Unable to remove site

  • Hi,

    I want to remove this site (it was only a temporary test environment).

    However, it shows the error message ‘We are still in the process of removing your previous plan. Please check back in a few minutes and you’ll be able to delete your site.’.

    I came back after a few days, but it still gives me the error. Could you help me?

    Best regards,


    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • To do this, we’ll need to downgrade the site testspeakap2.wpcomstaging.com first. To downgrade the site, we must confirm that you understand:

    1. Any content (pages, posts, media, comments, etc.) added after adding outside themes and plugins will be lost.
    2. Any custom content created by plugins and themes will not be carried over.
    3. Plugins and third-party themes can no longer be used.
    4. The site will revert to using the old theme.

    Once we revert the site, you’ll be able to delete the site by following the steps here (this is not something we can do for you): https://wordpress.com/support/delete-site/

    We can proceed once you’ve confirmed. Thanks!

  • Hi, Yes I understand, please downgrade the website. (I already downgraded my plan online, but apparently this didn’t work?)

  • Hi, Yes I understand, please downgrade the website. (I already downgraded my plan online, but apparently this didn’t work?)

  • @b99htest Downgrading the plan does not revert the site from a plugin-enabled site; this is only something WordPress.com Staff can do for you.

    I’ve taken care of it and reverted the site for you. Now, you can delete the site by following this guide: https://wordpress.com/support/delete-site/

    If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

  • Hi, It worked now, thank you.

Reply to Unable to remove site