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Elixir and Ecto

Elixir and Ecto

Patrick Van Stee

October 03, 2013

More Decks by Patrick Van Stee

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  1. defmodule Hello do IO.puts "Before world defined" def world do

    IO.puts "Hello World" end IO.puts "After world defined" end Hello.world HELLO.EX
  2. # tuple { :a, :b, :c } # list [1,

    2, 3] [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] # record defrecord User, name: "", age: nil User.new(name: "Patrick", age: 25) TYPE.EX
  3. # assignment a = 1 # => 1 # matching

    1 = a # => 1 2 = a # => ** (MatchError) ... { ^a, b } = { 1, 2 } # b => 2 [head | _] = [1, 2, 3] # head => 1 PATTERN.EX
  4. case { 1, 2, 3 } do { 4, 5,

    6 } -> "This won't match" { 1, x, 3 } when x > 0 -> "This will match and assign x" _ -> "No match" end GUARD.EX
  5. current_pid = self spawn fn -> current_pid <- :hello end

    receive do :hello -> IO.puts "Hello World" end PROCESS.EX
  6. defmodule Stacker.Supervisor do use Supervisor.Behaviour def start_link(stack) do :supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, stack)

    end def init(stack) do children = [worker(Stacker.Server, [stack])] supervise children, strategy: :one_for_one end end SUPERVISOR.EX
  7. defmodule FindUser do import Ecto.Query def find_by_name(name) do query =

    from u in User, where: u.name == ^name, limit: 1 Repo.all(query) end end QUERY.EX
  8. defmodule Repo do use Ecto.Repo, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres def url do

    "ecto://user:pass@localhost/db" end end Repo.all(...) Repo.create(...) Repo.update(...) Repo.delete(...) REPO.EX
  9. defmodule User do use Ecto.Model queryable "user" do field :name,

    :string field :password, :string, default: "secret" has_many :projects, Project end end MODEL.EX
  10. def paginate(query, page, size) do extend query, limit: size, offset:

    (page - 1) * size end query = FindUser.find_by_state("GA") query |> paginate(1, 50) |> Repo.all PAGINATE.EX
  11. ?