Best Practices & Community Standards

  • Welcome to the official public support community for the sites, products, and services hosted by! Here you can search for answers, ask for help, and give back by helping other community members.

    Best Practices

    • Focus on Questions and Solutions: Use a clear title for your topic, and keep comments succinct and relevant. If you have another unrelated question, consider starting a new thread in the most relevant forum.  Do not start multiple threads for the same issue. Do search first to see if your question has already been answered.
    • Be mindful of privacy: Public forums are indexed by search engines, so do not share sensitive details related to passwords, payments, or contact information. Email addresses shared here will only be visible to staff. Information posted in our forums will only be deleted at staff’s discretion if it presents a valid security or personal safety concern.
    • Be patient: For faster help, do not reply to yourself or flood a topic with several responses. Wait for a reply, and we’ll get to you soon.
    • Need staff help? If you are logged into an account with an upgraded plan, you can access direct support. Otherwise, add a modlook tag to your topic — here’s how.
    • Other help: For help with your own installation at other hosts, use the forums.
    • Use of AI: Please check this post about the use of Artificial Intelligence in our forums.

    Community Standards
    We may temporarily or permanently suspend forum privileges for accounts that do not comply with our terms of servicevolunteer guidelines, or these community standards:

    • Be respectful: Be friendly, patient, and encouraging to all members of our community. Name-calling, accusations, harassment, and other abuse toward the community or staff will not be tolerated. If you run into abuse or other behavior that undermines our community, please add a “modlook” tag for staff attention. Do not ask non-staff community members to contact you privately.
    • No advertising: Please maintain a community-focused approach – the forums are not a venue for unsolicited advertisements, affiliate links, or any form of direct promotion, including profile images, which should be promotion and encoding-free. Posts should aim to enrich discussions, provide help, or seek genuine feedback rather than drive traffic or sales. Any posts deemed promotional or spam-like in nature will be moderated to keep our community helpful and spam-free.
    • Want to help? Thank you! Our volunteer guidelines have great tips. Be sure to double-check your answers for accuracy, including any links and attributions. This is especially important if you’re using AI assistance, which tends to invent links and imply it is staff. Avoid any images or phrasing that could cause other users to confuse you with staff. And as always, add a Modlook tag if you’re in doubt. Thank you again for being part of our community!

    Note this list is not exhaustive; every case is judged on its own merits.

    Helpful Links:

    Getting help in the forums
    Advanced Troubleshooting
    Support in other languages

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