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First Look: Pwnage for 2.0

Veni. Vidi. Pwni. My iPhone has been updated to 2.0-pwnage, I have installed Open SSH and successfully run programs outside the official Apple boundaries. Without getting into details (I hope to do a live chat tomorrow, along with several other developers), I'd rate the new 2.0 Pwnage software as "for dedicated hackers only".

If you're a casual jailbreaker, or looking to simply unlock your iPhone, you probably want to wait for another week for the bugs to be ironed out of the system and the software to become more stable. The iPhone dev team have done a fabulous job as a first approach -- especially under the huge pressure and time constraints they've been subjected to -- but it's still not "ready for Grandma".

Be aware that a 3G unlock is not part of the current pwnage tool. You can still unlock first generation iPhones though. Jailbreak supports every platform: 3G, 1st Gen and iPod touches.

I'm heading off to bed right now so I've only had a few hours to play. 2.0 from the command line seems both slow and clunky, with a noticeable lag after running even just an "ls" command. In contrast, Applications run more sprightly. (Sprightlier?) They launch quickly and in the case of AppFlow (which was rejected from AppStore) with peppier interface interaction.

The Cydia software, a 2.0-ready Installer.app alternative, seems solid. I had no problems downloading OpenSSH and getting it going. Cydia provides several system optimization features that allow you to relocate space-consuming elements from the limited system partition into the more open user partition. Cydia assumes a more command-line friendly audience than Installer.app did and many of its features are best accessed from the shell.

All in all, it's nice to finally be back home on the phone.


iPod Family iPhone

Veni. Vidi. Pwni. My iPhone has been updated to 2.0-pwnage, I have installed Open SSH and successfully run programs outside the official...

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I used pwnage to jailbreak my phone and initially everything was working well, app store apps and cydia apps coexisted today. All of a sudden today app store apps stopped working. They crash whenever I try to launch them and it's happening to all of them. I have restored the entire phone but it's still doing the same thing. Any ideas?

August 17 2008 at 1:44 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

I i pwnage my iphone 2g just to unlock it from at&t do i have to install the installer or can i untick and still unlock the iphone
Thanks Tom

August 13 2008 at 4:36 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

so i was able to get this installed and working....well....not really working. after everything was restored, i can no longer use wifi on my ipod touch. that's a pretty big problem.

signal is strong, is working on my laptop, but the ipod touch keeps timing out. i tried removing the network and reconnecting, and that didn't work.

anyone else having these problems or have any ideas of what to do??

July 21 2008 at 10:59 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

I'm just wanting to get SSH capability out of my iphone, with pre 2.0 I loved having a fully functioning terminal on my phone, I could SSH into my linux servers on the go =)

July 21 2008 at 4:51 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
vijay kate

sure would appreciate any advice here-
i'm getting a free hand-me-down 1st gen iphone. it was bought unlocked from china right in the begining, unlocking method's unknown, and still running 1.1.1 :-( does show up in itunes on my mac, but there's squat i can do with it. any idea how to upgrade firmware/jailbreak without bricking it?

July 21 2008 at 12:47 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

For anyone interested in disabling EDGE on iPhone 2.0 Software: I found a quite easy way to do it using configuration profiles. You can read more about it on my blog post:

July 20 2008 at 8:33 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

I will say, it _would_ be nice if they were to simply put a checkbox into the UI for folks who have a standard AT&T iPhone and would like to keep it that way. Because, for someone who really doesn't even need to know what a bootloader is, it'd be good UI design to keep them from having to make a decision based on such knowledge. "If you wish to unlock your iPhone, check this box." Is there any other reason (besides unlocking) that I'd want to use BootNeuter?

July 20 2008 at 7:54 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

Ok. I tried manually putting my iPhone into DFU mode, because Pwnage kept giving me the DFU error. Then, after successfully putting it into DFU mode manually, Pwnage kept giving me the instructions, instead of realizing that it was already in DFU mode. I decided to Restore it in iTunes, but this gave me the 1600 error. I continued to try this, and eventually iTunes stopped recognizing my phone. Currently, my phone is stuck in DFU mode and cannot be restored by iTunes, as it doesn't see it. There seems to be no way to get my iPhone out of DFU mode without iTunes or Pwnage. Any ideas.

July 20 2008 at 5:18 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
1 reply to Mediakid's comment
Che Allen

I was getting the error 1600 message as well. You will have to get your phone into the recovery mode which is different than the DFU mode. The recovery mode has the connect to iTunes graphic on the screen. First to get your phone out of DFU mode hold down both the home and power key until you see the apple logo. This will restart your phone. Once it has restarted power off the phone and disconnect the cable from the phone. Hold down the home key while reconnecting the cable. Don't release until it you go into recovery mode. Hold down the Option key and click on restore to select you ipsw. Now you are back in business. :-)

July 21 2008 at 1:44 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

Erica - are you actually going to use it as a phone? Or complain again that the phone is bad because your hands are too small and you don't know how to use a headset?

Please make your posts smaller on the main page, and save the egregious basking-in-your-own-self-hacker-love for after the jump.

July 20 2008 at 3:02 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
1 reply to jeff's comment
Robert Nienburg

haha, I remember that.

July 21 2008 at 2:02 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

Be forewarned....this is not a simple process. It's not difficult either. I ran into a few snags, but was able to work through them. #1. Pwnage might not be able to put your phone in DFU mode. That's okay, you'll get a screen that says failed. Just exit out, fire up iTunes and put the phone into DFU manually; then restore to the custom firmware. Also, make sure you have the new folder created, ~/library/iTunes/Device Support, and nothing is in that folder.

FYI DFU mode is different from recovery mode. DFU mode, the screen looks off. Recovery mode will show a picture of you needing to plug into iTunes.

July 20 2008 at 2:23 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
1 reply to J's comment

How do I create ~/library/iTunes/Device Support directory in Windows. Where is the "Library" directory?

August 24 2008 at 5:49 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

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