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Ibrahim Ulukaya
Developer Programs Engineer

We at the Firebase office all enjoyed playing with Hanley Weng's "CoreML-in-ARKit" project. It displays 3D labels on top of images it detects in the scene. While the on-device detection provides a fast response, we wanted to build a solution that gave you the speed of the on-device model with the accuracy you can get from a cloud-based solution. Well, that's exactly what we built with our MLKit-ARKit project. Read on to find out more about how we did it!

This image takes a while to load, but it’s worth it.

How it all works

ML Kit for Firebase is a mobile SDK that enables developers to bring Google's machine learning (ML) expertise to their Android and iOS apps. It includes easy-to-use on-device and cloud-based Base APIs and also offers the ability to bring your own custom TFLite models.

ARKit is Apple's framework that combines device motion tracking, camera scene capture, advanced scene processing, and display conveniences to simplify the task of building an AR experience. You can use these technologies to create many kinds of AR experiences using either the back camera or front camera of an iOS device.

In this project we are pushing ARKit frames from the back camera into a queue. ML Kit processes these to find out the objects in that frame.

When the user taps the screen, ML Kit returns the detected label with the highest confidence. We then create a 3D bubble text and add it into the user's scene.

How ML Kit works

ML Kit makes ML easy for all mobile developers, whether you have experience in ML or are new to the space. For those with more advanced use cases, ML Kit allows you to bring your own TFLite models, but for more common use cases, you can implement one of the easy-to-use Base APIs. These APIs cover use cases such as text recognition, image labeling, face detection and more. We'll be using image labeling in our example.

Base APIs are available in two flavors: On-device and cloud-based. The on-device APIs are free to use and run locally, while the cloud-based ones provide higher accuracy and more precise responses. Cloud-based Vision APIs are free for the first 1000/API calls and paid after that. They provide the power of full-sized models from Google's Cloud Vision APIs.

Hybrid approach

We are using the ML Kit on-device image labeling API to get a live feed of results while keeping our frame rate steady at 60fps. When the user taps the screen we fire up an async call to the Cloud image labeling API with the current image. When we get a response from this higher accuracy model, we update the 3D label on the fly. So while we are continuously running the on-device API and using its result as the initial source of information, the higher accuracy Cloud API is called on-demand and its results replaces on-device label eventually.

Which result to show?

While the on-device API is real-time with all the processing happening locally, the Cloud Vision API makes a network request to the Google Cloud backend, leveraging a larger, higher accuracy model. Once the response arrives, we replace the label provided by the on-device API with the result from Cloud Vision API.

Try it yourself!

1. Clone the project

$ git clone https://github.com/FirebaseExtended/MLKit-ARKit.git

2. Install the pods and open the .xcworkspace file to see the project in Xcode.

  1. $ cd MLKit-ARKit
  2. $ pod install --repo-update
  3. $ open MLKit-ARKit.xcworkspace

3. To set up the Firebase ML Kit in the sample app:

  1. Follow these instructions for adding Firebase to your app.
  2. Make sure to specify "com.google.firebaseextended.MLKit-ARKit" as the iOS project bundle ID.
  3. Download the GoogleService-Info.plist file generated as part of adding Firebase to your app.
  4. In Xcode, add the GoogleService-Info.plist file to your app, next to Info.plist.

At this point, the app should work using the on-device recognition.

4. (Optional) To set up Cloud Vision API in the sample app:

  1. Switch your Firebase project to the Blaze plan
    Only Blaze-level projects can use the Cloud Vision APIs. Follow these steps to switch your project to the Blaze plan and enable pay-as-you-go billing.
    1. Open your project in the Firebase console.
    2. Click on the MODIFY link in the lower left corner next to the currently selected Spark plan.
    3. Select the Blaze plan and follow the instructions in the Firebase Console to add a billing account.

      ★ The cloud label detection feature is still free for first 1000 uses per month. Click here to see additional pricing details.

  2. Go to the ML Kit section of the Firebase console and enable the "Cloud Based APIs" toggle at the top.

At this point, the app should update labels with more precise results from the Cloud Vision API.

David East
Developer Advocate

Firebase launched over six and a half years ago as a database, but since then we've grown into a platform of eighteen (18!!) products. And over the last year we've announced a number of new features to help you build better apps and grow your business. We also infused Firebase with more machine learning super-power, so you can make your apps smarter, and matured the platform, so Firebase works better for developers at large, sophisticated enterprises.

