trusting requires you to build from sources Bootstrapping problem: what about transitive dependencies?
  32. Different approaches to reproducibility The Google way: - Only sources

    matter - No binaries, ever - Single mono-repository What about reuse?
  33. We have to make compromises ⬢ Dependency locking - Make

    sure you can reuse the same versions later ⬢ Checksum verification - Binaries will not be compromised ⬢ Reproducible archives - Avoid timestamps, consistent ordering of archive entries, ... See https://reproducible-builds.org/ If multiple organizations can build the same binaries, byte to byte, from the same sources: - Reinforces trust - Improves build quality - Makes it harder to compromise A set of best practices:
  34. References ⬢ Small world with high risks: a study of

    security threats in the npm ecosystem ⬢ Want to take over the Java ecosystem? All you need is a MITM! ⬢ The NPM package that walked away with all your passwords ⬢ A Post-Mortem of the Malicious event-stream backdoor ⬢ Backdoor code found in 11 Ruby libraries ⬢ ESlint Postmortem for Malicious Packages Published on July 12th, 2018 ⬢ Inside the Unnerving CCleaner Supply Chain Attack