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Starting with why

Fragmentation, silos and proprietary technologies provide an opportunity to consolidate, connect and open governments to ultimately become more efficient, engaged, transparent and innovative.

Our vision

A world where governments become more open, more connected and more consolidated. For the citizen. For industry. For the public servant. For the tax payer. For the community.

More open

More open by building open data platforms, open APIs and open source technologies to facilitate transparency, co-creation and co-innovation with citizens, other government jurisdictions and industry.

More connected

More connected with citizens by building tools and technology to better digitally engage. More connected with each other by advocating collaboration and bringing government and jurisdictions together.

More consolidated

More consolidated by designing, building, maintaining and scaling whole-of-government common platforms that address fragmentation across technology, people, process and digital experience.

A problem worth solving

Fragmentation, silos and proprietary technologies provide an opportunity to consolidate, connect and open governments to ultimately become more efficient, engaged, transparent and innovative.

Massive fragmentation

Many government platforms, technologies, services and processes are fragmented. Consequently, user experiences are fragmented, creating confusion, frustration and inefficiencies for the citizen.

Separate silos

Many governments and jurisdictions are working in silos trying to solve the same problems separately. This leads to waste and prohibits the co-creation of solutions that can be truly world-class.

Proprietary technologies

The historic prevalence of proprietary technologies in government has led to vendor lock-in and a high total cost of ownership. This prohibits innovation and increases the risk of stagnation.

Who benefits?

Many people and groups benefit when governments become more open, more connected and more consolidated.

The citizen

The citizen is the ultimate benefactor when governments are more open, more connected and more consolidated. Information and services are easy to find and easy to understand. Citizen user experiences are elegant, intuitive and consistent.


Governments become more open by opening up their datasets, making the datasets more accessible with open APIs, and building solutions with open source technology. This allows industries to co-create and co-innovate with government in economically sustainable ways.

The public servant

Public servants benefit because consolidated platforms make their jobs easier, consistent and more transferable. Consolidated and managed platforms take away the burden of hosting, security, resilience, compliance, performance, maintenance and scale. This allows public servants to focus on delivering quality digital services and information to citizens.

The tax payer

Optimising and consolidating platforms, processes and user experiences translates to greater efficiencies. Greater efficiencies create greater savings for the government and thus greater value for the tax payer.

The community

Many communities benefit when governments are more open, connected and consolidated. Open source communities benefit by having governments adopt, advocate, co-contribute and co-innovate open source solutions. Civilisations as a whole benefit when governments open source their data and services, build on the pioneers before them, contribute back and collaborate to let others make it even better again.

Projects with purpose

Through our projects, we contribute to the GovTech, civic tech and open data movements to help government become more open, more connected and more consolidated.

Who else cares and a movement to follow

Below are some key initiatives, authorities and influencers here and overseas.

D9 — pioneers in digital government

D9 consists of nine digital pioneering countries — Canada, Estonia, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom and Uruguay. All working together to share knowledge, work on joint projects and leverage each other’s success. Currently, D9 has four focus areas: digital ID, digital rights, artificial intelligence and data 360°.

National Action Plan 2020

More open through innovation, open data and common platforms. Australia's National Action Plan covers eight commitments that aim to deliver on the open government movement, including digital innovation and open data. The Action Plan is 'owned' by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and submitted every two years to the Open Government Partnership — a global initiative.

Digital Service Platforms Strategy

The Digital Transformation Agency's Digital Service Platforms Strategy provides a whole-of-government approach across six key areas, including using technology and data to connect and unify government services.

Australian Digital Council

The Australian Digital Council (ADC) brings together federal and state governments to align and progress public data and digital transformation in Australia. Its main role is to “improve the use of public sector data and develop better digital services for people and businesses…”

Connect with us

Connect with us to share your purpose and learn if we can collaborate to make government more open, more connected and more consolidated together.

Contact us