Since the end of the year is a great time for top-ten lists, we were going to cap off the year with our own "Top Ten List of Firebase launches." But, then, we realized we had more than ten launches we wanted to talk about, and we really don't like playing favorites. So instead, here's our "Thirteen Firebase Launches In No Particular Order Because They're All Great In Their Own Way" list for 2018. Enjoy!

13. ML Kit democratizes machine learning

At Google I/O, we launched one of our most exciting features of 2018: ML Kit for Firebase, a machine learning SDK for Android and iOS. ML Kit lets you add the power of machine learning to your app, without needing an advanced degree in neutral networks. It provides a number of out-of-the-box solutions for performing tasks like recognizing text in images, labeling objects in photos, or detecting faces. And it will also let you use custom models, for those of you who are into building your own. (Bespoke artisanal neural networks are big among hipster data scientists these days.)

12. In-App Messaging helps with customer engagement

Notifications are a great way to get latent users back into your app, but how do you communicate with active users who are actively using your app? In 2018, we launched Firebase In-App Messaging to help you send targeted and contextual message to users who are actively using your app. In-app messages are a great way to encourage app exploration and discovery, and guide users towards discovering new features in your product, or working their way towards that important conversion event.

11. New REST APIs make task automation easier

At Firebase, we're big fans of building scripts to make our lives easier; whether that's to automate common tasks, or to perform custom logic. To help with that goal, we launched three new REST APIs that you can use to automate your life (at least from a Firebase perspective). The Firebase Management API is great for automating tasks like creating new projects, the Remote Config REST API can be useful for customizing the way you update Remote Config values, and the Firebase Hosting API can be used to automatically upload certain files to your site.

Recently, StackBlitz and Glitch used the Management API to build integrations that allow you to deploy projects directly to Firebase Hosting. Start a project, write some code, click a few buttons, and voila! You've deployed your Firebase project to the web!

10. Performance Monitoring graduates to general availability

Good performance is one of the key factors for creating a great user experience. Firebase Performance Monitoring automatically collects performance metrics where it matters the most: the real world.

This year, Performance Monitoring graduated from beta into general availability. Along the way, we added helpful new features like an issue feed in the dashboard to highlight important performance problems your users are encountering. We've also added session view support for network class and traces, which lets you dig deeper into an individual session of a trace, so you see attributes and events that happened leading up to a performance issue.

9. Predictions also graduates to general availability!

We also released Firebase Predictions into GA. Predictions uses machine learning to intelligently segment users based on their predicted future behavior. Along the way, we added health indicators and evaluation criteria to every prediction, so you can better understand how reliable a prediction is, as well as the data being used to make it. We also integrated Predictions with BigQuery, so you have more control over your data.

Getting started with Predictions is as easy as flipping a switch in the console. We predict you're going to love it! (Sorry.)

8. Cloud Functions graduates to general availability! Everybody goes GA!

The general availability party keeps on going! Cloud Functions hit GA and we also released a new version of the SDK. The new SDK adds "callable" functions that make it much easier to call server functions from the client, especially if your function requires authentication.

Cloud Functions also released a brand new library, firebase-functions-test, to simplify unit testing functions. This library takes care of the necessary setup and teardown, allowing easy mocking of test data. So in addition to simple standalone tests, you can now write tests that interact with a development Firebase project and observe the success of actions like database writes.

7. Test Lab gets testier! (But in a good way)

Firebase Test Lab went cross-platform in 2018 by adding support for iOS. Now you can write and run tests on real iOS devices running in our data centers. Test Lab supports ten models of iPhones and iPads running seven different versions of iOS, including iOS 12.

Test Lab also launched a number of improvements to Robo, a tool which runs fully automated tests on Android devices. Testing games is now easier, thanks to 'monkey actions' (which can randomly click on your screen), and game loops (which perform pre-scripted actions). You can also customize Robo better now, in case you need to sign-in at the start of your app or add intelligent text to a search field.

6. New emulators for Firestore and Realtime Database make testing easier

Continuing the theme of testing, in 2018, we launched emulators for Firestore and the Realtime Database, so you can more easily unit test your security rules and incorporate them into a continuous integration environment. These emulators run locally and allow you to test your security rules offline so you can be confident before deploying to production. We also created a testing library that simplifies your test code.

5. Stackdriver integrations enable better logging and monitoring

From the beginning, Cloud Functions has tightly integrated important usage metrics with Stackdriver, Google Cloud's powerful monitoring service. To deepen our integration further, we linked the Realtime Database with Stackdriver. You can now see even more metrics than the Firebase console provides, such as load broken down by operation type and information about your downloaded bytes.

The real power of this integration is to set up alerts on metrics or errors so you can detect and respond to issues before your customers notice them.

4. BigQuery integrations give you more control of your data

Sometimes the reporting dashboards in the Firebase console don't give you the level of granularity or specific data slice that you need. That's where BigQuery - Google Cloud's data warehouse - and Data Studio - Google Cloud's data visualization tool - come into play.

We've given you the ability to export your Analytics data to BigQuery for a while now. This year, we added integrations with Predictions and Crashlytics, so you can export even more of your Firebase data into one central warehouse. Learn more about using Firebase and BigQuery together here.

3. Cloud Firestore works better for sophisticated enterprises

Cloud Firestore is our next generation database with many of the features you've come to love from the Realtime Database, combined with the scale and sophistication of the Google Cloud Platform. Over the course of 2018, we've launched a number of improvements to Firestore, to make it better suited for complex enterprises.

We also added some nice features along the way -- we expanded offline support for the web SDK from one browser tab to multiple. We've added better support for searching documents by the contents of their arrays. And we added multiple new locations where you can store your Firestore data: Frankfurt, Germany and South Carolina, USA. (We'll be adding even more locations in 2019.)

2. The Firebase console becomes even easier to use

The Firebase console is a crucial part of the Firebase workflow for just about any team. We spent a lot of time in 2018 making the console better than ever. Here's a few things we added:

  • Security Rules simulator for Cloud Firestore
  • Redesigned notifications dashboard
  • Version history for Security Rules
  • Remote Config change history
  • Filtering and sorting of Firestore documents
  • Code-completion in the Security Rules editor
  • Performance insights to surface issues across your app

These features make you more productive and confident in your app's security and performance. We can't wait to add more to the console in 2019!

1. Firebase support arrives in Google Cloud

For a while now, we've been hearing from some of you that you'd like an option to get enterprise-grade support for Firebase. To address that request, we added support for Firebase to our Google Cloud Platform (GCP) support packages, available in beta right now.

If you already have a paid GCP support package, our beta will let you get your Firebase questions answered through the GCP support channel - at no additional charge. When this new support graduates to general availability, it will include target response times, technical account management (for enterprise tier), and more. You can learn more about GCP support here.

If you're planning to stick with Firebase's free support, don't worry - we don't plan to change anything about our existing support model. Please continue to reach out to our friendly support team for help as needed!

Happy New Year!

It's been a great year, so we're going to take a little time with friends and family before we hit the ground running in January. However you celebrate the end of your year, we hope your December is full of happiness and relaxation. And if it happens to be full of building mobile or web apps, we hope you use Firebase! Happy building!

Todd Kerpelman
Developer Advocate

Hi, there, Firebase developers! We wanted to let you know about some important changes coming your way from Google Analytics for Firebase that will affect how we help you measure user engagement and sessions. This might also affect any BigQuery queries you might have written, so let's get right into the changes, shall we?

What's changing with sessions?

Up until now, sessions were measured using the following formula:

  • Google Analytics for Firebase would trigger a session_start event if there was no current session, and the app was in the foreground for more than 10 seconds
  • A session would be considered completed when more than 30 minutes had passed since the app was in the foreground
    • This meant that if a user used your app for a little while, briefly switched to another app to respond to a chat message, then switched back to your app, that would still count as one session.
    • Both of these time values could be configured locally on the client
    • If you wanted to group events by session in BigQuery, you'd essentially need to do that manually. That is, you'd need to select all events for the same pseudo_user_id that occurred 10 seconds before a session_started event, and keep going until you hit a 30 minute gap. As you might expect, grouping events by session was a not-very-fun experience for BigQuery developers.

With the latest version of the Firebase SDK, we're going to be changing how a session is measured. Specifically:

  • Google Analytics for Firebase will trigger a session_start event as soon as your app goes into the foreground now. There's no more 10 second delay.
  • Like before, a session is considered finished when more than 30 minutes has passed since your app was in the foreground…
    • ...except that you can now add an extend_session parameter to any event which tells Analytics that, even if this event is triggered in the background, this event is considered part of an active session. This is useful if you have an app that people frequently use in the background, like a music or navigation app.
    • We will now add new properties to nearly every event that let you know what session they were in. Specifically, you'll now have a ga_session_id parameter which is a unique identifier for the session, and a monotonically increasing ga_session_number parameter to help you count the number of sessions for this user.

So, what do all of these changes mean?

In the Firebase console, the biggest change you'll notice is that your app will have more sessions, because we'll be counting instances where users interact with your app for less than ten seconds. This also means that any kind of "average some_event per session" stat will decrease, since the number of sessions is going up.

On the BigQuery side of things, these new event parameters will make your life a whole lot easier. Analyzing anything by session should be really straightforward now -- you just need to group them by ga_session_id. So calculating your own "average xxx per session" values will be a lot easier in BigQuery.

For example, here's a query where we calculate how many level_complete_quickplay events an average user generates per session:

SELECT AVG(total_quickplays) as average_quickplays_per_session FROM (
  SELECT COUNT(event_name) as total_quickplays,
    (SELECT value.string_value FROM UNNEST (event_params) WHERE key = 
      "ga_session_id") as session_id
    FROM `firebase-public-project.analytics_153293282.events_xxxxxxxx` 
  WHERE event_name = "level_complete_quickplay"
  GROUP BY session_id
  HAVING session_id IS NOT NULL

And if you want to figure out, say, how many sessions it typically takes before somebody makes a purchase, you can do that by analyzing the ga_session_number parameter.

What's changing with user engagement?

In the past, Firebase measured total user engagement by recording the amount of time your user spent with the app in the foreground and then sending down those values (as incremental measurements) as user_engagement events. You could then calculate the total amount of time a user spent within your app by adding up the values of the engagement_time_msec parameter that were sent with each of these events.

These user_engagement events were typically sent when a user a) Sent your app into the background, b) Switched screens, c) Crashed, or d) Used your app for an hour. As a result, it was very common to see user_engagement events sent alongside events like app_exception or screen_view events. To the point where we asked ourselves, "Why are we sending down all these extra events? Why not just send engagement time as a parameter with these other events we're already generating?"

And so that's exactly what we're going to do, starting in early 2019. You will still occasionally see separate user_engagement events, but you will also start seeing engagement_time_msec parameters added to other events automatically generated by Google Analytics for Firebase. We're going to start with screen_view, first_open and app_exception events, but you might see them added to other events in the future.

What do these changes mean to you?

On the Firebase console, nothing should change. Your app might end up using a little less data, since you're no longer sending down so many separate user_engagement events, but otherwise, nothing else should look different.

On the BigQuery side of things, you'll need to alter your queries slightly if you were calculating important metrics by filtering for user_engagement events. If you were, you'll need to alter those queries by looking for events that contain an engagement_time_msec parameter.

For example, here's a query that calculates the total user_engagement time for each user by summing up the engagement_time_msec parameter for user_engagement events. This might work today, but it will be inaccurate in the future.

SELECT SUM(engagement_time) AS total_user_engagement 
  SELECT user_pseudo_id, 
    (SELECT value.int_value FROM UNNEST(event_params) WHERE key = 
      "engagement_time_msec") AS engagement_time
  FROM `firebase-public-project.analytics_153293282.events_20181003` 
  WHERE event_name = "user_engagement"
GROUP BY user_pseudo_id

So here's that same query, modified to look for all events that might have a engagement_time_msec parameter

SELECT SUM(engagement_time) AS total_user_engagement 
  SELECT user_pseudo_id, 
    (SELECT value.int_value FROM UNNEST(event_params) WHERE key = 
      "engagement_time_msec") AS engagement_time
  FROM `firebase-public-project.analytics_153293282.events_20181003` 
WHERE engagement_time > 0
GROUP BY user_pseudo_id

The nice thing about that second query is that it works both with the old way of measuring user engagement and the new one, so you can modify your BigQuery queries today, and everything will still work just fine when the new changes go into effect.

Update: Well, it took a little longer than planned, but this feature launched in April of 2020. If you've been using this second BigQuery query all along, then congratulations! Everything should continue working as before. If not, well, there's no better time to switch over.

We hope that these changes make your life a little easier in the long run, and offer only a minimal amount of disruption in the short term. In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out on StackOverflow, or any of our official support forums.

Happy analyzing!